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Biracial Client Case Studies

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Running head: Case Study of Biracial Client

Case Study of Biracial Client
Courtney Garvin
EPS 690
Northern Arizona University

Running head: Case Study of Biracial Client
Case Overview Carla was a 19-year-old biracial women who came into speak with her therapist about being unhappy with her self image. Her mother was Native American and her father was white. She identified as biracial but stated that she felt that she was seen as a Native American woman because of her appearance. Carla had dark brown eyes, tan skin and long straight black hair. She also had an average build but was slightly overweight. She played a musical instrument in her college’s marching band and sung in the college women’s choir. These groups were very diverse and extremely successful in the collegiate realm having won many awards during her time there. Carla, for the most part, was looking forward to the start of her sophomore year. …show more content…
She reported that this had been an issue for her since her early teenage years due to comparisons of herself to her many her family members, who all had slender builds. Stating sometimes she felt pretty but other times and more often she felt revolting. Carla worried that her feelings would not be able to be understood properly by her white female therapist. In her prior counselor’s office, she had established an eating plan to help her establish healthy eating habits and to help her lose weight. Initially, Carla thought this might help raise her self-esteem levels but soon concluded that she did not want to lose too much weight. She could not properly articulate why she felt this way and had made this

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