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Best Financials Ltd


Submitted By aditya143
Words 289
Pages 2
BEST FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 1. Perform a size- up of the industry. Identify the threats or opportunities. 2. Analyze Best Financial’s strengths and weaknesses. How will these corporate capabilities affect the growth strategy? 3. Complete a consumer analysis and analyze Best Financial’s client base. 4. Prepare and analyze the company’s statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2007. 5. Prepare and analyze the relevant financial ratios for Best Financial. 6. Qualitatively assess the option of hiring a new advisor. Complete a differential analysis for this option. 7. Qualitatively assess the option of buying a block of business. Complete a differential analysis for this option. 8. Develop a promotional plan for Best to implement in the next fiscal year.

After the loss of a top client, regardless of her expansion plan, Best planned to increase marketing costs in the subsequent fiscal year to $13,000. Marketing in financial services industry is very different from marketing done for consumer goods and services.

The biggest difference was that the clients did not choose a financial planner based on advertisement. New client leads came mainly through word of mouth and referrals from current clients. Thus it was clear that

Best Financial’s clients were spread over a large range in age from 19 to 88 years. However, the largest group of clients was between 36 and 50 years old. Moreover, more than fifty percent of its clients had assets totaling less than $20,000. Client newsletter(1200 copies and postage) | 1300 | Client event (one event) | 1600 | Referral contest (includes prize) | 2500 | Radio feature | 7500 | Website update and maintenance | 900 | Newspaper advertisement | 175 | | 13975 |

9. Prepare a projected statement of earnings and balance sheet for the year ended December 31,

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