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Bismuth Research Paper

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Have you ever taken Pepto Bismol? If you answered yes, you have ingested Bismuth. Bismuth is used in many things due to how versatile the element is. It ranges from medicines to helping deal with radioactive waste. It is found in so many common everyday things, and we just do not know it. If bismuth was not around, many of our house hold items would be different. Without bismuth, many of our everyday things will be different.
Bismuth has been known since the fifteenth century, but it was officially recorded as an element by french chemist Claude Geoffroy in 1753(chemicool). It was believed to be a different kind of lead until Geoffroy said it was its own element. Bismuth is recognized for being a greyish-white metal with a reddish-pink tint(World Book-Bismuth). People speculate that Bismuth received its name after the german word weissmuth, which means white substance. Bismuth can be found free in nature as bismuth glance and bismite. Bismuth might have the largest deposits, but it is usually found as a by-product when refining lead, …show more content…
As I mentioned before, it is one of the main ingredients in Pepto Bismol. Bismuth is what that product was made around of. Also, as I mentioned before, bismuth ranges from medicines to nuclear reactors. Bismuth is found to have so good in the medicine world. Bismuth carbonate and bismuth subnitrate are given for diarrhea, enteritis, gastric ulcers, and certain skin disorders. Bismuth is also used in cosmetic, but their is a warning against using certain substances that contain bismuth because research has proven to show toxic reactions. Bismuth is also used in foundries. Bismuth alloys are great when making molds. They give a sharp impressions during the casting period. Bismuth is also used in nuclear reactors. Bismuth does not absorb neutrons promptly, so melted bismuth is used to carry radioactive fuel to the core of specific nuclear reactors. Bismuth also helps cool reactors (World

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