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Bicep Injury Research Paper

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A biceps tendon rupture occurs when the biceps muscle is torn from the tendon to the shoulder or elbow however it is most common for the injury to occur in the shoulder. Bicep injuries tend to victimize men more often than women and between the ages of forty to sixty years of age and is caused by chronic wear of the tendon. Of course the injury also occurs in those younger than this age frame; typically these bicep ruptures are due to trauma. It is also quite possible for anyone who continuously participate in overhead lifting or heavy lifting in general, and also to athletes who are exposed to aggressive contact sports. The humerus (upper-arm bone), the scapula (the shoulder blade), and the clavicle (the collarbone) make up the shoulder which is a ball-and- socket joint. The head of the humerus is the ball at the top of the upper-arm bone and the glenoid fossa is the socket on the shoulder blade. Tendons, which are fibrous bundles, attach muscles to a bones. The job of the muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff are to hold the ball in the shoulder …show more content…
Physical therapist will usually ask about medical history, daily routines, and physical hobbies. When looking at a possible bicep rupture, physical therapist will examine the entire upper arm for any abnormalities such as bruising or swelling, as well as perform gentle palpation to reveal tenderness within the bicep areas. The physical therapist will also perform range of motion test to determine the amount of motion and strength the arm still obtains in comparison to the non injured arm. It is also common for physical therapist to run activity test to determine which everyday tasks are too difficult to complete: lifting books, opening doors, reaching on shelves, and several other activities are examples of test that may be

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