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Bipolar Disorder - Effect on One's Life


Submitted By tcobb2100
Words 3286
Pages 14
Bipolar Disorder: Effects on One’s Life

Seminar II: Developing Learning Tools

Ottawa University

Ms. Nancy Hindle

Tonya Nelson

April 11, 2012

Abstract This literature review explores bipolar disorder (BD) and how it can affect one’s life. Patients experience extreme highs (mania/hypomania) and lows (depression) with this disorder. These episodes vary by type. There are various types of BD as well as multiple forms of treatments. There are also links between alcohol abuse or dependence (AUD) and social phobia (SP) with bipolar disorder. After treatment one may lead a full and productive life; however if untreated this disorder can affect mood, behavior and judgment, leading to poor performance at work, school and in one’s social life.

Bipolar Disorder: Effects on One’s Life
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a brain disorder that can significantly affect a person’s thoughts and behaviors in daily life. Once this disorder is diagnosed, someone with this illness may lead a full and productive life; however, if gone untreated one may have a higher risk of suicide and one’s personal relationships can be negatively impacted. Baldessarini, Viera, Calabrese, Tohen & Bowde (2010) state that there is a delay between diagnosis and correct treatment of five to ten years (p. 145). People with this disorder can have very “high” (mania/hypomania) periods and very “low” (depression) periods in a short amount of time. One can also have milder symptoms. For instance, one may be irritable and then shift to being sad. The high periods usually occur less than the low periods. These mood swings and shifts can have a negative impact on one’s performance at work, school and in personal relationships and may last from hours to months. In extreme cases, one can also experience psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions (NIMH, 2008).

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