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The Great White Shark Research Paper

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Throughout the years, people fear The Great White Shark because of its nature to kill. They hunt down The Great White Shark thinking they are doing the right thing by killing them but they real making them Endangered. From the past events The Great White Shark had been hunted down for fun not knowing they are being hunted. Knowing that The Great White Shark is one of the biggest sharks out their make people want to hunt them down more. Millions and millions of sharks die just for jewelry and other useful bodies . They slices off the parts they need why they are still alive toss them back in the water and they die a terrible death. Why Shark can't help to like the smell of blood, they use the dead shark blood to find more sharks. Sharks are not evil they are just doing what they were born to do, and that is to keep the population from not over growing. Some people …show more content…
Hunt 1 Thousands of sharks are born each year in the ocean. Millions of Sharks die every year by people and some don't even care about them dieing they only care about the money they receive afterwards. Make their lives better is one thing but just straight on killing them without letting them say bye to their families is evil. Sharks is one of the top predators on the list in the ocean. If they were to disappear, not only the fish population would go up but more top predators would die because of humans. Some people just capture them and put them in zoos, Yeah it's good for the shark but it's going to make them be away from their friends and families. If we keep killing the sharks, the population grow more and more. The fish can keep mating to make their population keep growing. Their be too many fish in the oceans eating up all the algae so the plants can’t grow. If you take sharks away from the ocean every species will increase by a lot in

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