...3 pitfalls Commitment: Commitment to planning engenders commitment to strategies and to the process of strategy making. Nature of planning fosters managerial commitment to itself Whether planning is committed to management. Change: Process of planning tends to evoke resistance to serious change in organizations Planning tends to favor short term over long term Politics: Planning is a biased form of objectivity and enforces political resistance. Aggravates the conflict between line and staff 3 fallacies Predetermination: To make strategic planning successful, an organization has to control or predict the course of the environment. Detachment managers are detached from the very things they are supposed to make strategies about Formalization Grand falacy: Soft analysis: Informal visionary and learning processes of line managers. Strategic planning is not the same as strategy making should have been called strategic programming Promoted as a process to formalize, when necessary, the consequences of strategies already developed instead of making new strategies Learning myopia: Why experience is a poor teacher. Experience is often a poor teacher, because it involves inferences from information and there are cognitive limits. Additionally, the experience is not as complex as the actual account. Experiences from others and politics influence your experience as well. Finally learning in the neighborhood of current experiences in the short-run restricts learning...
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...Analyse ”Min mor siger” Opbygning Første del – Side 1 Monologer fra en søhest I – Side 26 Hun snakker om hvordan hun mener hjertet er opbygget, hun forklarer hjertet som et ”støvet museum af knuste hjerter og fortidige forelskelser”, hvor hver gammel forelskelse bliver husket efter årstal. Udover det snakker hun om hvordan hun bedst husker sine egen tidligere forelskelser. Og forsøger at sætte dem ind i kronologisk rækkefølge. Hvorfor hun forelskede sig i dem, og i hvilken sammenhæng, f.eks. siger hun ”der er en afdeling for sommerforelskelserne”. Så er der også dem hun vil undskylde til ”VIP-afdelingen” som hun siger. Monologer fra en søhest II – Side 33 I dette afsnit har hun mest fokus på en enkelt person omkring øret, hun beskriver de mange ting som hun elsker ved hende. Men i nogle få linjer sammenligner hun hende med de andre kvinder hun har været sammen med, sammenligner dem med hende, hvilke egenskaber hun har, som andre ikke har hun kan lide. Monologer fra en søhest III – Side 45 Hun snakker meget om mellemgulvet og hvordan hun tænker at andre folk mener og snakker om hende, hun kommer ind på meget omkring musik, og om hvordan hun forestiller sig sammenligningen mellem hende og musik. Og hvor ensformigt kærlighed kan være, og hvor svært det kan være at skelne folk fra hinanden, da hun har været sammen med nok til en fest. Monologer fra en søhest IV – Side 55 Hun snakker om solar plexus og hvordan alle hendes forskellige smerter, skyldes hendes tidligere romancer...
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...Georg Brandes (1842–1927): af hans ”Indledningsforelæsning” (1871) Tekstkommentar Den 3.11.1871 besteg en ung mand universitetets talerstol. Salen var fyldt, og den efterfølgende forelæsningsrække blev et tilløbsstykke og startskuddet til det, vi kalder det moderne gennembrud. Den unge mand var Georg Brandes, nyuddannet litteraturmagister, der efter en inspirationsrejse til Frankrig havde indledt et forskningsprojekt, der kom til at bære titlen Hovedstrømninger i det 19de Aarhundredes Literatur. I Frankrig havde Brandes lært, at også forfatteren måtte gå videnskabeligt og kritisk til værks. Men sådan så den danske litteratur overhovedet ikke ud. Mens den europæiske litteratur forholdt sig til tilværelsens barske realiteter, skrev danskerne harmløse eventyr, nydelige naturdigte, salmer og vaudeviller. Det er her, Brandes ønsker at sætte ind: Det, at en litteratur lever, viser sig i, at den sætter problemer under debat. Og det var netop det, den romantiske litteratur undlod. Det var især den herskende (dobbelt)moral, Brandes var ude på at få ændret, og som ateist fik han fra starten den samlede folkekirke imod sig. På grund af sine synspunkter fik Brandes ikke det professorat på universitetet, som blev ledigt i 1872, og i protest flyttede han til Berlin i perioden 1877-82. Professor blev han dog. Efter det politiske systemskifte i 1901 var de tanker, Brandes havde hentet med hjem fra udlandet, modnet i folks bevidsthed, og det gjorde, at man gav ham status af professor med...
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...Türkiye’de Reyting Ölçümleri ve TNS Türkiye’deki güncel reyting ölçümünden bahsetmeden önce ilk olarak geçmişte nasıl bir reyting ölçümü kullanıldığından,reytingin ne işe yaradığından ve nasıl kullanıldığından bahsetmekte fayda vardır. Reyting televizyon izleyicilerinin, özellikle seçilmiş bazı ailelerin evlerine konulan people meter denilen cihaz ile ölçülür. Ve bu reyting ölçme cihazlarının nerede olduğu, hangi yerlere bağlı olduğu bilinmez. Ve yaklaşık 2200 civarı bir hanede reyting ölçmektedir. Bu hanelerde dediğimiz gibi nerede olduğu bilinmiyor. Bu 2200 ailede ölçülen veriler toplanıyor ve o verilerde hangi programın daha çok izlendiği, hangi programın daha az izlendiğini ortaya çıkarıyor. 1 reyting bugün 400.000 rakama tekabül etmektedir. Ve 10 reyting 4 milyon gibi bir rakam olmakta. Reyting tamamen o gece hangi programın ne kadar izlendiğini, kaç milyon kişiye ulaştığını, kaç haneye girdiğini ve bunlar arasında ki sıralamayı düzenleyen bir sistemdir. Ancak Televizyon İzleme Araştırmaları Komitesi (TİAK ) 1989'dan beri reyting ölçümü yapan ve son dönemde denek listelerini yapımcılara sızdırmakla suçlanan AGB ile reyting ölçüm sözleşmesini feshetti. Daha sonrasında TNS şirketiyle anlaşılmıştır. Bu arada TRT kanalı AGB’nin güvenilirliğinden şüphe duyup kendi ölçümlerini SBT analiz firmasıyla yapmaya başlamıştır. Televizyon İzleme Araştırmaları Komitesi (TİAK )’nin görevinden bahsetmek gerekirse; ...
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...The Coimbatore city’s rich flora- fauna and numerous water bodies stand threatened by the rapid rate of urbanization, primarily due to indiscriminate disposal of solid wastes across the city . This situated has been further complicated by poor solid waste management practises followed by the Coimbatore Municipal Corporation(CMC) in the past decade. This situation assumes even more importance, as more floating population find their way into city due to its fast rate of urbanization. The CMC, taking cognizance of this situation, has initiated a massive revamp of Solid waste management (SWM) under the JNNURM scheme for SWM. However, to manage solid waste effectively: • Solid wastes needs to be segregated at source as wet, dry( recyclable) and hazardous, to be carried on for processing it accordingly. • Also indiscriminate littering in open spaces needs to be stopped, as it makes managing wastes all the more difficult. So, in order to drive home these points and create public awareness and participation for the same, the Coimbatore Municipal Corporation has initiated a massive source segregation and litter collection campaign, jointly organized and executed with the help of NGO’s, corporate and some members of the Home Guards. This whole campaign will run on two fronts. One is the source segregation campaign, that will educate households from all the constituent 100 wards to segregate wastes at source. The project entails, coordinating with a ward counsellor, sanitary inspector...
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...Why Is There a Need to Have an OJT? Some Straight Talk About Starting Your Career There are a lot of interns in the Philippines who are absorbed by the company and get to instantly start their career the way they want to. These people are wise enough to be very clear about what they want to get out of their OJT and so they were able to find exactly what they were looking for. No one wants to put on an office attire, commute an hour to get to the office and only make sure that the coffee is made and all the files are stapled to perfection. College students, especially those who are taking their internships have a lot to offer, and no one wants an internship that is menial or boring. As much as possible, they want to be able to use everything they learned in school and apply it to a real job—a chance to test the waters, if you must say. So if you want to make sure that your internship is going to give you the experience you are looking for to jump start your career as early as now, here are key tips to make it happen, from finding the right jobs in the Philippines to making sure you stick to it. First of all, determine exactly what you want to get out of your internship. Achieving a goal is easy if you have it written down or at least have it clearly figured out. It;s difficult to go to battle without a strategy or objective, and so is joining the workforce without any goal in mind. You should figure out if you are looking for jobs in which you’ll be able to utilize all...
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...18 is a composite number [ a number with more than two factors] The factors [ one of two or more whole numbers that are multiplied to get a product] of 18 are 1,2,3,6,9,18 18 is not a square number [a number that is a result of the product of a number multiplied by itself] 6 and 3 is a factor pair [ two whole numbers that are multiplied to get a product] of 18 18 is a multiple [the product of given whole number and another whole number ] of 6 18 is a divisor [a number that divides a given number leaving a zero remainder] of 162 18 is a common factor [a factor that two or more numbers share] for 36and 54 18 is not a relatively prime number [a pair of numbers with no common factor except for one] 18 is a even number[ a number that can be divided by 2] 18 is not a odd number[ a number that cannot be divided by 2] You get your license at 18 October 18 is Edward Winslow’s birthday and he was the founder of the Plymouth colony The wide receiver for my favorite team the patriots has a jersey number of 18 18 century fur was a very good trade You can vote You are an adult 18 is the only number that is twice the sum of its digits You are in college You graduate high school You can make your own decisions You can live by yourself You get your license 18 You can order stuff online You can order advertisements That are on television Some golf courses have 18 holes Our family car’s license number has an 18 in...
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...Away In Airdrie Summary ”Away in Airdrie” Is a short story by James Kelman. It´s situated in Scotland and deals with football. In the story we meet three characters. Danny, Uncle Archie, and Betty, Danny’s mother. In this short story, Danny is the narrator and we are reading the story from his point of view. Danny is going to Airdrie along with his uncle Archie to watch Glasgow Rangers play at Broomfield Park. Danny is ashamed of uncle Archie, who is an alcoholic football fan. Even though he is irresponsible he is also really generous to Danny. The point of no return is where Danny accepts to go to the café by himself, meanwhile Uncle Archie decides to go drink some beers with his fellows at a pub. Archie forgets about Danny and therefore he ends up taking the train home alone, and as the story ends, the train crashes. 1. Where does the story take place? The story “Away In Airdrie” Takes place in the land of Scotland in a city called Airdrie. Airdrie is a city in the Southern Scotland with 37.000 citizens. 2. Who are the most important characters in the story? Describe them Uncle Archie - Uncle Archie is a really important character in the story, because the conflict in the story is Uncle Archie and his life problems, which becomes a bigger problem for nephew Danny, when Archie can´t control his weakness for alcohol and dumps Danny to hang out with his fellows at a pub. Uncle Archie´s Irresponsibility ends up costing Danny his life. Even though Archie was really irresponsible...
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...TUGAS AKHIR KELOMPOK PENELANTARAN ANAK ARSITEKTUR FAKULTAS DESIGN DAN TEKNIK PERENCANAAN UNIVERSITAS PELITAS HARAPAN 2011 -2012 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Tentunya kita semua mengetahui bahwa di jaman sekarang ini kehidupan perekonomian di Jakarta semakin memburuk dan susah. Yang kaya semakin kaya dan yang miskin semakin miskin. Kondisi perekonomian ini tentunya mempengaruhi berbagai hal. Misalnya, masalah kesehatan, pendidikan, dan memberikan dampak yang besar bagi kehidupan keluarga. Kondisi perekonomian sangat mempengaruhi banyak orang pada kalangan bawah, terutama sebuah keluarga. Misalnya, orang tua yang menyiksa, menjual, ataupun menelantarkan anaknya. Pada saat ini, masalah penelantaran anak ini sudah tidak asing lagi. Kasus penelantaran anak oleh orang tua semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Umumnya anak yang ditelantarkan itu lantaran orang tua mereka berpisah atau bercerai. Masih banyak lagi faktor lainnya, misalnya faktor kemiskinan, anak yang lahir tidak sesuai keinginan, atau ada cacat fisik maupun mental, serta anak yang lahir dari hubungan di luar nikah. 1.2 Identifikasi Masalah • Penelantaran anak. Penelantaran anak adalah perbuatan orang dewasa atau orang tua atas wali yang secara hukum bertanggung jawab bagi kesejahteaan si anak selama pengasuhannya dengan tidak memberi atau menyediakan kebutuhan asah-asih-asuh, meskipun sebenarnya sumber untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan tersebut tersedia. Penelantaran...
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...CRT atau The Caux Round Table merupakan sebuah prinsip etika bisnis yang dilahirkan oleh Amerika Serikat, bertanggung jawab menetapkan norma etika yang akan dilakukan oleh para pelaku bisnis. Kepercayaan dan keyakinan menjadi sebuah kunci terhadap tantangan yang akan dimiliki sebentar lagi seperti pasar bebas dan praktik bisnis saat ini. Namun dalam berbisnis juga terdapat penyimpangan dalam integritas bisnis baik secara minor ataupun major, yang akhirnya bisnis dikatakan tidak hanya bermodalkan kepercayaan serta keyakinan. Seperti yang terjadi pada krisis keuangan ditahun 2009, yang akhirnya pemerintah menyerukan perlunya praktik etika bisnis secara terstruktur. Penyimpangan yang terjadi biasanya tidak hanya pada negara, tapi juga pada pihak individu. Biasanya terjadi kasus seperti mengejar keuntungan sendiri tanpa memperdulikan pihak yang bekerja sama olehnya, yang sebenarnya berada diluar kekuasaan pemerintah karena bersifat individual. Akibatnya para pemimpin bisnis harus bisa menegaskan kepemimpinannya secara etika agar dapat melindungi kondisi bisnis yang dimilikinya untuk kedepan nanti. Prinsip CRT sendiri mengakui bahwa hukum dan kekuatan pasar sangat diperlukan dalam berbisnis, karena etika dari pemimpin tidak mencukupi sebagai panduan mereka untuk melakukan bisnis. Prinisip yang diberikan berakar dari tiga etika bisnis yang bertanggungjawab terhadap masyarakat yang adil dan berfungsi secara umum : pelayanan yang bertanggung jawab, hidup dan bekerja untuk keuntungan...
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...Strategic Planning: What does it Mean?, and How is it done Effectively? Most business owners or managers recognize that a strategic plan is a directional map for where their companies are headed and how they intend to get there. However, it is much harder for them to understand what goes into the strategic planning process, how the strategy-making task is best performed, and the full impact of the process the planning team goes through to develop the strategic direction of their organization. Strategic planning is best done when a company looks at its past, present, and future in light of its related environment. It is the process of thinking about the company and its related environment as an integrated whole. A process during which an executive "planning team" is organized to consider three key questions on a continuous basis: 1. What is our business? 2. Where do we wish to arrive, and when? and 3. How do we get from here to there? In a personal interview, Karen Poppe, Vice-President of Human Resource Management at Wall Drug, discussed the importance of organizing a strategic planning team to guide the long-term direction of a company. The planning team at Wall Drug consists of six key management people covering finance, personnel, and marketing. Clearly the success of those planning efforts is reflected in Wall Drug's average annual growth rate of 25% over the last five years. What is our...
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...A Trip with Parasol Around The Earth Math 172-4130 October 25, 2013 Group Members: Erika Pedersen Taylor Portman Basheer Eljabaly Jonathan Parmentier A look at the location of the satellite "Parasol" in the first 4 hours of January 1, 2013. Our group began by using the information on Satellite Situation Center, on NASA's webpage for the Goddard Space Flight Center. Where using one of their many resources we were able to have a page of latitudes, longitudes and times of "Parasol" as it trekked around the earth. With the given information we then plugged all the data we had into an excel spreadsheet, in order to have a scatter plot generated for us. Which we could then use to determine the sinusoidal model. The sinusoidal model that was determined from the generated data was: y = 81.485 sin (π/49.25(x-10.5)) The format we used was: y = a sin (k(x-b)) + c a = amplitude; k = 2π/period; b = shift left or shift right; c = vertical shift up or down The calculations for the above values for the data being used are as follows (the calculations below are rounded): Max average: (81.49 + 81.55 + 81.46)/3 = 81.5 Min Average: [(-81.45) + (-81.48)]/2 = -81.465 a = (Max-Min)/2 = [(81.5)-(-81.465)]/2 = 81.4825 The period of the graph was 98. k = 2π/k = 2π/98 = π/49 Since there was not a point at the beginning of the sine function that lied directly on the x-axis, the average of the two nearest points above and below the axis was taken to produce the “b” value...
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...Swapping of PNB-Allied shares to complete merger MANILA, Philippines—Philippine National Bank plans to offer new shares to all stockholders of Allied Bank at P70 per share pursuant to the merger between the two banks via a share-swap. PNB plans to offer 423.96 million common shares worth a total of P29.68 billion to Allied Bank shareholders, based on the bank’s application for registration of securities at the Securities and Exchange Commission. This offer was based on the exchange ratio of 130 PNB common shares for each Allied Bank common share and 22.763 PNB common shares for each Allied Bank preferred share. As a result of the merger, PNB will have a combined outstanding capital stock of 1.086 billion common shares of which 423.96 million new common shares are issued to Allied Bank stockholders with an issue value of P29.68 billion. An application to list the new shares is expected to be submitted to the Philippine Stock Exchange before the end of this month. While PNB and Allied Bank executed their merger last February, this offer will complete the consolidation of shares into PNB which will be the surviving bank. “The merger marks a special milestone for both PNB and Allied Bank. The synergies arising from the broadened network, diversified deposit base and improved scale will provide a compelling value proposition for their various stakeholders,” PNB said in the regulatory filing. “In creating the country’s fourth largest privately -owned bank, the merged bank will...
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...How lucky you are Luck can be many things. For some luck is all about having a big house and a lot of money, but it does not have to be about that. Luck can appear in all types of things. It can be as simple as a warm bed to sleep in or having parents who loves you. Luck is the main theme in the short story “How lucky you are”. It is written by Debi Alper in 2010. The story is about Max who falls in love with Ishraqi from Iran, but she must be send back the day they meet. The main theme of the short story is how different the appreciation can be from person to person, and that some people takes even the most important things in their life for granted. All Ishraqi wants is her parents and a safe place to live. Max has all that, and he does not appreciate it, but Ishraqi’s story makes him appreciate it more. Even though his father abandoned him, he could do a lot worse, and Ishraqi reminds him of that. The theme becomes clear when he thinks about his mother, and not wanting to fight with her anymore. (p.5,ll.170-175) Max is a 16-year-old boy. He lives Croydon, just outside London, with his mother. His father left the family just after Max was transferred to The Brit School, which is a school for performing arts and technology, for creative children like Max. “Max’s mum was always telling him his imagination was twisted. His teachers said that was a good thing. Max was creative, they said” (p.1,ll.4-5). Max seems cold and cynical. He wants to show the world how little he care...
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...Negeri Sembilan Bendera Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus * Warna kuning pada bendera membawa maksud Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja. Bahagian tiga segi yang berwarna merah bermakna rakyat, sementara bahagian tiga segi yang berwarna hitam maksudnya Datuk-datuk Undang bagi Luak-luak yang menjadi bahagian-bahagian negeri ini. Jata Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus * Sembilan tangkai padi di dalam perisai itu maksudnya sembilan buah negeri dalam gabungan Negeri Sembilan yang lama. Warna merah dalam perisai menunjukkan hubungan-hubungan pada masa lalu dengan British. Warna hitam melambangkan Datuk-datuk Undang. Warna kuning pula melambangkan Yang Dipertuan Besar. Bintang Pecah Sembilan itu adalah juga menunjukkan sembilan buah negeri dalam gabungan yang lama. Pedang dan sarungannya di atas perisai itu merupakan tanda keadilan. Di tengah-tengah antara pedang dan sarung ialah "Changgai Putri" tanda kebesaran Yang Dipertuan Besar. Terengganu Bendera Negeri Terengganu Darul Iman * Latar belakang berwarna putih bermaksud Duli Yang Maha Mulia Al-Sultan. Ia melingkungi tanah hitam yang bermaksud rakyat. Oleh itu, ia memberi maksud bahawa Sultan adalah pemberi perlindungan kepada seluruh rakyat baginda. Anak bulan dan bintang tanda agama Islam, agama negeri. Jata Negeri Terengganu Darul Iman * Bulan bintang menunjukkan negeri Islam. Mahkota menandakan pemerintahan Di Raja. Pedang, keris panjang dan cokmar pula merupakan alat kebesaran negeri Terengganu. Manakala di...
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