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Human Enhancement Analysis

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Darwin's theory of natural selection states that there will always be competition, whether a person naturally has better eyesight than another, or one just so happens to be smarter with a more elastic and a quicker processing brain, there will always be someone else who can one-up you. That is the gamble of genetics. But for those who can afford it, they can fix and advance what genetics could not offer them in the first place. This is human enhancement.
More specifically, human enhancement can be defined as a change made to an individual that will better themselves mentally or physically. Human enhancement technology can be used to treat diseases and disabilities, but can also be able to advance normal functions giving individuals with sometimes …show more content…
The biggest impact HETs can have on advancing the human race is our life expectancy. Before 1500 A.D. life expectancy for a human would rarely surpass the age of 30 (Basaraba). In contrast, in modern day it’s normal to assume that a person will reach their 70s thanks to the advancement in nutrition and medicine. As technology advances and continues to improve our nutrition, while reduce obesity and disease we can safely assume that the life expectancy rate will only increase once again. However, what this means for the human race altogether is that we will have more time. Whether it be more time to spend time with friends and family, more time to enjoy life, even to having more time to work on experiments and discovering new secrets the world as in store. With an extended lifespan each individual has more potential to discover something that could benefit humankind such as a cure to cancer or engineering a more fuel efficient vehicle. In Caplan’s essay, "Is it wrong to try to improve human nature?" the argument of naturalistic fallacies are then brought up and how although one might want to do something there is no guarantee that they know what they can actually do. He states that, "…limits exist in nature - regardless of whether we want to overcome the limits," (Caplan 33). In other words, …show more content…
Since many individuals believe that changing yourself by the use of surgery or medication is on the same level as playing God, they are against it. The opposing arguments of human enhancement would believe that those who go under the knife in order to alter themselves in some way, “represent a king of hyper agency—a promethean aspiration to remake nature” (Sandel 5). Sandel states here about the worries of how human enhancement is a tool in order to remake nature and change the way everything was developed. The old saying of “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” may be a strong belief of those who are against human enhancement. However, human nature is not perfect and is nowhere near perfection. This leads to the thousands of hereditary diseases and defects that are inevitable to many. These disabilities affect an individual’s life greatly and sometimes are severe enough to deprive them of a normal life. The use of HETs have treated and improved the quality of life for countless people by giving them prosthetic limbs and by numbing the pain of these diseases. John Niman, an Affiliate Scholar, states that, “… ‘disabled’ people (at least physically speaking) will cease to exist. While it is true that people will likely continue to lose limbs … these people will be able to replace their lost or defective biological limbs with technological analogues that work just as well.” The use of HETs will be able to

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