I. Executive Summary ............................................…………….………..................... 3
II. Theoretical Aspect (Literature Review) ..........………………................................. 6 3.1. Definition of Equal Employment Opportunities............................................... 6 3.2. Definition of Discrimination............................................................................. 6 3.3. Definition of other laws regarding equal employment………………….……..7 III. Practical Aspect ..........…….....…….......................................................................... 10 4.4. Background and description of Hy-Vee Inc.…................…………..……..... 10 4.5. Discussion………… ……………................................................................. 11
IV. Conclusions and Recommendations…...………................…………….................. 12 5.6. Conclusions ..........………................................................................................ 12 5.7. Recommendations .........……...……................................................................ 13
List of References…………………………………………….....………….…………….…………14
I. Executive Summary
For my research paper, I have choose to analyze the equal employment opportunities within Hy-Vee Inc. Equal employment opportunity is a very specific yet broad determination of what is allowed and what is seen as discrimination. A lawsuit can be filed against any company that does not follow the strict guidelines put into action by the Supreme Court, Legislative Body, and Executive Branch. The objective of my paper is to explain the role that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission plays when dealing with the Human Resource department at a business during the hiring process and with the treatment of employees. Also, I