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Beyonce: A Feminist Analysis

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I do believe that feminism has an "image problem." According to all of the women that I've talked to who don't identity as a feminist but hold feminist beliefs, there is clearly negativity surrounding feminism. I think the primary reasons for this image problem is that feminism is inherently subversive. Although wanting equality today seems like a given, gender equality used to be a radical stance--one that was continually disputed and argued against, as seen in the need for Mary Wollstonecraft's book discussed in Feminism (in a nutshell). Keeping that in mind, historically, why then would people--especially men--want to support feminism when their power, worldview, and privilege would be challenged? By portraying feminism as something irrational, overly-emotional, or unreasonable, people could avoid any critical thinking about the sociology behind their actions and society and continue to perpetuate those negative stereotypes. …show more content…
However, I do think it prevents people from coming together over their similar beliefs. As we saw in Betty Friedan to Beyonce, feminists have many different definitions of feminism, but sharing that identity allows so many interesting, important conversations to take place. By not identifying as a feminist while believing feminist principles, it creates a divide between people with similar beliefs, when we all need to come together on this issue in order to create

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