...‘Judaism is a way of life that applies at all times and in every place … it aims to sanctify everything a person does, whether in directly serving God or in dealing with other human beings.’ Clarify (refinement of an idea - clarify this notion of ‘sanctify’) how marriage challenges adherents ‘to sanctify everything’ in their everyday lives Judaism can be defined as a celebration and sanctification of life, blessing it in every way. To be holy is to be sanctified, and sanctified is defined as something set apart for a special purpose. According to the Talmud, Rav Yehuda taught that 40 days before a male child is conceived, a voice from heaven announces whose daughter is set apart for him to marry. Therefore, marriage is seen as a spiritual...
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...– Brochure or Presentation on a Religion Select one (1) of the following religions with which you are least familiar: Buddhism, Islam, or Judaism, and complete this assignment. Choose Buddhism, Judaism, or Islam and create a four to six (4-6) page brochure in which you: 1. Focus on one (1) of the following topics: a. major festivals (discuss a minimum of two [2] of your choice) b. meditation (purpose, method, etc.) c. rites of passage (funerals, marriage, etc.) More Details hidden… REL 212 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT 2 BROCHURE OR PRESENTATION REL 212 WEEK 10 Assignment 2 – Brochure or Presentation on a Religion Select one (1) of the following religions with which you are least familiar: Buddhism, Islam, or Judaism, and complete this assignment. Choose Buddhism, Judaism, or Islam and create a four to six (4-6) page brochure in which you: 1. Focus on one (1) of the following topics: a. major festivals (discuss a minimum of two [2] of your choice) b. meditation (purpose, method, etc.) c. rites of passage (funerals, marriage, etc.) More Details hidden… REL 212 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT 2 BROCHURE OR PRESENTATION REL 212 WEEK 10 Assignment 2 – Brochure or Presentation on a Religion Select one (1) of the following religions with which you are least familiar: Buddhism, Islam, or Judaism, and complete this assignment. Choose Buddhism, Judaism, or Islam and create a four to six (4-6) page brochure in which you: 1. Focus on one (1) of the following topics: a. major festivals (discuss...
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...Religion and Belief Systems in Australia post Students learn about: | Students learn to: | Contemporary Aboriginal Spiritualities * Aboriginal spirituality as determined by the Dreaming * issues for Aboriginal spiritualities in relation to: * the effect of dispossession * the Land Rights movement Religious expression in Australia – 1945 to the present * the religious landscape from 1945 to the present in relation to: * changing patterns of religious adherence * the current religious landscape * religious dialogue in multi-faith Australia * ecumenical movements within Christianity * Interfaith dialogue * The relationship between Aboriginal spiritualities and religious traditions in the process of Reconciliation | * discuss how Aboriginal spirituality is determined by the Dreaming * kinship * ceremonial life * obligations to the land and people * discuss the continuing effect of dispossession on Aboriginal spiritualities in relation to: * separation from the land * separation from kinship groups * the Stolen Generations * outline the importance of the following for the Land Rights movement: * Native Title * Mabo * Wik * analyse the importance of the Dreaming for the Land Rights movement * outline changing patterns of religious adherence from 1945 to the present using census data * account for the present religious landscape in Australia in relation to: * Christianity as the...
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...Ethics 1 practise questions What is marriage? Marriage is meant when two people, normally a women and a man celebrate their love for each other and are then called Husband and Wife. State two traditional roles of women in a Jewish family There are many roles in the Jewish Religion for women, firstly women are traditionally the person who looks after them with food and cleaning. Secondly, the women in Judaism when it is Shabbat they are required to light the candles which is seen as a mitzvoth in Judaism. How are the roles of women different from the roles of men in a traditional synagogue? In a traditional synagogue there are many roles which differ between men and women. Firstly, in a traditional synagogue the women and the men are separated, this is so as if the men and women were sitting together the men wouldn’t concentrate on praying but on the women and also if they were together the men would get sexually agitated. Secondly, the men are on the side of the Bimur and the arch as it is said that the men concentrate more on praying than women do, which shows more respect towards the Jewish religion. Thirdly, the men are only called up to the Bimur as firstly they concentrate more on pray then women. Secondly, if a Women went up to the Bimur it is said that the men will get sexual aroused by the Women and that they will lose their concentration which will put them out of their spiritual zone in the Synagogue. Explain Jewish beliefs about divorce. The Jewish belief...
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...influence the live of adherents (Marriage). Marriage influences the life of Judaism adherents because the Jewish people place an importance on the home and family as the centre of Jewish life. Marriage is therefore much valued and anticipated in Judaism and it is considered the basic unit of the Jewish community. A Jewish marriage is based on the covenantal relationship with God and it is believed that the future of the whole people depends upon marriage and the rearing of children. Judaism considers marriage to be humanity’s ideal state of existence and marriage is also viewed as a contractual bond commandment by god in which a man and a woman come together to create a relationship in which God is directly involved. In Jewish law, marriage consists of two acts, called erusin meaning sanctification, which is the betrothal ceremony and nesu’in or chuppah, the actual ceremony for the marriage. Erusin changes the couple’s interpersonal status, while nesu’in brings about the legal consequences of the change of status. In Talmudic time these two ceremonies usually took place up to a year apart. According to tradition, betrothal could only be contracted by money (shtar), or a contract containing a betrothal declaration or by sexual intercourse with the intention of a creating a bond for marriage, rabbis did not support the last process. In modern society only the process of the exchanging of rings is practised. Marriage in biblical time was arranged marriage by the family members it...
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...My visual depiction relates to the religion of Judaism by showing the Star of David, with a cross in it. The Star of David is the symbol of Judaism and the cross represents Jesus. The visual depiction shows that even though some branches of Judaism don’t believe that Jesus is the Messiah, but some branches do, like the Messianic Jews (Kollontai). The components of Judaism that I would consider to be ethics would be to eat kosher foods, foods that are fit or clean according to Jewish dietary laws (Harley). I would also consider marriage ethical. I would consider kosher foods to be ethical because of the Jewish belief of eating certain food based on the Bible. Marriage would be ethical because, in Judaism, marriage is a holy covenant between...
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...Women in Judaism Katie Taylor The position of women in normal Judaism have been revoltingly distorted & misunderstood. The role of women is not practically as deprived the way a lot of present-day people may believe; in actuality, the role of women in Jewish Law dates back to the biblical era which in numerous ways has improved more than the role of women within the American civil law. Many of the significant feminist influential leaders of the 20th century are Jewish women, for example, Gloria Steinem & Betty Friedan & some analysts have suggested that this is not any twist of fate: the admiration accorded to women in Jewish customs is a part of their ethnic culture. In conservative Judaism, women for the majority part are viewed as separate but equal. Women's commitments & responsibilities are dissimilar from men's, but are not any less important. Women have been in positions of admiration in Judaism since biblical times. Miriam is considered as one of the liberators of the Children of Israel, along with her brothers Aaron & Moses. One of the Judges (Deborah) was a woman. Seven of the 55 prophets of the Bible were women. There were a lot of educated women of note. The Talmud & later on rabbinical writings verbalize on the knowledge of Berurya, the wife of Rabbi Meir. In quite a few occurrences, her opinions on halakhah (Jewish Law) were acknowledged over those of her male colleagues. In the ketubah (marriage contract) of Rabbi Akiba's son, the wife is...
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...Religion Select one (1) of the following religions with which you are least familiar: Buddhism, Islam, or Judaism, and complete this assignment. Choose Buddhism, Judaism, or Islam and create a four to six (4-6) page brochure in which you: 1. Focus on one (1) of the following topics: a. major festivals (discuss a minimum of two [2] of your choice) b. meditation (purpose, method, etc.) c. rites of passage (funerals, marriage, etc.) More Details hidden... Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of REL 212 WK 10 Assignment 2 Brochure or Presentation in order to ace their studies. REL 212 WK 10 ASSIGNMENT 2 BROCHURE OR PRESENTATION To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/rel-212-wk-10-assignment-2-brochure-or-presentation/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM REL 212 WK 10 ASSIGNMENT 2 BROCHURE OR PRESENTATION REL 212 WK 10 Assignment 2 - Brochure or Presentation on a Religion Select one (1) of the following religions with which you are least familiar: Buddhism, Islam, or Judaism, and complete this assignment. Choose Buddhism, Judaism, or Islam and create a four to six (4-6) page brochure in which you: 1. Focus on one (1) of the following topics: a. major festivals (discuss a minimum of two [2] of your choice) b. meditation (purpose, method, etc.) c. rites of passage (funerals, marriage, etc.) More Details hidden... Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the...
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...Year 11 Religion Sexuality Assignment Sexuality is one of the most significant and controversial issues in modern society and in the most considerable religions such as Islam, Judaism, Catholicism and Buddhism. Sexuality can be defined in several manners; most individuals would assume that sexuality is about sexual identity and gender role. However, sexuality is a very broad topic that can be explored in many ways, more significant aspects of the topic can be seen below: o Purpose of sexuality o Male/female roles o Sexual orientation o Sexual abstinence o Consequences of sex o Sexual identity o Gender stereotyping o Marriage o Sex and love o Pregnancy o Sex before/outside marriage In modern society these are the aspects that define sexuality,...
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...Paper For my world religion paper, I have decided to write it on the religion of Judaism. To begin, I will cover the components of their religion such as: their core belief systems, who they consider their deity, how they worship their deity, and how they live their lives. I will conclude my paper by reflecting on what I have learned and how that may impact my life and what changes I may make in the future because of it. I intend to learn about this previously foreign religion to me to develop a better understanding of this major religion. This knowledge can help me better understand how millions of people live their lives to make sure I am as respectful as possible and hopefully learn something new when approached with an open mind. This paper is a learning process for me and I will try to stay as unbiased as possible when searching for references. Judaism is the eleventh most popular religion in the world with over fourteen million followers. This religion dates back over four-thousand years ago to the year 2000 B.C.E. This religion is practiced in over fifty counties and is even increasing in popularity. In 2014 there were half of a million more Jewish people in the world than the previous year which continues the exponential expansion of this religion. Judaism is a very intricate religion with interesting beliefs, morals, and traditions with global impacts and conflicts around the world. Judaism is strictly monotheistic religion with the belief in an absolute one, incomparable...
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...gender equality in religion is a slow and painful process, and it is barely beginning to unfold worldwide. But it is a dynamic process, one in which progress begets progress. As a result of sexuality, gender inequality dramatically differs from other forms of inequality such as class or race. Women and men are bound together as intimate couples. And because of reproduction, all people are bound to both mothers and fathers and other kin of both genders. Inequality is the divergence of appropriation or opportunity and can be taken a look at through numerous positions from a social scientist angles. This essay will look into the fundamentals of sexual orientation imbalance inside of marriage through three distinct religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Religion has a distinctive affect on marriage and sexual orientation, so much so that people are not willing to be true to themselves in order to please their religion. Taking a look at the rudiments of sexual orientation disparity one can discover that it is an educated conduct starting at the formative phases of adolescence. As indicated by Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development under the preoperational period (2-7 years old) amid the instinctive stage (4-7 years old) a child’s "discourse turns out to be more social… has a natural handle of sensible ideas." also "ideas shaped are unrefined and irreversible" which makes a child to a great degree vulnerable to social discernments set up by the child’s parents who thusly are...
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...Contemporary Issues in Western Religions Religious beliefs have been the center of many conflicts across the entire world since the beginning of time. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism the major monotheist religious traditions have been at the heart of many of those religious conflicts. Historical connections and theological similarities are prevalent between the three. In parallel to the similarities exists the contemporary struggles affecting these western religious traditions. From the internal struggles within Christianity such as abortion, to its struggles with Islam and Muslim extremists, finally to the contempt against Christianity from actions of the Holocaust, each tradition faces contemporary struggles within their own right. Gaining a better understanding and insight into the historical, theological, and contemporary struggles between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism will enhance appreciation for each belief. Historical Connections and Theological Similarities: One main pillar of similar theology between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism is the belief in one god. However, each has different perspectives in relation to God. For example, Christians believe in [pic]the Trinity[pic] of [pic]God; God the Father, the Son (Jesus[pic] Christ), [pic]and the Holy Spirit[pic] ("Judaism, Islam, Christianity-Comparison", 2002-2011). Also Christians consider Jesus [pic]the son of God, born to the Virgin Mary, and[pic] had [pic]come to earth to offer redemption for...
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...interests, cuteness, similarities and differences that attracted them to each other in a unique way. They are equally attractive, in differing genres (Thernstrom, 2003 pg. 38). Kate felt as though a new world was opening through her very eyes upon meeting Max, they both enjoyed learning new hobbies, experiences and tastes. Kate and Max’s marriage is an example of exogamy, which is marriage outside the group and its culture (Conley, 2013 pg. 376). Usually in societies like the west, marriages outside the social group is legal and perhaps socially acceptable as well now than it was in the early twentieth century. Since the United States is so culturally diverse it’s very common now for people marry other races of people and have interest in their ethnic ways. In the case Max and Kate, Max was Jewish and after seeing each other Kate converted to Judaism. They both got involved in in a local temple, and five years after they met, when they were both 36, Kate converted to Judaism (Thernstrom, 2003 pg. 38). During the course of the marriage Max and Kate continued to become unease and uninterested in each other as they felt that their marriage was not traditional. Kate’s jobs status increased and she began to take on more leadership roles in the company she worked for. Max on the underhand moved very little especially since working for a non-profit organization. Kate was...
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...World Religions Report: Islam HUM/130 March 13, 2011 Introduction of the religion Islam is a major world religion, with over 1 billion followers worldwide. Followers of Islam are called Muslims. The origin of Islam can be traced back to 7th century Saudi Arabia. Though Islam is one of the largest and most followed religions in the world, it is the youngest of the many religions. According to Secular History, the prophet Muhammad introduced Islam in 610 A.D. after experiencing what he claimed to be an angelic visitation. Muhammad dictated the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, which Muslims believe to be the preexistent, perfect words of Allah. Though the origin of Islam is generally accredited to the prophet Muhammad but to the devout Muslim, Islam began long before Muhammad ever walked the earth. The Qur’an was dictated by Muhammad but according to the Qur’an, it did not originate with Muhammad. The Qur’an testifies of itself that it was given by God through the angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad. "This is a revelation from the Lord of the universe. The Honest Spirit (Gabriel) came down with it, to reveal it into your heart that you may be one of the warmers, in a perfect Arabic tongue" (Sura 26:192-195). "Say, 'Anyone who opposes Gabriel should know that he has brought down this (the Qur'an) into your heart, in accordance with God's will, confirming previous scriptures, and providing guidance and good news for the believers'" (Sura 2:97). Interview summary ...
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...and never want to let it go. Therefore, it should not matter if you are lesbian, gay, or even transgender because we are all equal, under the law and under God. The Republican Party is known to have a more conservative view on issues in society than the Democratic Party, and gay marriage is one of the issues the Republican Party believes should not be changed. They believe in keeping the traditional concept of marriage, “the union of one man and one woman” (Republican Party Platform, 2012). However, what the Republican Party does not consider is how traditional values hinder the growth of society resulting in narrow-minded citizens. An excellent example of what occurs when a nation is conservative is seen during the Industrial Revolution. England became the dominant nation during industrialism because citizens were able to experiment and be the unique individual they strived to be, unlike Eastern Europe, which trailed behind Western Europe because of their conservative government. Fortunately, the Republican Party has realized change can be good because more people are supporting same sex marriage. Mitt Romney, for instance, a Republican Presidential candidate, supports same sex marriage in Massachusetts and similarly the Republican controlled senate of New York has “recently approved same sex...
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