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Bloom's Taxonomy of Education


Submitted By apasaja123
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Bloom's Taxonomy of Education
Benjamin S. Bloom contributed to education policy and practice in the history of education. Bloom’s research directed the advancement of many educational programs and provided tools for educator to help students learn. His research on education was conducted from 1940 to 1959 and focused on the relationships between methods of instruction, educational outcomes and measurement of those outcomes. Bloom’s wrote his first book in 1950 which led to the work , the “Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.” His most distinguished contribution to teaching and learning was developing a theory for teachers to provide correct instruction for their students. The revised Bloom’s Taxonomy is used as a framework for continuing education . The purpose of continuing education is to improve nurses’ skills to provide quality patient care. Nurses need to transfer her knowledge from continuing education to everyday practice. Educators can aid the process or transferring knowledge but not to acquire instructional outline. The revised Bloom’s taxonomy incorporates instructional outline into the taxonomy plan to support transfer of knowledge and helps educators to create correct instruction. The application of the research conducted on Bloom’s taxonomy on nursing education provides guidelines to teach , organize lesson plan, assess the strategies in teaching and to evaluate the strategies of teaching. The application of the research is also used to create learning objectives and instructional outline for written educational materials; for example, when teaching a non-compliance diabetic patient instructional material must outline the purpose of the teaching . Instructional outline also help educators to develop reasoning skills when educator encounter problems in the clinical setting.

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