...Coyle vs. Schwartz Issue: Is Coyle legally entitled to the stock purchasing price of $250? (Is the stock-valuation provision in the cross-purchase agreement considered a penalty?) Rule of Law: Limited Partnerships; Agency Law & Limited Liability, Dissolution, Winding Up, and Termination of a General Partnership Application: Case Facts: * March 21, 1986: Coyle and Schwartz execute a share-transfer agreement wherein Schwartz transferred 2% of his American Scale share to Coyle. * Coyle then owned 51%; Schwartz owned 49% Coyle is majority shareholder and it was specifically stated in the argument. * August 25, 1988: Both agreed upon a buy-sell agreement that they titled, “Stockholder’s Cross-Purchase Agreement” * The agreement provided for the repurchase of a shareholder’s stock in the event of death, disability, or voluntary withdrawal of that shareholder. * Specifically: * It stated that if Coyle or Schwartz died or otherwise attempted to dispose of his shares, the other shareholder would have the right to purchase those shares. * Also, the agreement gave the majority shareholder an option to purchase all of the minority shareholder’s stock at any time upon a 60-day written notice. * As of August 25, 1988, the fair market value of each share was $250 after a stock-valuation method was completed. * Case states: “UNLESS ALTERED AS HEREIN PROVIDED, for the purpose of determining the purchase price...
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...Xxxx Xxx XXXX 310 Professor Ton October XX, 2012 Opiates and Crime My knowledge about opiates is a addictive drug that you snort, eat, smoke, or inject inside your body which will lead into a lot more serious offense that will lead into major crimes or maybe death. I know that the drug is a natural plant that holds purity in the flower bulbs of the plant that would make the heroin into a powder form or made into bricks of heroin made and growing worldwide and finds a way to get in the United States. The heroin drug is very addictive to get high off of and less expensive to the public and surrounding community, which the crime rate increases in the minor cities to the major cities. Police are now finding that heroin in a local community and arrested a manthat had a suspended license well driving with heroin inside the car that had three hundred ninety decks which one deck weights in to fifthteen grams of heroin inside, police say that on the street level dealing around to four thousand dollars to eight thousands dollar to sell around the local community. The crime rate in the local community have increased ranging from petty theft to grand theft just so the heroin user will get there heroin addiction inside their body and blood steam and not go through the withdrawal symptoms and not to lose their previous high they did have before. The police department in Montgomery are catching and arresting the same...
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...AUDITING: A JOURNAL OF PRACTICE & THEORY Vol. 24, No. 1 May 2005 pp. 21ñ35 Recent Changes in the Association between Bankruptcies and Prior Audit Opinions Marshall A. Geiger, K. Raghunandan, and Dasaratha V. Rama SUMMARY: The intense legislative and media scrutiny after a series of high-profile corporate failures, coupled with the paradigm shift in the regulation of the auditing profession brought forth by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, suggests that auditorsí decisions would be more conservative in the period after December 2001. Based on analyses of 226 financially stressed companies that entered bankruptcy during the period from 2000 to 2003, we find that auditors are more likely to issue going-concern modified audit opinions in the period after December 2001. Since the post-December 2001 period coincides with recovery from a recession in the U.S., we also examine prior audit opinions for 93 companies entering bankruptcy in 1991 and 1992. We find that auditors were also more likely to issue prior going-concern modified audit opinions in 2002ñ03 than in the earlier recession recovery period. Following the technique used in Francis and Krishnan (2002), we document that the increase in going-concern modification rates for bankrupt companies after December 2001 is due to changes in auditor reporting decisions and not solely due to differences in client characteristics between the time periods studied. Keywords: bankruptcy; going-concern reports. Data Availability: Contact the authors...
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...Two women, Edith Windsor and Thea Spyer, were married in Ontario Canada in 2007, and the State of New York had recognized their marriage. Spyer died in 2009, leaving her estate to Windsor. Windsor attempted to claim the federal estate tax exemption, but was prevented from doing so under the Defense of Marriage Act. Windsor paid the estate taxes but requested a refund from the IRS, which was denied. Windsor brought a refund suit to the District Court, claiming that DOMA violated the Fifth Amendment equal protection rights. An appeal was filed and the District Court’s decision was affirmed by the Court of Appeals of the Second Circuit. Although the US government did not seek to defend the constitutionality of DOMA, but they refused to refund...
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...sometimes you just gotta let your hair down you can't judge a book by its cover spare the rod, spoil the child you're driving me insane like a fish out of water if it ain't broke, don't fix it resting on one's laurels she's got eye's in the back of her head butterflies in his stomach a taste of his own medicine cry me a river love is blind there's something fishy about that time stands still thank God it's friday A Blessing In Disguise: Something good that isn't recognized at first. A Chip On Your Shoulder: Being upset for something that happened in the past. A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned: By not spending money, you are saving money (little by little). A Picture Paints a Thousand Words: A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words. An Arm And A Leg: Very expensive. A large amount of money. An Axe To Grind: To have a dispute with someone. Beat A Dead Horse: To force an issue that has already ended. Beating Around The Bush: Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue. Charley Horse: Stiffness in the leg / A leg cramp. Chew someone out: Verbally scold someone. Don't Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth: When someone gives you a gift, don't be ungrateful. Down To The Wire: Something that ends at the last minute or last few seconds. Ethnic Cleansing: Killing of a certain ethnic or religious group on a massive scale. Finger lickin' good: A very tasty food or meal. Green Room: ...
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...TEORIJA DETEKCIJE SIGNALA Priredio Dr. sc. Dragutin Ivanec samo za internu upotrebu (Psihologijski praktikum 1) Citiranje: Ivanec, D. (2007). Teorija detekcije signala. Skripta. Neobjavljeni rukopis, Odsjek za psihologiju, FF u Zagrebu. Činjenica da kriterij ispitanika u psihofizičkim mjerenjima (njegova blagost, strogost i sl.) može imati relativno veliki utjecaj na dobivene rezultate iz kojih zaključujemo o nečijoj osjetljivosti, dovela je do pokušaja razvijanja postupaka i metoda koje bi takve utjecaje otklonile barem na neki način držale pod kontrolom. Jedan od takvih metodoloških pristupa je Teorija detekcije signala (TDS), koju su iz područja tehnologije i inženjerstva u psihofiziku uveli Green & Swets (1966). TDS se temelji na statističkoj teoriji donošenja odluka koja je imala svoju primjenu u inženjerstvu, gdje se javljao problem što točnijeg razdvajanja signala i šuma. Temeljna pretpostavka upotrebe TDS-a u psihofizici, tj. pri ispitivanju osjetljivosti osjetnih sustava, zasniva se na nekim zajedničkim osobinama tehnoloških sustava i perceptivnih procesa kod ljudi u situacijama opažanja. Problem s kojim se susreće opažač u situaciji slabog podražaja (signala) slična je situaciji kod fizikalnih komunikacijskih sistema. Opažač detektira signal u odnosu na uvijek prisutnu podlogu – tj. šum. Takva situacija otežava proces detekcije pa opažač ponekad i sam efekt šuma proglašava signalom. Činjenica jest, koja proizlazi...
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...rights as American citizens?" "The court ruled that corporations/companies do indeed have the same free speech rights as people." "Because of this court case, companies can spend on advertisements supporting political candidates, policies and other things, which infulence many political outcomes." US v. Windsor 2013 "Does the executive branch and the lower court's agreement deny the Supreme Court of jurisdiction to determine the outcome of the case, does the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group have power in the case and does the Defense of Marriage Act deprive homosexual couples that are legallly married under state laws of their fifth amendment rights? "The Supreme Court ruled that the Supreme Court does have power in the ruling, the power of BLAG in the case is undefined though and DOMA does deprive homosexual couples that are legally married of right to equal protection that is given to them under the fifth amendment." "The right to same sex marriage in America is not guaranteed because of this case, but there are definitely some positives from this case. The case makes is so that now same-sex couples can be recognized as married and if one person in the gay couple is employed by the government, they are entitled to spousal benefits." ...
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...Assignment 2: The Statutes Sara Barboza Dr. Joseph McCue PAD 525 Constitutional and Administrative Law October 18, 2015 INTRODUCTION The word miscegenation comes from the Latin words miscere (to mix) and genus (type, family, or descent) and has been used to refer to cohabitation or intermarriage between racial groups. Regulated by state law, miscegenation was illegal in many states for decades. However, interracial marriage in the United States has been fully legal in all U.S. states since the 1967 Supreme Court decision, Loving v. Virginia, that decreed all state antimiscegenation laws unconstitutional. Many states, of course, had chosen to legalize interracial marriage much earlier. According to a May 14, 2012, Huffington Post article entitled “Interracial Marriage Statistics: Pew Report Finds Mixed-Race Marriage Rates Rising,” the 1980 Census (the first to collect data on interracial marriage) reported that 3% of all married couples were from different races. The number had risen to 8.4% (one in twelve couples) by 2010. Looking at marriages recorded in the years between 2008 and 2010, we find that 22% of newly-married couples in Western states were of different races or ethnicities, compared to 14% in the South, 13% in the Northeast, and 11% in the Midwest. QUESTION 1: Analyze and evaluate each case independently by providing the following (about two paragraphs per case): LOVING V. VIRGINIA CASE. 1. Facts of the case: In 1958, Mildred Jeter, a black woman...
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...Nora Roberts Istinite laži Prolog Nekako, s ponosom i uţasom istovremeno, uspela je da podigne bradu i potisne muĉninu. Ovo nije košmar. Nije mraĉna fantazija koja će nestati s dolaskom zore. Ipak, kao u snu, sve se odvijalo sliĉno usporenom filmu. Probijala se kroz gustu vodenu zavesu iza koje je videla lica ljudi oko sebe. Oĉi su im bile gladne; usta su im se otvarala i zatvarala kao da će je celu progutati, a glasovi su im se utišavali i oticali poput talasa koji udaraju o stenu. Srce joj je poĉelo snaţnije i upornije da lupa, kao ţestoki tango unutar njenog sleĊenog tela. Nastavi da se krećeš, nastavi da se krećeš, zapovedao je mozak njenim drhtavim nogama dok su je ĉvrste ruke gurale kroz gomilu ka stepenicama sudnice. Oĉi su joj zasuzile od jakog svetla, pa je potraţila naoĉare za sunce. Pomisliće da je plakala. Neće im dopustiti da iskoriste njene emocije. Tišina će biti njen štit. Spotakla se i u trenutku osetila paniku. Brzo je naredila sebi da ne sme da padne, jer desi li se to, reporteri i radoznala masa će skoĉiti na nju, reţeći i škljocajući foto-aparatima. Rastrgnuće je kao divlji pas zeca. Mora da se uspravi, da stoji iza svoje tišine još nekoliko metara. Toliko je nauĉila od Iv. Pokaži im da si pametna, devojko, ali nikad im ne pokazuj da se plašiš. Iv. Došlo joj je da vrišti. Da prekrije lice šakama i da vrišti sve dok ne izlije sav bes, strah i tugu iz sebe. VreĊala su je pitanja koja su novinari dovikivali. Mikrofoni su joj boli lice poput smrtonosnih...
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...Local Economy http://lec.sagepub.com/ The euro crisis Andrew Jones Local Economy 2011 26: 594 DOI: 10.1177/0269094211421748 The online version of this article can be found at: http://lec.sagepub.com/content/26/6-7/594 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: London South Bank University Local Economy Policy Unit Partner Organisation: Centre for Local Economic Strategies Additional services and information for Local Economy can be found at: Email Alerts: http://lec.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://lec.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://lec.sagepub.com/content/26/6-7/594.refs.html >> Version of Record - Nov 17, 2011 What is This? Downloaded from lec.sagepub.com at UNIV OF GUELPH on November 17, 2013 Review article The euro crisis Andrew Jones Local Economy Policy Unit, London South Bank University, UK Local Economy 26(6–7) 594–618 ! The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0269094211421748 lec.sagepub.com ´ ˜ Marco Buti, Servaas Deroose, Vıtor Gaspar and Joao Nogueira Martins (eds), The Euro: The First Decade, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2010; 1048pp: ISBN 978-9279098420, £95 (hbk); Roy H. Ginsberg, Demystifying The European Union: The Enduring Logic of Regional Integration (2nd edn), Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, MD, 2010;...
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...VLADALAC Preveo B. Janković IP Knjiga ISBN 86-83551-24-5 ΝΒΒΛ NIKOLO MAKIJAVELI VELIČANSTVENOM LORENCU DE MEDIČIJU Oni koji žele da zadobiju milost nekog vladaoca, obično pred njega izlaze veoma često i poklanjaju mu ono što smatraju najdragocenije u svojoj imovi ni ili ono što mu je najdraže. Neretko se dešavalo da su vladaocima darivali konje, oružje, tkanine protkane zlatom, drago kamenje i ukrase koji dolikuju nji hovom visokom položaju. Želeći, dakle, da iziđem pred Vaše svetio lice sa nekim zalogom svoje podaničke odanosti, u svojoj imovini nisam našao ništa što bi mi bilo milije ili što bih više cenio od poznavanja dela velikih ljudi, do koga sam došao na osnovu dugog iskustva, stečenog 5 učestvovanjem u savremenim zbivan jima i neprestanim izučavanjem pro teklih događaja. Pošto sam znanja dugo proveravao i ispitivao i sada u ovoj knjižici sakupio, upućujem je Vašoj Svetlosti. Iako smatram da ovo delo ne zaslužuje čast da Vam bude poklon jeno, ipak nada da ćete ga Vi blagoizvoleti primiti, jer od mene dobiti većeg dara ne možete nego što je mogućnost da za kratko vreme saznate sve ono što sam ja godinama proučavao, izlažući se velikim napor ima i opasnostima. Ovo delo nisam nakitio i pretrpao zvučnim frazama, nadmenim i visokoparnim recima, ni bilo kakvim stilskim veštinama ili spoljnjim ukrasima, pomoću kojih mnogi pisci izlažu tok priče i kite svoje knjige, želeo sam da ga ne ulepšam, kako bi privlačilo pažnju isključivo istinitošću zaključaka...
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...Table of Contents Title Page Dedication the girl and her doll family portraits kicking and wailing hypotonia n. a state of reduced tension in muscle. spoon fed mon ami school runs dead people still have birthdays a different story second opinion a whole new chapter handshakes prodrome n. an early symptom that a disease is developing. the watching stair a cloud of smoke is this question useful? the magnolia elephant milestones the same story make yourself at home truth no. 1 truth no. 2 truth no. 3 how best we can support you clock watching day 13, for example *I don’t hear voices drawing behaviour writing behaviour empty dull thud open wide sharp scratch this goodbye, the goodbye keepsake Acknowledgements all of my strength About the Author Copyright About the Publisher the girl and her doll I should say that I am not a nice person. Sometimes I try to be, but often I’m not. So when it was my turn to cover my eyes and count to a hundred – I cheated. I stood at the spot where you had to stand when it was your turn to count, which was beside the recycling bins, next to the shop selling disposable barbecues and spare tent pegs. And near to there is a small patch of overgrown grass, tucked away behind a water tap. Except I don’t remember standing there. Not really. You don’t always remember the details like that, do you? You don’t remember if you were beside the recycling bins, or further up the path near to the shower blocks, and whether actually the water tap is up there? I can’t...
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...Topografija 1. Orijentacija: Pojam orijentacije Da bi se lakše snalazili ne terenu važno je savladati neke osnovne pojmove o orijentaciji i terenu. Orijentacija podrazumjeva svako snalaženje na terenu koje nije automatski (poznati teren) nego na osnovu nekog znanja i iskustva. Pojam orijentacije podrazumjeva zemljopisnu (geografsku) i topografsku orijentaciju. Zemljopisna orijentacija obuhvaća određivanje strana svijeta (istok, zapad, sjever, jug). Topografska orijentacija podrazumjeva određivanje stojne točke, položaja objekata na terenu (reljef, infrastruktura i sl.), te izbor daljnjeg kretanja na terenu. Topografska orijentacija obično uključuje i zemljopisnu orijentaciju. Zemljopisna orijentacija pomoću nebeskih tijela i znakova na terenu - Zemljopisna orijentacija pomoću Sunca Za orijentaciju u prirodi bez kompasa najpogodnija je orijentacija pomoću Sunca (Sunca i sata). Sunce je ujutro u 6 sati na istoku, u podne na jugu, a u 18 sati na zapadu. Iz toga možemo zaključiti da se Sunce u toku jednog sata pomakne za 15º. Za orijentaciju u ostala vremena koristimo sat s kazaljkom. Pošto su u danas satovi na kazaljke rijetki, sat možemo imitirati tako da ga nacrtamo na papiru ili nečemu sličnom. Bitno je pri tome paziti na točnu podijelu između brojki sata. Kod ovog načina sat stavimo u vodoravan položaj i okrenemo malu kazaljku sata u prema Sunca. Simetrala kuta što ga čini brojka 12 na satu i mala kazaljka...
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...100 Days For Her Happiness... Would you love someone just because you pity her? Would you agree in an agreement that you'll gonna love a sick person? Would you agree to marry a person you barely know? Could you love someone in your remaining days? Would you agree to live in a same roof in 100 days with a dying person? Color Codes: Kamia Jasha Elpedez-Lauchengco Rixx Edcel Lauchengco Johanna Anderson Rafael Chui Jecka Ilano Sebastianne Madriaga Kyler Marx Suspedez Jiro Elpedez Rex Edralin Lauchengco Yara Elpedez Jara Elpedez Maru Lyndon Cruz Could you treasure all those memories with a dying person forever? Chapter ONE Jasha’s POV "Ayoko! No! Never!" Sigaw ko sa Daddy ko. "Jasha, Anak. You need to! You know it's not for our company, it's for you!" "Yah, i know! But, i don't need a man who will love me because i'm sick!" "You don't have enough time in this world! Gusto ko lang maranasan mong magmahal at mahalin..." Dad, please don't do this to me... "Anong mahalin?! Eh awa lang naman mararamdaman nun sakin eh!" "He doesn't know your condition! Only his father knows! And his father will just shut up with this matter." ano na naman ba kasi tong pakulo na ito? "I don't want to! Is it that hard to understand?! What if that guy loves someone else?" "Then he'll be oblige to leave that girl! Sa lahat ng bagay pinagbigyan ko ang mga kagustuhan mo kaya dapat ang mga kagustuhan ko naman ang masunod kahit ito lang!" eh bakit kasi ito pa? ang labo naman ng erpats ko! "Iba na...
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...IGRE GLADI: KNJIGA PRVA Naziv originala: Suzanne Collins - THE HUNGER GAMES Copyright © by Suzanne Collins, 2008 Copyright © za srpsko izdanje Alnari d.o.o. 2008 ISBN 978-86-7710-399-6 Za Džejmsa Proimosa PRVI DEO TRIBUTI 01 Kada sam se probudila, druga strana kreveta bila je hladna. Ispružila sam prste u potrazi za Priminom toplinom, ali dotakla sam samo grubu površinu dušeka. Mora da je sanjala nešto ružno i otišla kod majke. Naravno da jeste. Danas je dan žetve. Podigla sam se na lakat. U spavaćoj sobi ima dovoljno svetlosti da ih osmotrim. Moja mlađa sestra Prim sklupčala se u loptu, a majka se obmotala oko nje. Spavale su obraz uz obraz. Majka u snu deluje mlađe. I dalje deluje umorno, ali ne i izmoždeno. Primino lice je sveže poput rose, ljupko poput cveta* po kojem je dobila ime. Pored njenih kolena, najružniji mačor na svetu, sedi i čuva je. Nos mu je zgnječen, pola jednog uha nedostaje, a oči su mu boje trule bundeve. Prim ga je nazvala Ljutić, insistirajući na tome da njegovo mrljavo žuto krzno podseća na žarke boje tog cveta. Mene mrzi. U najmanju ruku mi ne veruje. Mada je od tada prošlo mnogo godina, mislim da se još seća kako sam pokušala da ga udavim u kofi kada ga je Prim donela kući. Bio je mršavo mače, stomaka natečenog od crva i krzna prepunog buva. Samo mi je to falilo. Još jedna usta koja treba nahraniti. Ali, Prim me preklinjala, čak je i plakala. Morala sam da joj dopustim da ga zadrži. Sve je ispalo dobro. Majka ga je očistila od gamadi,...
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