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Berlin Crisis Research Paper

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In the 1950’s prior to the wall being built, refugees were flooding the boarder at the rate of 100,000 or more per year. Approximately 1.6 million people had migrated from the east to the west for freedom and for a chance at a better more quality filled life. Most of the immigrants were well educated professional people and also students. By the year of 1959 the number of immigrants had increased to around 200,000 per year. Due to the considerable increase, the Soviet Union Premier Khrushchev issued an ultimatum of six months to agree to withdraw from Berlin and make it free. By 1959 the Soviet Union had withdrawn its deadline, and engaged in a three month long session to try to come …show more content…
Early in the summer of 1961 President Walter Ulbricht of East Germany worked on persuading the Soviet Union to come to an immediate resolution, sharing that it was the only way to stop the exodus. The resolution he suggested involved using force. German troops were forbade to enter into Berlin, yet it was a free travel zone at that time. It is unknown as to who made the actual decision to build the wall.
The East half of Berlin had become communist, and the West have was still free.
Approximately 32,000 engineer and combat troops built the Berlin Wall, and the Soviet was present to make sure their was no interference from the West. After the wall had been completed the troops maintained security and improved the barrier. The wall was made of barbed wire and concrete. It was 110 miles into the Soviet Union zone.
The Cold War By John Lewis …show more content…
It was none the less an extraordinarily calibrated confrontation. Truman, determined to avoid a military showdown, rebuffed advice to send in armed convoys, and Stalin refrained from attacking the allied aircraft. Even when Truman announced the dispatch of sixty B-29’s to Great Britain. The U.S issued no direct threat against Moscow. Cold war mythology has also stressed the privations and stoicism of the Berlin Berliners, who none the less received ample food and fuel from the local black market and from their eastern

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