...ESTUDO DE CASO: O PROJETO DE BLUE SPIDER "Isso é impossível! Não dá para acreditar! Dez meses atrás, que eu estava sentado no topo do mundo. A alta administração considerava-me um dos melhores, se não o melhor engenheiro desta fábrica. Agora olhe para mim! Eu estou cheio de olheiras, depois de seis meses sem uma noite de sono decente, e não consigo acreditar que só me resta limpar a minha mesa e ir-me embora. Congratulo-me, com certeza, por voltar para o meu antigo emprego em engenharia. O problema é que nada disso teria aconteciddo se não fosse a promoção a gerente de projeto." História Gary Anderson tinha aceitado trabalhar na Park Corporation recémsaído da faculdade. Com um PhD em engenharia mecânica, Gary estava pronto e decidido para enfrentar e resolver todos os problemas do mundo. Em primeiro lugar, a Park Corporation não ofereceu a Gary muitas oportunidades para fazer pesquisa pura, que este queria, ansiosamente, desenvolver. No entanto, as coisas mudaram rapidamente. A Parks cresceu e tornou-se uma das principais empresas em um projetos estruturais e electrónicos durante o grande "Boom" do final da década de 50 e início da década de 60 quando os contratos do departamento de defesa (DoD) eram abundantes. A Parks cresceu de pouco mais de meia dúzia de engenheiros para se transformar num dos maiores provedores do DoD, empregando cerca de 6.500 pessoas. Entretanto, durante a recessão que marcou o final dos anos sessenta, o dinheiro tornou-se escasso e houve demissões...
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...draw:frame} Blue Spider Project Compiled By: Dirk Bottinger Student Number: 6907025308081 Dirk Bottinger DOCUMENT INDEX Executive Summary This document examines the following case: An organization called Parks Corporation for the purpose of this document they are a sub contractor to a larger firm called Lord Industries Current Organizational situation Parks Corporation is in low cost production facility that had to retrench 4300 employees when the defense contract market that they had penetrated went through a bad financial patch. This forced the company to return to low cost production as this is where they made their money and as a survival tack tike. As markets improved the company grew again and they landed a sub contract deal through Lord Industry for redesign of the Spartan missile through research and development that could ultimately be worth $500 million to Parks Corporation Current Organizational Problems Parks Corporation’s top management has neglected to secure highly skilled personnel as they are not willing to pay for them and has thus used a method of promoting from within the company but neglected to provide sufficient training. They also hired engineer’s strait out of college to save on wage costs. Parks Corporation management has no company policies or procedures that are followed and make decision on matters without discussions with project leaders. This miss management is leading to employee dissatisfaction. Their attitude towards training or...
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...#selected color dd=200 if clickb=1 and clickx>=dd and clickx =1 and clicky =dd and clickx =1 and clicky =dd and clickx =1 and clicky =dd and clickx =1 and clicky =dd and clickx =1 and clicky =dd and clickx =1 and clicky =dd and clickx =1 and clicky =dd and clickx =32 and clicky =dd and clickx =32 and clicky =dd and clickx =32 and clicky =dd and clickx =32 and clicky =dd and clickx =32 and clicky =dd and clickx =32 and clicky =dd and clickx =32 and clicky 65 then if txtx=0 then txtx=clickx txty=clicky end if a=key if a > 0 and a 16777219 then text txtx+txtd,txty,chr(a) txtd+=15 prvx=clickx prvy=clicky end if if a = 16777219 then if txtd >0 then color white rect prvx+(txtd-15),prvy,15,21 txtd-=15 end if end if end if while mouseb=1 if mousey > 78 then if seldraw=0 then #circle mousex,mousey,1 plot mousex,mousey end if if seldraw=1 then if prvx > mousex then rect clickx,clicky,prvx-clickx,prvy-clicky rect clickx,clicky,mousex-clickx,mousey-clicky end if if prvx < mousex then rect clickx,clicky,mousex-clickx,mousey-clicky end if prvx=mousex prvy=mousey end if if seldraw=2 then circle clickx,clicky,mousex-clickx end if if seldraw=3 then if mouseb=0 then line clickx,clicky,mousex,mousey end if if seldraw=4 then color white rect mousex-(ersize/2),mousey-(ersize/2),ersize,ersize end if ...
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...The Blue Spider Project 1) During the 1960s and 70s major organizations had very little control over their internal operations. Parks Corporation was considered to be an organization that had uncontrolled work authorizations, capricious changing of plans, unsupported transfers of actual costs, inability to account for usage of material, and the absence of meaningful organization performance measurement. Park used a militia-disciplinary team where personnel were gathered from other areas of the organization to help with the Blue Spider Project. Gary Anderson was an engineer who was asked to be the project manager for the Blue Spider project; overall he was responsible for the project, but left the performance of the individual phases of the project to be performed by the functional mangers. Gary Anderson assigned, monitored and coordinated the work on the project team, but all of the functional managers, had their own supervisors that had the ultimate say so on what the functional manger could and couldn’t do. Upon program authorization or contract award, upper management should have issued a program directive to Gary. A directive contains the statement of work, the program schedule, the Work Breakdown Schedule WBS, the amount of appropriated budgets and other specific requirements as needed. This would have been helpful because personnel that were assigned to the project were later moved to another project. Because Gary did not have the program directive; it made it easy...
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...You have been hired by the Venerable International Network of Oenology (VINO) and tasked to assist in computerizing the management of information about its members’ data, as well as the information they collect about several wines. This oenological organization is quite large and hence has many members of the same name. To distinguish among members, they issue membership cards, each with a unique member number. The contact details of members are also book-kept so as to facilitate the mailing of event announcements by post and/or email and calls for meetings. Once a week, VINO organizes a tasting session. In those sessions, several bottles are offered for tasting, and each member records their evaluation for each bottle they taste (outstanding, good, mediocre, bad). Such evaluation will differ between one taster and another for the same wine. Besides, the actual quality and therefore the evaluation will vary among bottles of a given wine. Any bottle opened during a tasting session is consumed during that session. Wines are identified by their name (“Agiorgitiko”), appellation (“Corinth”), and vintage (1993). Other data of interest about a wine is the alcohol degree (13.5), and its country of origin (“Montenegro”), and grape variety (“Merlot”). At any given time, there will be several bottles of the same wine in the cellar. For each such wine, the bottles are numbered. For instance, the cellar may store 15 bottles numbered 1 to 15 of a Georgian wine...
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...1.why is protective relaying implmented in power system 1. Normal operation 2. Prevention of electrical failure. 3. Mitigation of the effects of electrical failure 2.what is the most important function of protective relaying removal any element of a power system when it suffers a short circuit, or when it starts to operate in any abnormal manner that might cause damage or interfere with the effective operation of the rest of the system. 3.what is a secondary function of protective relaying? provide indication of the location and type of failure 4.what are the two levels of protective relaying deployed in power system when economically justifiable. primary and back-up relaying 5. what is the role of fuse in relaying If a short circuit develops, large currents will flow, and the fuse link will melt, causing the circuit to open(when concerned economics. 6.what is dominant type of abnormal condition in power system. Short circuit. 7.What protective equipment are share among adjacent protective zones in power system Circuit breaker. 8.Is two level protection economically justifiable for any type of failure No, just for short circuit 9Distinguish between “a” and “b” relay contact .a for an open contact ;b for an closed contact 10. Define “pickup” value of relay actuating quantity When a relay operates to open a b contact or to close an a contact, we say that it "picks up 11 Define”reset” value of relay actuating quantity When a relay operates to close a...
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...Topic: The advent of the digital age makes public libraries obsolete. (Affirmative) Current trends in technological and cultural development make it unlikely that public libraries will survive in their traditional format. Firstly, the book itself is becoming a thing of the past. Although ebook usage has not become widespread as quickly as many anticipated with the advent of the computer, this slow adoption is beginning to accelerate with the recent development of specialized ebook readers which use electronic-paper technology, such as the high-profile Amazon Kindle, which has sold tens of thousands of units. Just as consumers are moving away from hard-copy formats in music and videos, towards electronic files, the same will happen with books once ereader technology reaches the “killer app” level achieved by the iPod for music. With the decline of the physical book will come the necessary decline of the physical library. Secondly, the internet is creating a culture where information and files are shared freely, negating the need for public institutions to hoard and distribute books. This has already been observed in music and videos – despite their best efforts, recording companies cannot stop the inevitable free sharing of data. The same process is under way with books – Project Gutenberg makes it possible to find almost any popular public domain classic free on-line, while Google Books is doing the same with more obscure selections. Already there is a large collection...
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...Iniciação ao Projeto II Assignment #2 “The Blue Spider Project” 1. If you were Gary Anderson, would you have accepted this position after the director stated that this project would be his baby all the way? Na posição de Gary Anderson teríamos aceitado a proposta de Henry Gable. PRÓS: A ambição de Gary Anderson de querer subir na Empresa, melhorar a sua carreira e passar a ter um papel mais importante era correspondida com a promoção ao cargo oferecido por parte do seu superior; O conhecimento necessário para exercer esta função era comprovado com o MBA que Gary tinha no seu currículo; Vasta experiência e papel de relevo, por parte de Gary, no Departamento de I&D. CONTRAS: Falta de experiência de Gary em gestão de projetos. Esta promoção ao cargo de Gestor de Projetos seria o seu primeiro contributo para a empresa nesta função; Projeto demasiado importante para a Empresa e para o seu superior Gable. Gable teria uma palavra a dizer sobre as acções de Gary resultando numa perda de autonomia e controlo sobre a gestão de projetos. Este projeto era encarado como o “bebé” de Gable; 2. Was Gary qualified to be a project manager? Gary era qualificado para cumprir a função de gestor de projetos, porque tinha uma vasta experiência na empresa, na qual se destaca a sua excelência na produção consequente promoção a cientista sénior, responsável pelos projetos de I&D ligados à área da engenharia mecânica. Além disso, como é referido no caso de estudo, Gary tinha realizado...
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...Blue Spider Case 1) If you were Gary Anderson would you have accepted this project after the director stated that it would be his baby all the way? Despite Henry Gable’s very apparent shadiness I would probably have taken the project too due to the backing that the project has. Even though the project had issues, based on all we have learned in project management, it is rare that a project has the amount of attention and backing from top executives, as well as, strong resources from the functional team. Many of the cases we studied are problematic because they did not have this type of backing and priority which in the end, created other conflicts. Do engineers with MBA’s aspire to high positions in management? I think the ones who have the unique ability and skillset of both a PM and Engineer probably do aspire to have high positions in management. However, in my limited experience, I think that most engineers would gravitate towards being a project engineer where they are experts in their field and are most comfortable with technical details as opposed to the administrative ones. Gary Anderson was a perfect example of this. I feel that many engineers lack the essential administrative and soft skills of a PM to motivate and manage a team to a successful outcome. Was Gary qualified to be project manager? I do not think that Gary was qualified to be a project manager. Just because ‘we can’ does not often mean ‘we should do.’ It was probably very easy for Gary to complete...
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...1) If you were Gary Anderson would you have accepted this project after the director stated that it would be his baby all the way? Despite Henry Gable’s very apparent shadiness I would probably have taken the project too due to the backing that the project has. Even though the project had issues, based on all we have learned in project management, it is rare that a project has the amount of attention and backing from top executives, as well as, strong resources from the functional team. Many of the cases we studied are problematic because they did not have this type of backing and priority which in the end, created other conflicts. Do engineers with MBA’s aspire to high positions in management? I think the ones who have the unique ability and skillset of both a PM and Engineer probably do aspire to have high positions in management. However, in my limited experience, I think that most engineers would gravitate towards being a project engineer where they are experts in their field and are most comfortable with technical details as opposed to the administrative ones. Gary Anderson was a perfect example of this. I feel that many engineers lack the essential administrative and soft skills of a PM to motivate and manage a team to a successful outcome. Was Gary qualified to be project manager? I do not think that Gary was qualified to be a project manager. Just because ‘we can’ does not often mean ‘we should do.’ It was probably very easy for Gary to complete his MBA and therefore...
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...Como Tool and Die (A) Como Tool and Die Company was a tier-2 supplier of automotive industry and Ford Motor Company is its largest customer. Como is well known for its quality in the products. In 1996 Ford established some objectives for the suppliers to reduce the lead time, internal resources, prototypes within a time frame of 24 months. To attain these objectives and the leadership position in the marketplace, Como has to implement a strategic plan for mature project management system. For the new plan the cultural issues in the company are to be resolved and the president of Como appointed a task force for this purpose. Each cultural issue in the company are identified and proper solutions are provided by the task force. The president also listed the advantages of an excellent project management. The time frame determined by the president to attain a project management system was thirty-six months. 1. Ford, to achieve its goal of creating decentralized vehicle development system, gave 24 months of time to the Como Tool and Die Company to improve its processes. Thus, the Como has the only option of accepting project management as a culture rather than relying only on quality. 2. In the case of Como Tool and Die, the pressure and limited time frame given by the Ford influenced the Company in changing its sixty-year culture and made it to implement a project management system. This shows the influence a customer should exert on the contract management. 3. Yes, correcting...
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...Analiza PEST është një mjet i dobishëm për të kuptuar “pasqyrën e përgjithshme” të mjedisit në të cilin vepron organizata si dhe mundësitë dhe rreziqet që gjenden përbrenda atij mjedisi. Duke e kuptuar mjedisin në të cilin vepron organizata, mund të nxirren avantazhet dhe mundësitë si dhe të minimizohen rreziqet. Në veçanti, analiza PEST është mjet i dobishëm për të kuptuar rreziqet që lidhen me ndryshimin e mjedisit të organizatës, dhe me të, duke marrë parasysh pozitën që organizata e ka në mjedis, mund të identifikohen potencialet dhe kahet e organizatës për të përmirësuar atë. Ky mjet është i dobishëm sidomos për grupet e vendimmarrëseve në organizata e që janë të orientuar ,kryesisht, në punët e brendshme të organizatës. Vendimmarrësit e këtillë gjithnjë rrezikojnë të harrojnë fuqinë dhe efektin e presioneve të jashtme për ndryshime sepse janë të përqendruar në presionet e brendshme. Ekonomike • taksat e tatimet e përgjithshme- rritja e taksave ne nje ekonomi qe ulet perben nje kercenim per fakultetin sepse shume student nuk do te jene te afte ti paguajne taksen e shkollimit. • trendet ekonomike - ulja ekonomike me 0.8% ; rritja e papunesise ne 13.3% con ne uljen e te ardhurave duke perbere keshtu nje kercenim per arsimin universitar dhe kete fakultet. • tregu ndërkombëtar dhe çështjet monetare Politike • politikat qeveritare- shkurtimi i buxhetit con ne uljen e shpenzimeve per arsimin publik dhe kjo perben nje kercenim, pasi kjo ul invenstimet ne mjediset...
Words: 534 - Pages: 3
...SAINT MARRY SCHOOL OF GRADUATES Department of project management TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. AS-IS ANALYSIS OF THE PROJECT 1 3. SWOT ANALYSIS 3 4. EVALUATION OF BLUE SPIDER PROJECT MANAGEMENT 7 4.1. BLUE SPIDER PROJECT 7 4.1.1. Project with strategic emphasis 7 4.1.2. Project management without strategic emphasis 9 4.1.3. Approach of blue spider project 10 4.2. PC AS POO 13 4.2.1. Concept of POO 13 4.2.2. Processes of the Project-Oriented Organization (POO) 15 4.2.3. What Parks Corporation (PC) should do to become a modern POO? 17 5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 20 5.1. CONCLUSION 20 5.2. RECOMMENDATION 23 6. REFERENCE 27 1. INTRODUCTION Project Management deals with the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of company resources for short-term objective which is established to complete specific goals and objectives. It is cross functional teams that are assembled to achieve a specific purpose are the bases of project management. Projects are accomplished usually in specific time and within limited budget. The aim of projects is to produce deliverables. These deliverables which are measurable, tangible outputs come either at the completion or end of life-cycle phase of the project. A person who is assigned as the project manager may very well be assigned based upon the size, nature and scope of...
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...|*Practice Questions Midterm #1 |[| | |p| | |i| | |c| | |]| | |[pic] | |[|[| |[pic] | |p|p|The statements with no multiple choice are True/False questions. Remember that in all true/false questions, if any part is false, the whole | | |i|i|thing is false. | | |c|c| ...
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...TCM 750: Advanced Project Management Case Review I: The Blue Spider Project By Sona Ngoh Missouri State University Department of Technology & Construction Management College of Business Administration Spring 2014 Contents 1. Summary of Findings 3 2. Background Information 4 3. Problem Statement 5 4. Analysis of Issues and Alternatives 5 5. Detailed Recommendations 8 6. Implementation and Evaluation 9 I. Bibliography 11 II. Works Cited 12 Summary of Findings The Blue Spider Project is an example of a situation where the project manager show lack of understanding of the life-cycle for project management and the inability to leverage the application of the key skills of integrated cost, schedule and technical performance management to achieve project success. Gray has engineering degree with an MBA, an outstanding record as a production engineer but fails as a project manager because he was unable to get a clear vision of all aspects of his project or capable of focusing on a specific aspect of the project while keeping tab of other aspects as required. Gray’s inability to leverage his newly acquired decision making responsibilities as a project manager with his technical expertise helped to escalate the drawbacks of a potentially valuable project into a near catastrophe, almost losing his job in the process. Background Information Parks Corporation is a Department of Defense...
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