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Big Challenge


Submitted By sheryl101
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Big Data Challenge

CIS 500
April 27, 2013

Many companies today face challenges when it comes to properly searching, storing, and even capturing as well as trying to analyze Big Data. But Volvo IT creates “Cloud Computing “ e-Learning solution for Arab and African countries in partnership with Allied Soft. Volvo IT has signed an exclusive agreement with Allied Soft for localizations implementation countries. The IT portal solution is based on knowledge of IT security and control of IT costs at AB Volvo. The IT portal was original launched in Sweden at the start of 2003. Then Technical solution was built on thin clients. Only the required software will be used at the schools computers for students, teachers, and parents so they can log into virtual IT environment. Which other software and data are available on Volvo IT central servers, which are responsible for administration and technical support (Allied Soft. In its second stage this Education Service Provider model will cover other areas of vocational and technical education sector. Data communication, hardware and access to teaching tools are also part of the solution. Clients pay fixed monthly fee (Allied Soft (2011). Para. 1-4 p. 1).
Judge how Volvo Car Corporation integrated the cloud infrastructure into its network:
Volvo Car Corporation has done exceptional well at how they have integrated cloud infrastructure into their network. At Volvo, there are huge volumes are streamed into centralized analysis hub, the Volvo data Warehouse, alongside data from customer relationship systems, dealership system and product development and design system. With hundreds of sensors and CPUs embedded throughout the car-from the brakes to the central locking system-data is now being captured for use within the vehicle itself, and also increasingly, for transmission via the cloud back to the manufacturer. Volvo’s ability to draw insight from this multi-terabyte resource is creating clear business (Strader 2011 Para. 2 & 3 p. 1).
Explain how Volvo Car Corporation transforms data into knowledge:
Crunching big data to gain a big advantage is Volvo the Swedish car maker collects terabytes of data from embedded sensors in their cars-from their customer relationship management (CRM) systems, from dealerships, and from their factory floors (Asthana, Praveen 2011 Para. 4 p. 1). This information helps Volvo Car Corporation both to be predictive or proactive. By splicing that data together, we are pre-warned about potential issues such as mechanical problems that might have shown up late in field”. Volvo can spot a potential flaw in a particular part – frequently before a customer is exposed to the issue. By apply a set of well-honed lean processes; Volvo is immediately able to resolve the problem by adjusting its manufacturing process or going back to its supplies request improvement. This example is an improvement of the Swedish company’s market based on his safety record (Strader, 2011 Para. 6 & 7 p. 1).
Identify the real-time information system implemented and evaluate the impact of those implementations.
Having knowledge is power Volvo can use Big Data strategy to provide excellence customer service to their customers? The real time information that is implemented by Volvo is the online access processed by cloud computing. This system deployed to use Microsoft Servers Production Portfolio precisely. They have the ability to accommodate each customer’s personal need. As well as having a competitive advantage over their competitors. Volvo are able to use real time graphical reports and analytical finding throughout this whole process, starting with the design and engineers along with the manufacturing process. This information allows them to build cars to satisfy customers’ needs. It enables them to fix problems that may arise as the real time information system alerts them what maybe going on within the vehicles themselves. The Big Data also gives Volvo a competitive edge because they can assess the vehicle using technology that will detect problems that may not be detected by the customer giving the car a test drive. Therefore, they are able to correct the problem before the cars are released to the public saving them money in the future.
Argue how Big Data strategy gives Volvo Car Corporation a competitive advantage. Volvo rely on Big Data to an advantage to assist them with customer satisfaction it allows them to quickly analyze the information. Big Data is clearly trending amongst the tech analysts, and it’s doing so for good reasons. The volume of data we’re handing is growing dramatically. Big Data consumes a lot of technical infrastructure, storage, bandwidth, CPU, etc. and generates highly variable workloads as it does so. They can extract huge amounts of digital information from their vehicle to ensure it will respond properly.
Volvo Car Corporation has truly incorporate cloud infrastructure successfully into its network to ensure that their vehicles meet the customer’s safety qualifications. The Big Data Warehouse has transformed its data into knowledge which will give them a competitive edge with their competitors. They have partner will Allied Soft to education for students, teachers, and parents to educate them on how they make their vehicles. Volvo Car Corporation is in a class by themselves and they are really making strides to ensure that their cars are the best on the market that customers will buy.

Allied Soft. (n.d.). Volvo IT creates “Cloud computing” e-Learning solution for Arab and Africa countries in partnership with Allied Soft, Retrieved from Retrieved on April 22, 2013
Asthana, Praveen, (2011) Big Data and Little Data:, Retrieved on April 22, 2013
Global Intelligence for the CIO: Converting Data into Business Value at Volvo, How access to vast, new data resources is driving manufacturing excellence, customer satisfaction and vehicles safety at Volvo Cars. Case Study: January 2011 Retrieved on April 23, 2013 (Heinig, 2012) Collecting Driving Data to improve Safety, Retrieved on April 22, 2013
Turban, E. Volonino, L. (2011) Information Technology for Management (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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