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Bill Clinton Speech


Submitted By EMMVEE1
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Criticizing Bill Clinton Speech Essay

“If a President of the United States ever lied to the American people he should resign” William J. Clinton,1974

Introduction: Critics should pay a very special attention to the Bill Clinton apology speech. The speech of the ex-president Bill Clinton was a bright example of how perfect rhetoric techniques might fail to deliver the message of a president to a mass audience if it goes about his morality. In his speech, Clinton, actually confesses he had a private relationship with Monica Lewinsky. It is a rule that such a confession and especially from a person of the highest position in the society means the end of the career. It took William Jefferson Clinton seven month to realize that people need apologies not for the deed, but for the lies. A close look at the speech opens a wide range of elements did not manage to make it truly appealing for the citizens of the United States of America.

In his speech, Mr. Clinton admitted he did a wrong thing and at the same time he did not truly show how much he regretted that his “misbehavior” lead to irreversible consequences in his private and political life. The key failure of the speech is that Mr. Clinton moved the accent away from the affair he had to the necessity to concentrate on more important things. In other words he told the society that they are stuck on unserious matters, while important political events are taking place. Bill Clinton’s goal was to make people get over the scandalous relationship and concentrate on America as a nation or basically subconsciously reproached the nation. Mr. Clinton, in this speech built the next strategy: not to fit the stereotype of a man bringing his apologies, not to be miserable, but to show how strong he is by saying these words aloud and therefore to how strong he can be in any other problem. He claimed to apologize, but at the

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