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Bilingual Education In California Essay

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California is the state where the major part of its population is Hispanic. Thus, Spanish and English live side by side there. The first glimpse of what resembled a Bilingual education in California was with the Mexican-Americans. I will use the different projects Californian educational system created to help Mexican-Americans. I will also use a Master's thesis entitled “Bilingual Education in California” by T. Lesley to explain the history of Bilingual education in California. This thesis is very interesting because the author talks about the origins of Bilingual education in California and also how the Bilingual education is a very complex system. What I want to demonstrate is that the Californian legislation was concerned with the issue of Bilingual education but despite that, Bilingual educational system has failed in 1998 with the Proposition 227. The fail of Bilingual education in a state like California leads other states to question the efficiency of Bilingual education. I will see reasons that led people, both non-Hispanics and Hispanics, to vote the Proposition 227. The purpose of the Proposition is to instaure a monolingual teaching, that-is-to-say only English language would be used in teaching. It also proposes immersion programs. I will compare Bilingual programs with immersion programs. What is surprising is that Latino people are in favor of the Proposition 227 and to understand why, I will study the interviews of some Latino people. …show more content…
We clearly understand that because it is an effort from the American government to help immigrants' integration. It is also a controversial issue in the United States, with people who are in favor and others who are opponents. I will study opinions from both sides because contrary to what we may think, people who are opposed to Bilingual education are not racist

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