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Military Sexual Harassment Research Paper

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Evolution of the Army Sexual Harassment Assault Response and Prevention program
The Military must adapt their focus of training on sexual harassment and assault prevention. There is still a big problem DOD wide due to what the program focuses on. Since the DOD first realized the need for a program, there has been many changes to the focus of the training and message. The Department of Defense, as well as the army, has come a long way in training, preventing and reporting sexual harassment and assault. SHARP is still the Army’s number one priority to this day. People are constantly looking for new ways to better the number of sexual harassment and assaults. Looking at the history of the program as well as current statistics, the program …show more content…
It did provide new advocacy component and a coordinated response effort. The program failed to address Sexual Harassment, which in many cases leads to Sexual Assault and hinders the mission and unit readiness.
Program and Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH)
To fix the void of the SAPR program had on sexual harassment, the Secretary of the Army instructed the SAPR office to implement the POSH program in 2008. The POSH program, tied to the Equal Opportunity program that covered discrimination of soldiers, was a temporary fix to the problem of sexual harassment. Although the commanders are responsible for preventing sexual harassment. Equal Opportunity Advisors were tasked with not only all cases of discrimination in the unit, but now played a vital role in policy awareness, training, command climate assessments and complaint processing.
Sexual Harassment Assault Response and Prevention of today
Since its inception in 2009, the Army’s SHARP program has focused its efforts on five specific priorities or Lines of Effort; prevention of sexual assault, competent and sensitive investigations of sexual assault, accountability for the sexual assault offenders, assistance and advocacy for the victims and effective assessment of SHARP programs. The Program is part of the national strategic plan. The President directs the program as far as a campaign plan on sexual harassment and …show more content…
SHARP training, since 2011, is required at the unit level annually.
Competent and Sensitive Investigations The Second line of effort is targeting the investigations themselves. Timely and thorough investigations are key when it comes to this line of effort. Since 2011, the Army has increased every aspect of a sexual harassment or assault case could require. U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division has joined with prosecutors, victim witness liaisons, victim advocates, and other sexual assault responders to form Special Victim Capability teams at more than seventy Army installations.
The third line of effort is Accountability. The cornerstone of the Army’s accountability effort is the Special Victim Prosecutor. The DOD selects Prosecutors for their courtroom expertise and for sensitivity to the victims of sexual assault. Special Victim Prosecutors complete a intensive training course, and oversee or assist in the prosecution of every sexual assault case in the

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