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Black Boy Research Paper

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Daphne Mika
Mrs. Millar
29 September 2014 Richard Wright is a writer. He wrote mostly about racism. I think he wrote about racism because he can relate to the topic. He experienced racism and white violence. I think most people write about their life they just disguise it to make it seem like it’s someone elses. H.L. Menkens' writing is what inspired Wright to be a writer. It wasn’t the style, but more of the work. In Black Boy, Richard Wright explains how the name H.L. Menken appeared in a conversation in some of his reading. He didn’t understand how a white guy could write anything to make people that angry. He decided that he needed to read what H.L. Menken wrote. Richard wasn’t allowed to take out books from the white library so Richard Wright wrote “Dear Madam: Will you please let this nigger boy have some books by H.L. Menken?" …show more content…
Behind it is another story he is trying hard to explain. Bigger was trained to be a bad citizen. The inspiration for Bigger Thomas was really Wright himself. Richard was always discriminated by the whites and he was poor. He based Bigger Thomas off himself. Richard Wright was born in 1908, in Roxie, Mississippi, Nathan was the son of Wright, and was a sharecropper, and Ella Wright, was a schoolteacher, and the grandson of slaves. In 1911 Ella took Nathan and barely one year old brother Leon to Natchez to live with her

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