...Term 1 topics (30% of the exam): • Skeleton • Muscles • Nervous System • The Brain Skeleton and Muscles • Skeletal system is all the bones in the body and the tissues that connect them • Average human has 206 bones • Bones: - Composed of living cells - Has protein called collagen, which makes it strong (Collagen: strong fibers) - Contain calcium sulphate and phosphorous which makes it hard - 2 types: compact bone (outer layer, dense and hard), spongy bone (inner layer, consist of fine struts of bone, forms the red bone marrow) • Cartilage (soft bone): - Firm but softer than bone, cartilage is rubbery while bone is firm - Has collagen but no mineral salts - Smooth slippery surface acts as a cushion, reduces friction • Function of bones: - Enables movement (eg: raising of arm, breathing movement in the ribs, chewing of the jaws) - Storage minerals - Support the body, keep it off the ground and keeps the body shape - Where blood production happens (red marrow of some bones such as vertebrae produce both red and white blood cells) - Protection (brain-skull/cranium, heart, lungs and liver-rib cage, spinal cord-vertebrae) • Structure of the skeleton (just important ones): 1. Vertebral column - Also called backbone or spine or spinal column - Consists of 33 individual vertebrae - Cartilage allows the...
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...GENERAL BIOLOGY I FOR NON-SCI. MAJORS 1308/1108 CALENDAR – SPRING 2015 Week of: Lecture Chapters Lab Exercises Jan 19 Martin Luther King’s Day – No classes 21 Introduction #2 Metric Measure Jan 26 Ch. 1 Biology, Study of Life #2 Microscopy 28 Ch. 2 Basic Chemistry #3 Chem. Comp. of Cells Feb 2 Ch. 2 Properties of Water #3 Chem. Comp. of Cells/Unknown Quiz 4 Ch. 3 Organic Molecules #4 The Cells Feb 9 Lecture Exam 1 (Chs 1-3) #4 pH and Cells 11 Ch. 4 Structure and Function of Cells #4 Diffusion and Osmosis Feb 16 Ch. 5 Dynamic Activities of Cells Review 18 Ch. 5 Dynamic Activities of Cells Lab Practical 1 Feb 23 Ch. 6 Photosynthesis #5 Enzymes 25 Ch. 6 Photosynthesis #6 Photosynthesis Mar 2 Lecture Exam 2 (Chs 4-6) #7 Cellular Respiration 4 Ch. 7 Cellular Respiration Group Project Case Study Mar 9 Ch. 8 Cellular Reproduction #8 Mitosis 11 Ch. 9 Sexual Reproduction #8 Meiosis Mar 16-19 Spring Break! Mar 23 Ch. 10 Genetic Inheritance #9 Mendelian Genetics 25 Ch. 10 Genetic Inheritance #9 Mendelian Genetics Mar 30 Lecture Exam 3 (Chs 7-9) Review Apr 1 Ch. 11 Molecular Biology of Inheritance Lab Practical 2 Apr 6 Ch. 11 Molecular Biology of Inheritance #10 Human Genetics 8 Ch. 12 Regulation of Gene Activity #11 DNA Biology Apr 13 Ch. 13 Biotechnology ...
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...INTERMEDIATE MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY Biological Sciences 121 – Spring 2013 Section 1 - Course Number 33203 I. Course Information Prerequisites: BIO 01 and 02 Instructor: Dr. Tom Landerholm, Humboldt 211E, 278-6152, e-mail: landerholm@csus.edu Lectures: Monday and Wednesday 3:00-4:15 pm, Sequoia 301 Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 1:00-2:30 pm, Sequoia 326, or by appointment Required Textbook: Alberts, et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th edition. Garland Publishing, Hamden, CT. 2002. The text is available in the bookstore and two copies have been placed on reserve in the library. Downloadable Course Materials: 1. MySacCT 9.1: 2013 Spring: BIO 121 Molecular Cell Biology – SECTION 01 2. Syllabus and course schedule, outlines, PowerPoint slides, Note-taking sheets, study questions, previous exams as available. Grading: Grades will be based on the result of four midterm exams and a cumulative final exam: A(-) > 90%, B(+) > 80%, C(+) > 70%, D(+) > 60%, and F < 60%. Midterm Exam 1 Wednesday 02/13 100 points Midterm Exam 2 Wednesday 03/06 100 points Midterm Exam 3 Wednesday 04/03 100 points Midterm Exam 4 Wednesday 04/24 100 points Midterm Exam 5 Wednesday 05/15 100 points Final Exam Monday 05/20 150 points Total Points 650 II. Course Policies ...
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... Ms. Noelle Sanchez * Office: LSW 330 A MW 1-3pm, TR 9-11am on the main campus of ASU – Jonesboro * Office Hours: Please email me for assistance; since this is an online course I will be assisting you likewise. * Office phone: ASU Biology office: 870-972-3082, 972-3174 * E-mail address: nsanchez@smail.astate.edu ------------------------------------------------- / Textbook: Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology 4th edition; with Mastering Biology Resources; by Simon, Reece, and Dickey. ISBN-10: 0321763327 COURSE ID: SANCHEZBIO1001 The readings listed below should be done before or concurrently as the corresponding content material is presented. Course content will be presented on the assumption that the respective assignments have been read. Additional reading assignments from other sources may be incorporated into the content of this course as deemed necessary by the instructor. ------------------------------------------------- COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION PROCEDURES ------------------------------------------------- A. Course and Performance Objectives Learning Outcome: Enable students to recognize the major unifying themes of biology, including evolutionary theory, cell theory, reproduction, and genetics as these relate to contemporary issues, such as biodiversity, human impact on the environment, and biotechnology. Course Goals: Upon completion of this class, the student will...
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...Biology B | Activity | Points | % of Total | Discuss | 75 | 4% | Exam | 100 | 5% | Final Exam | 100 | 5% | Journal | 100 | 5% | Lab | 250 | 13% | Practice | 125 | 6% | Quiz | 740 | 38% | Test (CST) | 250 | 13% | Test (TST) | 200 | 10% | | Total Points for the Course : 1940 | Unit 1: DNA and Heredity | Lesson 1.1: The Code of Life | (Documents: Key Terms) | Activity 1.1.1: Study - Organization of DNA | (Documents: Study Sheet) | Learn about the organization of DNA into alleles genes and chromosomes. | | Duration: 40 min | | | Activity 1.1.2: Quiz - Organization of DNA | Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material. | | Duration: 20 min | Scoring: 20 | Points Earned: _____ | Activity 1.1.3: Study - Mitosis | (Documents: Study Sheet) | Learn about the process of mitosis. | | Duration: 40 min | | | Activity 1.1.4: Quiz - Mitosis | Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material. | | Duration: 20 min | Scoring: 20 | Points Earned: _____ | Activity 1.1.5: Journal - Your Traits | (Documents: Journal) | Reflect on the uniqueness of human traits. | | Duration: 40 min | Scoring: 20 | Points Earned: _____ | Lesson 1.2: Passing On Traits | (Documents: Key Terms) | Activity 1.2.1: Study - Meiosis | (Documents: Study Sheet) | Learn about the process of meiosis. | | Duration: 40 min | | | Activity 1.2.2: Quiz - Meiosis | Take...
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...BSC 1020 - Biology of Humans EXAM 1 Study Guide Exam Instructions • Exam 1 is scheduled for Saturday, February 13, 2016 from 11:00am-12:15pm • It will be held on the Tampa campus, in CW Bill Young Hall (CWY), which is located on USF Maple Dr., across from the Social Science bldg. (SOC), and north of the gym/rec center (REC). Campus maps can be found at: http://www.usf.edu/administrative-services/parking/maps/index.aspx o Because there are 316 students, we’ll split the class between two adjacent rooms: If you last name begins with A ‒ J, go to CWY 107 ▪ If you last name begins with K ‒ Z, go to CWY 109 ▪ • If you cannot come to the Tampa campus that day, it is your responsibility to arrange for an alternate site. Refer to the syllabus for more details. • Please bring your student ID and a pencil. Scantron sheets will be provided. • The exam covers Chapters 1 to 7, Units A‒D. Roughly the same number of questions will come from each chapter. • It will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions, including approximately 10 True/False. Study Recommendations: • Re-read each chapter ahead of time, study the PowerPoint slides • Do the online practice quizzes and activities. Better yet, do them a couple of times. Some of the exam questions may be the same or very similar. • Take the quizzes found at the end of each chapter in the textbook Study Material: To help you focus your studies as much as possible, I’ve assembled...
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...Fundamentals of Biology II BIO2000, T/F 7:30-‐8:55am DAC 407 Instructor: Dr. Brent A. Berger Office: 257 SAH 718-‐990-‐6790 bergerb@stjohns.edu Office Hours: Monday and Thursday 2:00-‐3:30pm, 257 SAH The purpose of office hours is to discuss questions, concerns, or comments you have about the course. You are welcome to talk to me before or after class, or set up an appointment to meet at another time. If you plan on attending office hours, please send me an email ahead of time. General Course Overview Fundamentals of Biology II is an introductory biology course designed to familiarize students with basic biology vocabulary and knowledge of core biological principles, including: the chemistry of life, structure/function of cells, energy transfer in living systems, Mendelian and chromosomal basis of heredity, DNA replication and repair, gene expression, virus and biotechnology. Student...
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...Basic Pharmacology is a senior level/graduate level course which will make use of representative groups of pharmacologic agents to introduce the basic principles of pharmacology. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics will be the main focus of course, but concepts of cell biology, anatomy, physiology and pathology will be incorporated to present a thorough understanding of the action of drugs in the human body. The course will not cover all the major drug groups, however. The course will require study and mastery of assigned topics and chapters, and so the textbook is necessary. More importantly, the main educational goal of the class is to develop competencies deemed essential in the field of biomedicine, as reported by the AAMC-HHMI special committee. The course will require that students work through the Blackboard resources of the UM-Flint website. Students are responsible for gaining access to the Internet as needed. It is highly suggested that students avail of the resources of the UM Flint library and computer labs as much as possible. Course Objectives 1. To know basic pharmacologic terms and definitions 2. To understand concepts specific to pharmacology 3. To apply these basic concepts to the use of commonly known drugs 4. To analyze the relationship of drug action to physiologic signs and symptoms Textbook (Required) Brody’s Human Pharmacology (Molecular to Clinical) 5th Edition, by Lynn Wecker with Lynn Crespo, George Dunaway, Carl Faingold and Stephanie...
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...YEAR 11 2A/2B Biology PROGRAM 2014 TERM ONE: 2A ADAPTATIONS FOR SURVIVAL WEEK | TOPIC | TEXTBOOKREADINGS | Home WorkSETS DUE | PRACTICAL | ASSESSMENT DUE | 1 | Introduction to Biological ScienceWorking as a biologist – Planning and conducting biological researchScientific Method and fair tests. | From Mr Goggins and Mr Goodlet | From Class Work Sheets | Caffeine and heart rate | | 2 | Module: Ecosystems, Biodiversity & SustainabilityClassification * Methods and purpose of classification. * biological classification as a hierarchical system of grouping organisms. * Domains and Empires * Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus,Species | Chapter 8 | Pg 237 Q’ s 1-3Pg 241Q’s4-6 | Insecta Classification&PlantaeClassification | | 3 | Classification Continued * Characteristics of the major Phyla * Orders of insect. * binomial nomenclature and the use of taxonomic keys | Chapter 8and teacher resources | Pg 254Q’s 11-14Describe major distinguishing features of Animal Phyla. | Field Guides | | 4 | Ecosystems and Communities * role of organisms including autotrophs, heterotrophs and decomposers in the ecosystem (Niche) * energy flow and dissipation in food chains, webs and pyramids. | Chapter 9Chapter 14Pg 457-469 | Pg 275Q’s 1-4Pg 282 & 290Q’s 8-17Pg 467 & 469Q’s 3-8 | Mt Henry and surrounding area field survey. | | | EXEAT weekend Thurs to Mon | | | | | 5 | Cycling of mattermatter cycles through abiotic and biotic components...
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...TITLE: Study Approach: PAMANTANSAN NG LUNSOD NG MAYNILA CS THIRD YEAR BIOLOGY STUDENTS A. Background of the Study BS Biology students have the burden of memorizing technical/scientific terms, different defining characteristics of representative species from different phyla, long and confusing life cycles of different organisms and such. Many have failed in recalling key details and important information during examinations and majority of that is because of the technicality of the information they need to digest. The change made by the new administration of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila regarding the grading system has motivated the students to study harder to acquire the maintaining grade or to get a higher one. This has driven students to create their own techniques regarding memorizing or understanding overwhelming information and data. In the case of the BS Biology students in PLM, they deal with scientific terminologies, numerous characteristics of different organisms and the like which are hard to put in mind. Different techniques are being used to make the students remember as many information as possible. To make the future students acquire needed values, viewpoints, strategies and forms of knowledge to live creatively in the world of future, new trends in educational area have been needed(Koutselini, 1997). For that reason, together with these new ideas and triggered by the changes in educational arena, various approaches, theories, and trends have appeared...
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...find the discipline within science boring and hard. It is hypothesized that the role of the educator will have a greater effect on the student than the students past learning experiences. Also, Chidolue (1986) stated teachers’ attitudes towards Biology teaching is one of the major contributors towards explaining the variance in students’ cognitive achievement. While Odubunmi (1986) and Odunsi (1988) were able to confirm that teachers’ attitudes towards Integrated Science teaching affected their students’ attitudes and their ability to learn the subject and Oqunwuyi (2000) found significant causal relationships between the teachers’ attitude and students’ achievement in Integrated Science. The following literature reviews will make an effort to demonstrate and support the hypothesis. In the research article by Prokop, P., Tuncer, G., & Chuda, J. (2007) they address the following questions as a guide for their study. First, what are students’ attitudes towards Biology lessons? Is there any difference between the mean scores of boys and girls on the six dimensions of the Biology attitude questionnaire? Is there any difference between the mean scores of students’ of different age classes (grade levels) on the six dimensions of the Biology attitude questionnaire? Lastly, what...
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...to work on my multiple choice more. The chapter study guides and the pogils were helpful. The chapter study guides made me see what I had to study more specifically and made me read the textbook. The pogils also helped me with knowing what to study and the people that were in my group helped me with the problems. Next semester, I plan on reading the textbook more carefully and buying the review books to study. I will also pay more attention in class. I look forward to learning about animal form and function, but it might give me some trouble since there is a lot of memorization to do. Learning about the body is really intriguing, but there is a lot of information. I will start studying for the AP exam at the beginning of March. I will probably review each topic for a week or two. I will do as many practice AP multiple choice questions and problems as I can find. I will rewatch the AP Biology videos made by Paul Anderson. I am very anxious and excited for the new semester. The AP exam is coming up soon and I will put as much hardwork and dedication as I can to achieving a 4 or a 5 on the exam. ...
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...programs you are interested in. Learn about the career you are interested in by visiting the professions’ websites. Visit with or speak to an academic advisor from the professional program to have questions answered. Be smart about taking advice from other students. Confirm all information before making any decisions. When requesting information from a program, speak clearly so the proper information can be sent to you. RESEARCH • • • • • • Research prospective colleges and request brochures and catalog. Visit each college’s website. Be familiar with the curriculum and history of each institution you apply to. Take the time to visit the campus, take a tour and meet with current students and faculty. Review books for the various entrance exams are available at library, bookstores, and career centers. If you are an international student, learn what else may be needed from you. PREPARATION • • • • • • • • • Be certain to fulfill all the...
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...Structure of the Cell ---------------------------- ” 25 “ ” 30 Physiology of the Cell ------------------------------------------------------------- 25-43;72-108 Sept. 1 “ ” 6 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY 8 “ ” 13 Cellular Genetics ------------------------------------------------------------------- 109-205 15 “ ” 15 In Class Review Session for First Examination 20 EXAMINATION (CELL STRUCTURE THROUGH CELL PHYSIOLOGY) 20 Cellular Genetics ------------------------------------------------------------------- 109-205 22 “ ” 27 “ ” 29 The Immune System and Hypersensitivity ------------------------------------- 356-380 Oct. 4 “ ” 6 The Respiratory System ----------------------------------------------------------- 284-313 11...
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... The grade I received was acceptable, but not quite as high as I would have wanted. This helped me understand that my study techniques and goals should be improved, as well as my pre-exam anxiety. Prior to the midterm, I had a schedule set in place to review all the information covered in lecture on a weekly basis, as well as completing my Achieve homework without looking at my notes to practice...
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