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Mood and Depression


Submitted By jcanut
Words 505
Pages 3
There are many potential causes for depressive, bipolar and substance disorders such as biological, neurotransmitters, genetics, child hood trauma, and even major life events and even hormonal changes. Some of these causes’ people originate from and some develop over time due to their surroundings and or how a person is affected by life itself. Biological causes a change in brain activity causing depression where there is a decrease in the left frontal lobe during depression and a downward movement in activity that stabilizes the mood which again develops depression with the up and down activity in the brain. The release of imbalance neurotransmitters in the brain is linked to a person’s mood. Child hood trauma can cause depression for a long period of time that could lead to many things like substance disorders which develop by the way a person likes the way they feel, maybe feeling relaxed or not even thinking about the problems they have or stress. Substance abuse can also be genetic similar to bipolar. Some small studies have indicated that there is a "substantial genetic contribution" to bipolar disorder risk. People with a blood relative who has bipolar disorder have a higher risk of developing it themselves. Currently, scientists are trying to identify which genes are involved. hormonal imbalances are thought to possibly trigger or cause bipolar disorder. Abuse, mental stress, a "significant loss", or some other traumatic event may contribute towards bipolar disorder risk. Traumatic events may include the death of a loved one, losing your job, the birth of a child, or moving house. Experts say many things, if the variables are right, can trigger bipolar disorder in some people. They add that we all react differently to environmental factors. However, once bipolar disorder is triggered and starts to progress, it appears to take on a life and force of its own.

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