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Bipolar Case Study Essay

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An Asian American Woman with Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a severe mental health illness that causes abnormality of the mood like manic –depressive disorder (Stahl’s, 2013). However, bipolar and depression are different but bipolar gives a better understanding of manic-depressive disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Understanding the difference as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) will help to diagnose patients accurately for better pharmacological management. There is always confusion when diagnosing a patient who is suffering from bipolar and patients who have major depression because, the bipolar patient usually present with the major depressive episode (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). …show more content…
My next decision will be to evaluate the strength of the medication to see if the patient is achieving the therapeutic level needed for his age. Assuming that patient is compliance to the medication but is still having symptoms of bipolar, a lab test will be performed to evaluate the lithium level. Since the patient was started on 300mg of lithium, base on a lab result, the PMHNP may need to increase the dose to 450mg to get the right therapeutic level. However, the patient might be getting too much and will need only the 300mg at bedtime (Stahl, 2014b) or may need to change from ER to SR. All these will be based on the evaluation of the patient. According to Stahl, (2014b) the doses is normally 300mg 2-3 times per day, and change or adjustments are done per lithium level. Studies have shown that the combination of lithium with other medications like valproate can be a good response to treatment resistance. At this point, combining the medication to will be another step the can be considered. I am hoping that patient will be free of the symptoms of bipolar and be able to sleep better. The difference is that lithium may not be the ultimate treatment for this patient thus may need another medication

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