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The Giraffe Research Paper

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People have been interested in constellations for many, many years. This article is about the Camelopardalis, otherwise known as The Giraffe. The Giraffe was first recorded by Jakob Bartsch. Although, it was first discovered 12 years earlier Petrus Plancius. It is located in the 2nd quadrant of the Northern Hemisphere at +90 degrees and -10 degrees. It is visible to the Northern Hemisphere at 9 p.m. during February. Here are some fun facts about The Giraffe. The word Camelopardalis means camel and leopard. Also, it is the 18th largest constellation. The Giraffe has three stars. Binary and B-type Blue-white supergiant variable stars are part of The Giraffe. The constellation looks sort of like a hand with one bent finger.

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