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Bill O Reilly Analysis

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Controversy has become a big part of our world today. Sexual misconduct, current and former presidencies, tax reform, net neutrality, and many more play a role in the controversial topics in our news. Bill O’Reilly, a man recently deemed as controversial due to sexual harassment allegations, and Father Charles Coughlin, who was controversial because of his tendency to bring politics into religion and later becoming a nazi sympathizer, may have a lot more similarities than what many people could infer.
Bill O’Reilly is an American journalist, author, and, until earlier this year, a television host of the segment The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News. His career as a Fox News host consisted of hard-driving interviews and blunt commentary to deal with the nation’s “hottest” issues. In 2001, The O’Reilly Factor became the country’s most watched cable news program. His “Factor” has …show more content…
In the words of Nick Sacco, O’Reilly’s book Killing Lincoln was a “mistake-ridden flop that offered nothing new to the historiography of Lincoln studies.” Because of O’Reilly’s influential platform of being on a very popular news station - Fox News - all historians should and must take him seriously. O’Reilly’s views on slavery can be considered highly controversial, “Slavery was bad, but…” can be heard on The O’Reilly Factor, which many agree with his opinions and statements. However, many also take offense.
In my years as a public historian on the front lines of historical interpretation - which include interpreting U.S. slavery - I have heard visitors claim that slavery was a benevolent influence on black Americans since it Christianized them and took them away from the savagries of Africa… O’Reilly’s comments about slavery at the White House, therefore, were not new to me because they fit into this unfortunate tradition of literally whitewashing slavery from the story of the United States.

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