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Beyond Religion Analysis

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I found a lot of topics in class to be very interesting and found it very hard to choose just one that impacted me the most. Our first in-class writing on Beyond Religion, you chose a passage where the Dalai Lama writes, “It is certainly not my intention to make more Buddhists! In fact, when I am asked to give Buddhist teachings in the West, I often share my personal view that it is not, by and large, a good idea for people to adopt religious practices which are not well grounded in their own culture and educational background. To do so can be difficult and can lead to unnecessary confusion” (p. 20). You wanted our response if we were surprised by this, and I would say no because I often feel people, I have met that are religious are not trying …show more content…
When I began a relationship with my boyfriend, it was the first time I was really exposed to a religion. He told me in the beginning that he did not want to take me to his church first thing because he wanted me to get my own view and develop my own thoughts. So, he bought me a bible and said he would be glad to read it with me anytime. I took my time because I was unsure at first if I even had a religion or if this was my religion. After about a month passed, and with some soul searching, I decide to devote my life to Christianity. Often my family tells me I chose this because my boyfriend persuaded me, but he didn’t, and in the end, it was my decision and what I believed in for myself. I also think about the Zen Dude movie and how his family growing up were Christians, and that in the end after some soul searching he found that Zen Buddhism was his way of life, and that he describes Christianity as a prison to himself. I feel it shouldn’t matter if you step outside what is familiar to you, but if it is what you choose, and you have thought over and believe in it; that it shouldn’t matter as long as you feel spiritually complete with

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