...Evolution of the Army Sexual Harassment Assault Response and Prevention program The Military must adapt their focus of training on sexual harassment and assault prevention. There is still a big problem DOD wide due to what the program focuses on. Since the DOD first realized the need for a program, there has been many changes to the focus of the training and message. The Department of Defense, as well as the army, has come a long way in training, preventing and reporting sexual harassment and assault. SHARP is still the Army’s number one priority to this day. People are constantly looking for new ways to better the number of sexual harassment and assaults. Looking at the history of the program as well as current statistics, the program...
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...Sexual Harassment In The Military Specialist Edward J. Nofe Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 18th Military Police Brigade Grafenwoehr, Germany January 5, 2015 Joni Ernst is a well-respected United State Senator from Iowa. She has served more than 20 years in uniform. She is the first female combat veteran to serve in the Senate. She along with countless men and women in the military has been a victim of sexual harassment. The truth is nobody is immune from this problem certainly not when you still have reports ranging from inappropriate advances to sexual bribery. Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the same or opposite genders. Harassment differentiates from assault in the sense that harassment can be directly associated with your work setting. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that erodes morale and negatively impacts unit cohesion. All individuals in the unit must be treated fairly and with mutual respect .The consequences of sexual harassment affects the individual in the workplace through stress, physical fitness, and reenlistment intentions. Sexual harassment affects the unit’s effectiveness, cohesion and goal realization. Sexual harassment is not limited to the workplace, but can also occur in the work related environment. That’s why the importance of maintaining a secure and sound command climate...
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...Abstract The United States Military sends troops into combat operations all around the world. An increase of female soldiers being allowed into military occupational specialties that engage in combat operations has led to a growing number of military sexual trauma cases. Sexual trauma occurs in the male military population in fewer reported cases. Military sexual trauma contributes to a rise of mental health issues among our service members. Sexual trauma in the military creates unique challenges for service members because victims often work alongside their aggressors. This paper will examine what military sexual trauma is, how it affects our service members, prevention strategies, and treatment options for victims. Military Sexual Trauma...
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...SHARP and EO The US military is composed of personnel from all different diversities and beliefs, representing the United States of America. Even though we are very different individuals, we are united by our uniforms and our nation’s colors; due to this fact, there is a zero tolerance policy on sexual harassment in the US military. In other words unprofessional, distasteful conduct, (especially sexual nature) toward another individual is seen as disrespectful and not tolerated at any level. Sexual harassment is considered as a type of sexual discrimination, of which is identified by three specific criteria—such behavior must: unwelcomed, sexual in nature and must occur or influence/impact the work environment. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone. It can be between members of the opposite sex or members of the same sex. Sexual harassment can derive from a large range of unwanted wrongful behaviors. As for military service members, this includes any conduct during a 24-hour duty period. Such as but not limited to,sexual jokes,negative or derogatory comments, sexual innuendos in part, or completely. Also requesting sexual favors or repeatedly, aggressively asking a person out on a date as well as,telling rumors about a person’s personal or sexual life. These particular things are very inappropriate, in all work environments. Therefore complete respect for fellow soldier/sailor is vital. It is up to the military member to ensure that he or she establishes a professional...
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...fellow soldiers. According to interviews with women in the military who have returned from war, the amount of sexual harassment they are forced to endure has not only increased, but has been written off by officials and fellow soldiers. An act of sexual harassment towards anyone should be dealt with and the abuser should be punished, not disregarded or hidden. These statistics and reports should be publicized, in order to prevent the perpetrator from violating another, and help women soldiers know they are safe to come forward with their allegations, instead of hiding in fear of her superior officers. According to the military, sexual assault is defined as “rape; nonconsensual sodomy; unwanted inappropriate sexual contact or fondling; or attempts to commit these acts” (Benedict 7). With such a substantial number of women joining the armed forces, these boundaries are being crossed more and more each day. Women today consist of fifteen percent of active duty forces, while a 2003 survey states that thirty percent of female soldiers were sexually assaulted by a fellow member of the military (Benedict 11). Not only are these women dealing with surviving attacks from insurgents, but now they have to worry about their “comrades” attacking them behind the supposedly safe walls of the bases. Caryle Garcia, a soldier in Baghdad, recalled of simple, everyday tasks that were made immensely difficult due to the sexual innuendos and inappropriateness of the men in their platoons...
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...ARTICLE WRITE UP Source Broadbent, Lucy. "Rape in the US Military: America's Dirty Little Secret." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 09 Dec. 2011. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. <http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/dec/09/rape-us-military> Brief Summary In this article, it related to America's dirty little secret. The truth is that rape within the US military has become so prevalent and it continues to take place. Whether or not case goes to trial, people need to expose the secret of American’s military. Basing on the report of some organization, rape conviction only applies for 104 defendants. These figures are only a fraction of the reality. The reason why victim do not have enough to dare to report incident is that if they tell these stories to higher echelon, they will receive the punishment. Besides, it is so well known that sex offenders have never been penalized. Fearfully, military rape not only takes place for women but also happens for men. As the result, some people choose committing suicide for leaving their nightmare every night. Furthermore, other common consequences of MST (military sexual trauma) are drug abuse, feeling isolation, sleeping problems and the awfulness thing is that they can contract HIV/AIDS. My Opinion Despite reading many articles, this article makes me feel most impressive. Firstly, I think it is not fair for rape victims because they suffered not only from their physical health but also from their mental health. Sex...
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...SUBJECT: Prevention of Sexual Harassment CONDITION: Classroom environment STANDARD: 1. Define Sexual Harassment. 2. Define the Army’s Policy on Sexual Harassment. 3. Explain the Categories of Sexual Harassment. 4. Explain the Elements of Sexual Harassment. 5. Define Sexual Harassment Behaviors. 6. Explain the Sexual Harassment Checklist. 7. Explain the Techniques to Deal with Sexual Harassment. 8. Explain the Administrative Actions. TYPE OF INSTRUCTION: Instruction and Small Group Discussion TIME OF INSTRUCTION: 4 Hours NOTE: You must ensure you have a video player and monitor to show the video on the prevention of sexual harassment (Pin Number 170876, ICN: TVT-20-1996) produced by the Department of the Army in 1996. This tape is available from your EOA or TASC. It is recommended this video be shown at the beginning of the block of instruction, but stop it before showing the vignettes. By showing the first portion of the video at the beginning, the students will already be familiar with many of the concepts and terms you are going to be instructing. This should make the learning process easier for them during your instruction. After the block of instruction, and the practice exercise is completed, then show the vignettes. The responses from the group while stopping after each vignette for discussion will ensure learning occurred, and serve to clarify what constitutes sexual harassment in the student’s minds. The...
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...my 33 years of military experience in the field of Naval Administration and Legal I have found a great similarity in the field of Human Resources and Management. This particular course in the Human Resource Systems has expanded my knowledge in understanding the different human resource tools that are available and similar to the ones used in the military. However, this course has explained the different methods that can be used to improve and understand the different tools available within the Human Resource field of expertise. The first topic of interest during the course is the performance management system which has a variety of methods that can be used for the development of an effective appraisal system. Performance appraisals are a tool used by managers when making decisions about the distribution of pay increases, promotions and demotion of employees. This course discussed the different performance appraisal instruments and the importance of conducting training on the different methods of conducting the appraisal interviews. As a leader and manager in the military I was personally involved in conducting numerous appraisal interviews for all the employees that were under my direct supervision. The military system had a requirement for the rater to conduct a semi-annual interview in which the rater and employee met at the six month timeframe and then at the one year timeframe for the final appraisal. This particular system which is used by all military organizations...
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...Impact of sexual harassment Sexual harassment often has a serious and negative impact on women's physical and emotional health. Sexual harassment can be happening anywhere, for example in the workforce, in schools and universities, doctor's offices healing mental health clinics and etc. Sexual harassment is often found between boss and employee, between employees and it is also can be women sexually harassing men or the harasser and victim can be the same sex. Sexual harassment has psychological and emotional effects on the sufferer. * Anxiety, frustration, depression, sleeplessness and/or nightmares, difficulty concentrating, headaches, fatigue, shame and or guilt, feeling powerless, helpless or out of control, feeling angry towards the harasser, loss of confidence and self-esteem, withdrawal and isolation, suicidal thoughts or attempts * Retaliation from the harasser, or colleagues/friends of the harasser, should the victim complain or file a grievance (retaliation can involve revenge along with more sexual harassment, and can involve stalking the complainant) * Having to drop courses, or change academic plans; it may impact grade performance * Increased absenteeism to avoid harassment, or because of illness from the stress * Having one’s personal life held up for public scrutiny – the victim becomes the “accused,” and their dress, lifestyle, and private life will often come under attack. (Note: this rarely occurs for the perpetrator.) * Being...
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...ABSTRACT A Sexual Offense is a serious issue. The United States Military has a “zero” tolerance for sexual offenses. Sexual offenses include sexual assaults, sexual harassment, sexual violence and sexual abuse. As an NCO we need to ensure the safety of our Soldiers and do everything in our power to prevent a sexual offense. If a sexual offense happens it is our responsibility to manage it in the proper way. The Sharp Program is a combination of two Army programs. The SAPR (Sexual Assault Prevention and Response) and the POSH (Program and Prevention of Sexual Harassment). On 6 February 2004, Acting Secretary of the Army Mr. Les Brownlee established a task force. The task force was responsible for reviewing Army policies on reporting and addressing allegations of sexual assaults. The finding of the taskforce led to the implementation of the SHARP program. In September 2008 the Army launched phase I of the Sexual Assault Prevention Strategy and in April 2010 the phase II Army wide roll out began. (SHARP Facts, n.d.) INTRODUCTION Sexual violence is an increasing problem in the armed forces, no matter your gender, age or race. The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) has been a yearly briefing, since its inception in September 2008. The SHARP program was developed to ensure Soldiers understand what a sexual offense is, how to deal with a sexual offense and possible steps to prevent a sexual offense from happening. It also strives to eliminate...
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...Sexual Assault and Women in the Military Robb Johnson English 111 Professor Murray December 19, 2014 The protection and equal treatment of the men and women who serve in the Armed Forces of the United States is one the most important duties of the United States Department of Defense. With an annual budget of $500 billion dollars, and nearly 2.5 million active and reserve servicemen and women serving around the world, the Department of Defense is one of the most important and visible functioning organizations in the United States Government ("DoD releases fiscal," 2014). The men and women who serve in the Armed Forces are expected to exemplify what it means to be an American citizen and have an expectation to receive the appropriate care and respect in return for their services. Recent allegations of numerous cases of sexual assaults throughout the United States Armed Forces has left many wondering how this nation’s most entrusted organization could allow for this to take place. Reports show that servicewomen are being subjected to unethical treatment, specifically sexual harassment/assault at rates that have not been previously experienced. This raises the question of leadership and the policies in place to deal with such unethical treatment, and how the Department of Defense will move forward on the issues of sexual assault and women in the military. It has taken the stories of brave women to step forward and share their horrific experiences for this issue to come to the...
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...cultural diversity exist in all its shapes and it has a great effect on the society organizations, and specially the military. we can be confronted in the Tunisian military to all type of diversity. And I believe that the gender diversity is the worts because it leads to sexual harassment and organization disfunction. Sexual harassment is not fair in the military and the woman is the mostly affected. In one hand, because many men are not used to work too close to woman and when men have an authority on women he uses this authority to exploit her. In the other hand to stick to her job, to get promoted or to have a good assignment, women uses all her best (charm) to influence her commander decision and most of the time the commander misunderstand her. Military laws are very hard against sexual harassment to protect woman’s liberty, the military leaders use all their means...
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... Equal Employment Opportunity Policy C&C is commited and please to offer equal employement opportunities to all that apply and to all current employees. C&C will comply to all applicable equal opportunity laws, affirmative action laws and any other laws that are applicable to equality opportunities to employees. All State, Federal, and Local governing laws will be strictly upheld and under no circumstances will the organization willing or knowing commit to such acts. All will have equal opportunity for employment, promotion on all levels, lateral moves and training. C&C will never disqualify any individual on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national orgin, ancestry, marital status, disability, age, sexual orientation, or affectional preference, miliatary status, or Vietnam era veteran. The company will only hire, recruit, train and promote on all job levels the most qualified individuals based on experience, education,...
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...Military and Veterans Issues Over the past decade, reports and complaints from military schools, training exercises and home bases, has been filed for unfair treatment to veterans, military service members and civilians workers on sexual assault. Response to sexual allegation, it has been a slow process that needs to address accordingly. Constant delaying of responses to victim complaints, will leaves a since of distrust within the chain of command and the opportunity to bring the accused to justice. The U.S. military, for years, set policies in place to govern sexual assault, “zero – tolerance”, yet the abuse still goes undetected or unreported. There are helpful aids and support to reduce or elevate the rate of sexual assault victims to...
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.... What is sexual assault? Sexual Assault is a crime. Sexual assault is defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent. Consent should not be deemed or construed to mean the failure by the victim to offer physical resistance. Additionally, consent is not given when a person uses force, threat of force, coercion or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated, or unconscious. Sexual assault includes rape, nonconsensual sodomy (oral or anal sex), indecent assault (e.g., unwanted and inappropriate sexual contact or fondling), or attempts to commits these acts. Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender, spousal relationship, or age of victim.* Other sex-related offenses are defined as all other sexual acts or acts in violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) that do not meet the above definition of sexual assault, or the definition of sexual harassment as promulgated in DoD Directive 1350.2, Department of Defense Military Equal Opportunity, para E2.1.15. For the specific articles of sexual assault offenses under the UCMJ, see the Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM). (*Reference- the DoD definition for sexual assault and other sex-related offenses for all training and education purposes). 2. What is the difference between sexual assault and sexual harassment? Sexual assault and sexual harassment are not the same, although they are related to each other. ...
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