...Frazier was one of the Native Americans who were taken away from her parents to attend boarding school. Megan Sandford is the coordinator of boarding schools. The topic is about the experience of Carly Frazier in boarding school when she was young. Megan Sandford: Do you think that boarding schools was a good idea? Carly Frazier: No. Boarding schools was for Native American children to learn white culture. For them, it was very difficult to adapt with a whole new environment, and learn a new language and very different culture. Many children died by poisoning because of the food, beating up by the officials, and starving because of uncooperative children. School officials were not doing what they were supposed to do, and the government was okay with the way they were treating the children. Megan Sandford: Do you agree...
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...Education for children should be a time of learning, fun, and play, but that was not the case for the children of the Indian Boarding schools. They spent half a day in class and then the other part of their day was considered child labor, washing, cleaning, and working. Even their education was not an education but a way of trying to take the Native of the child. Indian Boarding Schools Sidney Byrd spoke about arriving at the school and being scrubbed down and turning red. I thought that was funny because we, the white man, calls Natives the "red man." I know he did not think it funny. Then after being there a while, he talked about being lonely. He was told to be brave and yet missing his grandparents terribly. Thankfully he found a "sister" that made boarding school survivable. At least he had someone to talk to in his own language who could comfort him....
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...and Disadvantages of Boarding Schools? Boarding school can be a great place to meet new people and to have fun while you're at school, but day school is also a good place to go if you don't like being away from your parents or you have great friends where you are. Both are really great, but boarding school can be really fun and you get really close to the people you meet there. One cannot say that boarding school is better or Day school in comparison, while both are effective in producing good results in terms of academics, extra-curricular, social interactions etc but for some parents it's difficult to give extra-care and time to their child from the drudgery of their routine, and also due to other reasons they send their children to boarding. There are number of benefits in a boarding School. 1) Daily coexistence leads to friendships, not just among students, but also with faculty members. 2) Often Low student-teacher ratio. The median class size may be 12 students per teacher, with a student-to-teacher ratio of 6 to 1. 3) Boarding school reduces compartmentalization, because academic studies are blended with other activities, such as sports. This natural juxtaposition increases the appeal of both pursuits. 4) Provides stability not available in families where one or both parents travel or are virtually never home due to work schedules. 5) Safety of individuals residing in boarding school is typically higher than non boarding school age students in general...
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...Many parents with affordable means prefer their children to join a boarding school to their studying in a day-time government or public school. One of the many reasons given for this preference is that living in a hostel is necessary for discipline, academic excellence and inculcating self-discipline. One other reason is an extremely busy schedule of both the parents which forces them to part with their children, when they are young, and send them to boarding schools. Yet another factor could be the fact that both the parents are employed in different parts of the country. But nobody can deny the fact, and the actual story from the mouth of a boarder can be really moving that the children who are sent to such schools tend to suffer a lot from homesickness and loneliness, initially. Later on, they get used to the new routine and do quite well. Whatever the gains of a boarding school, the fact is that nothing can substitute parents while the children are growing up. It is really very cruel to send a child of 6 or 7 years of age to a boarding school. After the 6th or 7th grade, a child could be expected to cope with the problem of separation from parents, but before that it is a cruel denial of his due, i.e. care, love and affection of his father, mother and other members of the family. However, it can’t be denied that in a boarding school a child does learn values that he or she might miss at home, such as sharing, better social adjustment, initiative, leadership...
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...Residential schooling and Indian Boarding schooling have both been used throughout Canada and America. It was said to be a solution for the “Indian problem”. For many others who attended, it was a time of abuse and desecration of culture. The first residential school opened in the 1800’s. Under the Indian Act, it became mandatory for every Indian child between the ages of 4 and 16 to attend a residential school or boarding school and it is illegal for them to attend any other educational institution. There are two objective views that the government wanted to establish with these schooling systems. The first one is to isolate the children from their families, so they can be converted and educated into the “white” culture. The second view is...
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...LA INSTITUCIÓN LIBRE DE ENSEÑANZA «( ... ) la Institución Libre, de día en día más próspera y fecunda para bien de todos -aun de sus adversarios-, merced al concurso espontáneo de la sociedad, a quien, después de Dios, todo lo debe, viene hoy a renovar ante ella sus votos, tendiendo con amistosa fraternidad la mano a todas las doctrinas y creencias sinceras, a todos los centros de cultura, a todas las profesiones bienhechoras, a todos los partidos leales, a todos los Gobiernos honrados, a todas las energías de la patria, para la obra común de redimirla y devolverla a su destino. Obra es ésta, señores, que pide clara concepción, labor profunda, ánimo sereno, devoción austera, paciencia inquebrantable. De ese común espíritu imbuidos los diversos órganos de la vida social, aportan a ella todos, cuando permanecen fieles a su vocación, el generoso fruto de su ministerio. Extiende la religión entonces por doquier la santidad de la virtud, la paz, la tolerancia, la concordia, el solidario amor entre los hombres, hijos de un mismo Padre, que cada cual invoca en su distinta lengua; despierta la conciencia de la unidad radical de las cosas, y presta a todas, aun las más humildes, un valor trascendental y supremo y una como participación en lo infinito. El arte de lo bello depura el sentimiento, ordena y disciplina la fantasía, remueve las entrañas y la faz de la Naturaleza, nos abre al inagotable venero de goces sanos, íntimos, varoniles, y desenvuelve en nosotros...
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...Indian Boarding Schools Richard Pratt, who was the commander of American Buffalo soldiers, proposed that since the Americans had defeated the Indians and most of them were on the reservation, the best way to assimilate the Indians was to ensure that they acquire the American system of education. Influential whites supported his reasoning. The Carlisle school began in 1879 through the donations of the influential whites (Baker, 104). The main reasons for starting the boarding schools were to eliminate the Indian culture and replace it with mainstream American culture or the civilized American way of life. This was not what Pratt had advocated in his desire to start the schools. He wanted to make the Indians educated to limit their vulnerability to the translators who stole from them when they traded. The Indians did not embrace this and the government had to force them to send their children to school (Baker, 105). The Indian children had to shave their hair and give up all their traditional clothing; this was the first step towards eliminating the Indian culture. This continued and the kids had to take English names at the expense of their native names and they were required not to even speak their native language. This was the last thing that they were to do but they were also required to abandon their native religion and become Christians (Baker, 105). This went well with their school teachings asserting that their culture was inferior and thus they should adopt the American...
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...national pupils are studying at UK’s boarding school with parents living overseas. There are more pupils from China and Russia obviously in these recent years. Some of the parents from China and Russia are pay more attention on giving their children more creative opportunities at school than the rote learning and difficult academic that they might gain in their own countries. “The UK system can find an area for Chinese kids who work very hard and concentrated on academics to prosper in and build their confidence.” says by Emma Vanbergen. The ability to develop an almighty person is very formulaic. It is about grades and it is about performance, but not very much about individual development. On the other hand, parents also hope their children encourage themselves in British culture and speak lingua franca of business in preparation for the global workspace. “British boarding school are very good at making children resilient adults who can earn a good living because children in boarding school do well all round and they win out in graduate labour market.” Said William Richardson. On a personal level, a child study abroad and leave his hometown is vulnerable to homesickness. Subomi at Westonbirt says she found the isolation of her boarding school difficult and has occasionally found adapting difficult. The next problem is Ghettoised communities like boarding school accepting too many national students. If a school have too many national students,...
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...before in grade school that I really didn’t understand why they took too long to read a simple sentence or a short paragraph. The movie made me wonder if, perhaps, some of them were dyslexic after all. At that time, it was either you were smart because you read fluently, or you were dull because you simply took a longer time to read simple words and sentences. There was no in between, no label for those who had a hard time reading simply because what they try to read were different from what normal people see. The movie made me realize was about parenting about how parents should love their children equally, how they should accept them whatever conditions come with them when they wanted to have. For a person still planning g to have his own family and children in the future like I, that lesson in the movie will not be forgotten easily. With that alone, my mind was already awakened to the heavy responsibility of how parents should love his child. The students involving the teacher students interaction depicted in this movie are so relevant in today’s times when you get to see and hear on television at regular intervals innovative punishment like electric shock being doled out to students. It tells about a boy, his IshaanAwasthi, who was always getting in problem at school for being so misbehaving and out of focus from his lessons. Too often, he would be caught by his trainer they dreaming and getting low grades. Because of this, his father send him to boarding school, all alone and...
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...basically about a girl who is offered a scholarship to a boarding school hesitates to accept it then after what happened while her trip she decides to accept the offer. The main happening that affects her mind to accept a scholarship and leave far away from home happens when Sam, her father, her uncle, and her uncles client Layton take the float trip down the river. The reason she was hesitating to accept the offer in my opinion is because Sams mother died and there are only Sam and her father living in her house so she did not want to leave her father alone and leave far away from home. The father feels same as what Sam feels. It was his idea of Sam going to the boarding school but then after she got the offer, he feels dismay. In one of the night during the trip, something happens that affects Sam’s decision. Layton, a client of her uncle, sexually harasses her. S’s father left her alone with Layton and went to sleep. Of course, he did not know something will happen and did not expect it to happen and wanted it to happen. The one thing comes up in her mind after Layton harassed her is why did her father left her alone with some stranger even though they stayed together for sometime and not take care of her. After they come back home, Sam filled out the acceptance form for the scholarship to boarding school. She decided to go to the boarding school and leave her father. The first break she got after she left for the school, she called her father telling him she will go with her...
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...without courage and an option to stand up for yourself, and instead become involved in a life embossed of hierarchy. The main characters in the novel are the boy Charles, Mr and Mrs Manders. The way Penelope describes the boy’s behaviour, and the way he shows his lack of interest, makes me feel that he is a very shy, insecure and a low self-confidence boy. A boy afraid of the unknown and new. In the story the boy is very quiet. We noticed it, when Charles was in the back seat of the car. He doesn’t eat his chocolate or read his comics (p. 61, l. 1-2 “The boy sat on the back of the seat of the car, a box of chocolates, unopened, beside him, and a comic, folded”). I think it’s a sign of Charles being insecure and afraid. He knows this new school isn’t something for him. He knows that he is low in the hierarchy. But he can’t say no, he won’t disappoint his parents, especially his mom. His mom is giving him no choice to choose his own way, to take responsibility for him self, and his own actions. Charles mom has since he was a little boy held him close to her self, which might have made him introvert. She hasn’t given him a chance to flourish like a real boy. It’s unknown for Charles to take responsibility for him self, which causes it to be terrifying for him. This results in insecurity and low self-confidence. The mom is very controlling which you can see in Charles behaviour, he is very unsocial and shy. The way she controls the family’s schedule (p. 61, l. 9 “just right. Nearly...
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...Letter to Editor of Xin Hua News. Dear Editor, What would happen to a child with no parents to take care of them during their childhood? Nowadays in China, many children are living in the countryside without their parents. The Chinese economy is rapidly growing, causing a big income inequality between the urban areas and rural villages. More and more people from the countryside are moving to the cities to work. However, their children have to stay in the rural area because their parents cannot afford to raise them in the city. Normally, these parents come back home once a year and stay for less than one week. So, children hardly have any time to spend with their parents during their childhood. According to a recent survey, there are more than 61 million (equal to the whole population of the United Kindom) stay-at-home children in China. 57.2% of them are taken care of by one of their parents, but for 42.8% of them, both parents are absent. Of the children living without their parents, 79.7% of them are taken care of by their grandparents,13% are cared for by the parents’ friends or relatives, and for 7.3% of them it is not known who is taking care of them. As we all know, an adult’s care is important to children. Without parents to take care of them, the mental health status of the stay-at-home children may be a big hidden trouble in the future. Some people think these children still have grandparents or relatives taking care of them. However, their grandparents also need to...
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...waiting for someone to take me to school, wondering who it was going to be. “(Yen Mah pg.26) At a young age she was forgotten at school, hours after dismissal, and left there to be picked up by whoever cared. This quote explains the details of being forgotten “After a long time, I peered through a crack into the deserted playground.. Not a person was in sight. Cautiously, I pushed against the massive iron doorway. It was firmly locked. Trembling with fear, I realized that no one was coming to pick me up. “ (Yen Mah pg.27) As the previous quote stated, she was never taken to school for she had to walk herself there and back every day, until school became her home. Many times she had to remind her father of her name, while she didn't even know her own birthday. Finally in her pre-teen years, she was sent to a boarding school up until college, and these were her permanent homes. Lastly she was unwanted, she was banished to boarding schools and left on the streets. Adelaine was in many situations where she had to leave abruptly for example Adelaine wrote “ You are to sleep on the couch in your Yeye’s room tonight. Tomorrow your father and niang are flying to Tianjin, and you are to go with them. ( Yen Mah pg.120) For most of her adolescents she was living in a different state than the rest of her family. She was left at points of danger and near harm. Most of the time she had not seen nor heard from her family for months while in boarding schools. Adelaine stated in her book “Day...
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...The novel Looking for Alaska, is a fictional novel about a young man named Miles Halter who is fascinated by people's famous last words. His interest in the last words of a poet named Francois Rabelais, leads him in search of a "Great Perhaps". Miles Halters experience in Florida was not so great. Although Miles was an introvert and did not have many friends, his parents forced themselves to think that Miles was popular and was happy. Miles did not seem to have the same thoughts as his parents so he decides to move to Culver Creek Boarding School, in Alabama where he is hoping to take a step into the Great Perhaps. The start at Culver Creek was a little hard for Miles. He is hoping to find friends and is wishing this school...
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...In actually,my chilhood was different from most people.About my third grade,i left my hometown and sudied in Shanghai.It was a strange place.Because of my parents’ work,i have to live with my parents’s friends instead of my parents.From them on,i started to learn how to solve some daily problems by myself,like tying my shoes.I also have to learn Besides,i sutdied in the boarding school which makes me live in the school from Monday to Thursday. So semi-independent life made me have a introverted personality.Except these,in general,i like the life.In school,i had built better friendship with my classmates.We have had meals and studied together.And I always played basketball with my classmates,especially after school.I still remeber that we were usually scolded by our teacher because of playing basketball to be late during lunch break.In addition,the situation let me know more customs of other cities in China from my classmates.To a large extent,it improved my introverted personality.Till now,i still often contact with my classmates in my childhood.Therefore,i become being willing to try to communicate with the strange and particiapte in some social acitivities.Although i still would not like to have too much communication with the strange now,i am extrovert and approachable when facing my friends. So i think it may be the influence of my situation. The first time that i would like to learn more about America is when i start to watch NBA which also makes me love basketball.It...
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