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Biological Warfare


Submitted By saifster
Words 1837
Pages 8
Biological Warfare: Effects on USA
The purpose of this study is to determine the response of the American public to the growing threat of biological warfare which has been amplified by the war on terrorism. The study focuses on various news items, government researches, public responses and independent researches to gauge the effects of the perceived biological threat. The research shows clear linkages between rising terrorism in the world and an increase in public knowledge of the sort of threats these terrorist organizations pose, especially the risk of a biological attack which could lead to a catastrophe. The research also sheds light on the rising voices in the media and public which demand concrete strategies to prepare for any and all eventualities. We also see how these demands shape public policy and scientific research. Lastly, we conclude that there is a definitive causal link between people’s perception of the biological terror threat and their public and private behavior.
The primary research question we have is that in what ways has the use or threat of biological weapons of mass destruction affected the lives of US citizens in recent history? America has been on the receiving end of terror attacks and the year 2001 is still fresh in everyone’s minds. The terror attacks on the world trade center were soon followed by the anthrax attacks which were perpetrated by a lone, disturbed scientist. The fact that a single man, without any proper training or planning, could execute terror of this scale using home grown bacteria woke the American public and government to the threat of such attacks if they were carried out by organized outfits like Al-Qaeda. The paranoia that gripped the average Americans caused a clear shift in their mentality towards a number of things with respect to their psychology, sociology and basic interaction

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