...video but it had really interesting insights into it. It was explained in the documentary that there is more to the theological aspect of life in the history other than what we know and what had been taught to us. Ever since I was a child, teachers and parents would tell and advise us to read the bible as it would strengthen our faith in the Lord, but unfortunately, no matter how we read the bible, we never knew of the true meaning embedded in the essence of the texts that we are ignorantly scanning through. I had the same impression and understanding of the bible until I took the Tredtri class. I believe that through this Tredri class is where I was able to develop my maturity and proper mindset on how to treat the bible. I guess there’s just so much to learn about the bible than what is outside the premises of the usual definition of it. The film was able to trigger the viewer’s curiosity, so much, that it grabbed fully the attention of everybody. It talked about the gospels of Thomas, Philippe, Peter and Mary Magdalene. This video talks about the nature of life itself. There were also insights that it was not peter that was supposed to be the first pope but rather should be Mary Magdalene. There were actually countless of books that were not considered or were not able to be included in the bible that share outstanding and interesting details regarding the reality of the past. This documentary explained about the lost gospels and literature that were left out in...
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...Liberty University Witnessing Report: 2 Submitted to Dr. Fernando R. Abella In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Contemporary Evangelism Evan 525- D13 LUO By Corey Johnson 4/26/15 As we through this class I have learned sharing with others is not as easy as I would like it to be. Although it is not easy I have been committed to doing this regardless of my fears. Sharing with others is a challenge for most people because of the fact that you have to be willing to receive rejection when sharing the gospel. Being that I have committed to develop in this area has put me in some situations that have actually helped me grow. I recently went out of town on a cruise ship which was an experience in itself. I had every intention on relaxing and not really thinking about things back home. The one thing that I did think about was this class, and I knew that if the opportunity arose on this ship I was going to take it. In the back of my mind I thought it will probably not happen but if it does I wanted to be prepared. Sure enough on the first day we got there I had an experience where I was able to share the gospel with someone. What was interesting about this entire experience was the fact that the person I was speaking to actually spoke little English, they understood it but as far as speaking it was a challenge in itself understanding them. This encounter happened in one of my most comfortable places on land and sea and that is in a fitness facility. I was...
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...Biblical Worldview Essay Being created in God’s image means, in essence, that we were made to resemble or represent him. We were made to be creatures of patience, kindness, and forgiveness; all virtues explained in Christianity. Although these virtues are found in the Bible, they should also be common sense to most people. The phrase “treat others the way you want to be treated” shouldn’t be something that one hears once in their life. As an educator, one has the power to show and explain to children how to be a functioning member of society and how to treat others. Young children’s minds absorb information with great ease and the things they learn about how to treat others will follow most of them for the rest of their lives. The Bible has been called the “Word of God”. What that means is God’s message was sent from Him to prophets to be written down and kept as a journal for how He would want people to live and essentially represent him. Many of these values, such as patience, kindness or forgiveness are common sense but not everybody learns these things or do not understand them. As an educator we are given the chance to help children learn these values at a young age. Kindergarteners and first graders have a mind that absorbs information so efficiently that any information given to them will be remembered for years to come. As creatures made in God’s image these values need to be taught; a person is not born knowing these things right away. Educators are given the chance...
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...Who was Melchizedek? Genesis 14:18 The question of “who was Melchizedek?” is a mystery which has never fully been answered or solved. We do know that Genesis 14:18 says that “Melchizedek was king of Salem” and “was the priest of God Most High.” Does this verse give enough information to determine just who he was; after all there is no genealogy for him. Various theories suggest who Melchizedek may have been, and all accounts are relatively similar. We will concentrate on three different commentaries to obtain a better understanding of the person of Melchizedek. Matthew Henry’s Commentary starts like most of the other descriptions, making reference to Genesis 14:18, “He was king of Salem and priest of the most high God”. Henry’s commentary lists some of the traditional beliefs of who Melchizedek may have been. He says the rabbinical writers conclude that Melchizedek was Shem the son of Noah. He asks the question, if this is actually Shem, why should his name be changed? And how came he to settle in Canaan? It is not hard to believe that God would change the name of a person, because we see this happening quite often in Scripture e.g., Abram to Abraham; Jacob to Israel. Henry goes on to write, “Many Christian writers have thought that this was an appearance of the Son of God himself,” “appearing to him as a righteous king, owning a righteous cause, and giving peace.” The third belief is what Henry describes as “The most commonly received opinion” about him: “Melchizedek...
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...One’s morals are those things ideas that are learned either by family or community and your philosophy is how you combine both your values and morals. (Word Count: 72) PART II Life on Earth began in the Garden of Eden when God created man (Genesis 1:26 King James Bible). In this verse God is commanding that man is to be created in His image and likeness, to have complete dominion and authority over all that He had created in verses 1-25. There was also another important command from God to man which was, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth (Genesis 1:28 King James Bible). So we see that God created man in His very image and likeness to replenish the earth and have dominion over it. God cared so much for man that He gave him complete dominion and authority over all that He created, which included all animals and beast (Genesis 1:30 King James Bible). God’s love for man is also shown in Luke 12:4-7 (King James Bible), where Jesus is teaching his disciples to fear God. In these verses He tells the disciples that God knows everything about them even down to every single hair on their heads, and that they are more valuable than the sparrows that are not forgotten as well. In Mark 12:30-31(King James Bible), Jesus tells us that we are to love the Lord our God with all that within us and to love our neighbors the same way that we love ourselves. In this great commandment we see that we exist to worship the Lord and to give Him praise. Our purpose is to love God and...
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...World Religions Report Beverly Ross HUM/130 Kenneth Dietz December 17, 2010 Credentials are important when you are choosing a religion. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in the Bible as the guiding source based on worthy credentials. Their truths are based on the sacred writings of the Bible. For example Genesis 1:1 says: There is one almighty God and Creator who made all things. They believe in one creator who has a name, and that name is Jehovah. Jehovah’s Witnesses are members of a World Wide Christian Religion who share with others information about God and his son, Jesus Christ. They base their belief mainly on the principles found in the Holy Bible, and view first century Christianity as their source. Their founder is Charles Taze Russell whose background and study of the Bible led him to conclude that hellfire does not exist, God is not a Trinity, and that 1914 marked the second coming of Christ. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that all scriptures are inspired of God and beneficial, but some people have even claimed that they are not even Christians. They believe that “There is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved, which is Jesus Christ”. That is quoted in Acts 4:12 of the Bible. They believe that God is greater than Jesus, and that Jesus himself acknowledged that: “The Father is greater that I am,” (John 14:28) they also believe that they should be like Jesus by making God’s name manifest...
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...foundation on which you base all of your decisions and opinions. One of the easiest ways to uncover a person’s worldview is to ask the five key questions that all worldviews must answer: the questions of origin, identity, meaning, morality and destiny. What is a biblical worldview? A biblical worldview uses the Holy Bible as the foundation on which the answers to the five key questions are answered, presuppositions are laid out, and opinions on all matters are formed. The basis of the biblical worldview can be summarized in a few statements. First, the God of the Bible exists Second, we know that He exists because He reveals himself to us through creation, humankind (moral conscience), and His Word. Third, the Bible is the Word of God, therefore it is authoritative in its declaration of presuppositions by which all humans should live. And finally, Jesus Christ came as the Redeemer to save each person from their own sinful nature and restore an eternal relationship with God. Through these truths, as well as those found in the Bible, biblical theists can answer the five vital questions without much difficulty. Origin is discussed in the very first chapter of the Bible, Genesis clearly describes that God spoke all the universe into existence, and formed man out of the dust of the earth, breathing His life into the man. This also provides the answer to the question of identity: what makes man any different than another animal? What is the...
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...interview for this paper was conducted at The Church of Latter Day Saints in Buckhannon, WV. The inside of the church does not differ much to other new churches built in today’s society. It consists of the Chapel and classrooms. Interviewing one of the members of the church gave me in-site into some of their beliefs. A Mormon church service is three hours long it is divided up into three parts the main worship service, Sunday school and they then breakup into two classes priesthood for men and relief society for women. When asked about the roles of women in the Church it was told that they are the mothers and the leaders of the family. They tend to the needs of not only their families but the church families also. Celestial marriage was explained that it is an eternal marriage. A marriage that is performed in the temple and that will last for all eternity. If your spouse dies and you are of a...
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...questions I believe remain their and our question today. Now, having this understanding in mind I believe there is a great need for a clear and coherent explanation of Eschatology to my people. Therefore, in this essay I will begin to explore and try to instil to my people a clear understanding of eschatology by looking into our traditional belief about the last day. Then, later I will align this understanding to the Biblical texts of eschatology and my Theological reflection. Through these, I certainly believe that it will enrich the minds of my people to fully understand; what eschatology mean to them? Definition of Eschatology Perhaps it is appropriate for me to begin by defining; what Eschatology really mean? Well, According to the New Bible Dictionary; “Eschatology comes from the word eschata in Greek, which refer to the...
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...foundation for what you are trying to explain. To really determine what is true and what is false requires only you accept the Word of God, without this acceptance you will never know what is real and what is not. In approaching the answers to the questions, I get as a future Christian leader I must always use the word of God and be able to think on my feet. One question I get a lot is how do you know the bible is true? For myself there is no other explanation than I know I Jesus is our lord and savior and therefore there is nothing to question. For non-Christians or for the person that is just not sure, I need to use the bible to help in my explanation so that they understand that the bible is the word of God. When faced with the question what about science? I turn to the bible for this answer as well, and is really quite simple. All that is needed is a knowledge of Genesis, with what is written I can start with beginning and use the simple form of a rainbow as Gods promise. At this time, I can start to see a light come on and they actually start to think about the bible. When I try to explain the Word of God as the only truth, I must use a solid foundation from which to begin applying critical thinking. Further, God never leaves us alone he has given us...
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...Most Bible contradictions may be dismissed as translation errors as we will prove throughout this article with the assistance of lexicons. Other difficulties are resolved once we explore the context of the conflicting passages, examine older manuscripts which verify some contradictions as simple scribal errors, and apply logic to solve philosophical dilemmas. One thing I find in common with those who distribute Bible contradictions is their use of the 1611 King James Bible. However, this is a 400 year old English translation- not an original Biblical language. Linguistic scholars have learned a lot in regards to how the Bible should more accurately translate into English. Although the KJV sufficiently gets the point of salvation across to the reader (the fundamental purpose of th Bible), I strongly suggest using a more modern and accurate translation and the use of lexicons when examining the Bible in depth. We will now answer some common criticisms of those who have answered Bible contradictions in the past. TRANSLATION ERRORS Many Biblical critics do not reference the original Hebrew and Greek texts when searching for errors. In my opinion, this is poor, irresponsible scholarship. Such critics fail to realize translation difficulties are not exclusive to the Bible. Any text translated into another language will contain errors due to the use idioms, archaic terminology, and puns that do not translate properly into other languages. In order to finally resolve...
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...Comparison Paper 1 – Crabb PACO 507 Theology and Spirituality Counseling Susie N. McCoy Liberty University Dr. Max Mills Spring 2014 Comparison of Larry Crabb’s Book Effective Biblical Counseling This comparison paper will briefly evaluate Larry Crabb’s (1977) reflection, responses, and summary given in his book Effective Biblical Counseling: A Model for Helping Caring Christians Become Capable Counselors, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. This comparison will reflect on Crabb’s (1977) four approaches to integrating the Bible and counseling, and his three levels of counseling models that can be integrated into the functioning of a local church. This study will explore that one must be a caring Christian in order to become a capable counselor and that any approach to counseling that is Biblical base will be successful among a body of believers in a local church setting. Crabb (1977) stated that since effective counseling requires both a caring attitude and an understanding heart of Christian love of human functioning, than the mature believers in the local churches need to be train in counseling insights and skills (p. 14). Summary: Crabb’s Theory/Methodology In his book Crabb (1977) offered three levels of counseling to be used in the local church. The first one that should be implemented is educating the believers of the local church with the strategies and method of biblical counseling. His second level is exhortation in counseling. He defined exhortation...
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...people have different opinions of the age of the Earth. The article briefly describes several people including their background and their view on the age of the Earth. It gives several scientific views that range from “The Big Bang Theory” to “Darwinism.” This article then discusses how almost every opinion on the age of the Earth completely ignores and goes against what the “Holy Bible” teaches us. Article Strengths This article has many points in which one would consider them to be strong, valid, and well written. Doctor Mortenson, who is the author of this article, gives a clear view of how the opinions on the age of the Earth have changed with time. While discussing the changes of views he makes it not too short but not too long. The article is well organized with the scientific theories of each person mentioned being chronologically organized by the dates of their deaths. There were very few noticeable grammatical errors found when reviewing the article. When reading the conclusion, the reader is completely sure of how the author feels; the Earth was created by God as explained in the “Holy Bible” and would be a much better place if the people of the world...
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...Tall Tales The Bible, as with most religious texts, uses metaphors, verbal illustrations, and allegory throughout. Regardless of historical fact or accuracy, the use of these conventions gives most biblical stories their meaning and importance. While most of the Bible makes some sense to the modern reader, there are those stories that defy the basic laws of science and fact. One such story in the Bible is a rather famous one and quite possibly the most confusing and scientifically baseless. In fact, the story is so improbable that it has been relegated to the status of a children’s story by all accounts. The tale comes from the Book of Jonah in the Old Testament and is simply known to the modern world as “Jonah and the Whale.” Sadly, the story, while good, contains two fundamental flaws; one flaw based in science the other based in meaning. While most stories in the bible are symbolic in nature, this particular one really stretches the boundaries of the imagination. Jonah, a minor prophet, was ordered by God to go to the city of Nineveh and preach to the residents about their shortcomings in the eyes of the Lord. Jonah decided against going and instead tried to escape to another city by ship to avoid his task. While at sea, a terrible storm descended upon the ship Jonah was on. Instead of praying to God for the ships survival like the other shipmates, Jonah went below deck and fell asleep. Upon seeing Jonah sleeping, the captain of the ship woke Jonah up and begged...
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...Looking at Religion Living Religions Marsha D. Ferron Dr. Lyndol Loyd Religion, it can be defined in many different ways, such as a service where people go to and listen to a person speak from a book (called a bible in many religions), or the act of kneeling and praying to a God or higher being. Or it could be a person’s choice how to live their life. Religion is described as a service or worship of God or supernatural, commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance or a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices (Merriam-webster.com). As I travel earth I have visited many countries and believe religion takes on many different forms. In some countries like Israel, the practiced religion is Judaism which is also a way of life for the Israelites and often is referred to as Jewish. They believe in one God. The Jews read, study and teach the Hebrew bible to their children and each other. Their way of life has been passed down from generation to generation. This can be found in the old testament of the bible, when God spoke to Moses and told him that He will free his people from Egypt and take them to the promise land (Israel). God also gave Moses the Ten Commandments. They are the laws that God created for Moses, the children of Israel and for future generations to live by. Another religion I observed was Islam; a person of this faith is called Muslim. The Muslims also believe in one God and they read the Qur’an...
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