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Jewish Objects

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Over the years, many different ways of displaying Jewish objects have been created and used in museums, world fairs, and exhibitions. In the years before 1940, there were three main models of display for Jewish objects which drastically influenced the ways in which Jewish objects were both displayed and experienced by both Jewish people and non-Jewish people. The three models which will be discussed in this essay are the decorative model, the religious model, and the historical model. While each different model creates a different type of narrative, one is not inherently better than another. The decorative model discusses the ways in which Jewish objects can be interpreted as art, specifically focusing on visual elements of the objects and not paying explicit attention to the religious and historical context. The religious model seeks to educate people (specifically non-Jewish people) about the Jewish religion by displaying objects in a way which explores the function in relation to religious ceremonies. The historical model explores a combination of religious context and cultural context in order to create a well-rounded documentation of Jewish history. All though each of these models showcases Jewish objects in very different ways, they all have the underlying goal of wanting to display and preserve the history of the Jewish people as well as educate others on the lives of Jewish people.
One of the many models of display for the presentation of …show more content…
Although the goal of the religious model was to educate people about the Jewish religion, many people viewed it as more of entertainment. This lead to many falsehoods and misrepresentations of Jewish people, as was seen in the Columbian Exposition in

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