...Description The case “Bob Knowlton”, by Alex Bavelas explains what happens between Bob Knowlton head of the Photon Lab and new member, Simon Fester, when he is introduced into the lab. Bob Knowlton was the newly appointed head of the Photon Lab and he was still getting accustomed to leading the team when Bob Knowlton’s boss Dr. Jerrold added a bright up in comer to their team Simon Fester. Bob Knowlton feels inferior to Simon Fester and since Dr. Jerrold had some kind of relationship with Simon Fester he felt he could not tell him how he felt. As a result of this Bob Knowlton finds a better position with more salary and takes the job immediately shocking both Dr. Jerold and Simon Fester. Diagnosis During the entire case one thing stood out as the underlying reason for Bob Knowlton leaving the Photon Lab and that was lack of communication which ultimately led to Bob Knowlton perceiving that his position as team lead was in danger. Before Simon Fester was even introduced to the team Dr. Jerrold should have spoken to Bob Knowlton and informed of his plans and what Simon Festers duties are as it pertains to the team. This would have changed the outcome of the case tremendously. Theory After reading this case I believe that there are two main theories that ultimately caused Bod Knowlton to resign. The first one is that the Photon Lab Team was in the norming stage of their team development. Since Bob Knowlton was newly appointed the head of the Photon Lab but had been there...
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...Bob Knowlton Bob Knowlton A Case Analysis INTRODUCTION The Case revolves around the professional lives of the three main employees of Simmons Laboratories. The so-called protagonist is a person by the name of Bob Knowlton, who is the lead on one of the projects at Simmons Labs. Bob reports to Dr Katherine, another important part of Simmons Labs. The third important person in this case is Elliot Haywood. He is a new recruit into Simmons Labs and at the outset, expresses interest in joining Bob’s team. Bob Knowlton: Bob is someone who has been with the Simmons Labs for about nine years when the case is prepared. He is shown to be someone who thinks like old school scientists who believe in the trial and error method. He tests rigorously before coming to any conclusions and is meticulous about the details. He does not hesitate spending time and poring over any analysis or decision. At the same time, even after being a nine year veteran, he still seems like someone who is still finding his foothold in the firm. However, he is not very open about his inner feelings and internally hurts. Elliot Haywood: Elliot comes across as a “Type A” personality. He was always in an urgent need to complete his work and did not care if in this process he was disturbing or annoying others. In the case it is mentioned how Elliot called Bob at 2 in the morning to explain a new approach to certain lab problems without apologizing to Bob once for disturbing his sleep. Elliot was very organized...
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...BOB KNOWLTON Description: The case examines the actions and interactions between Bob Knowlton, project head of 2 years at a laboratory, his boss, Doctor Jerrold and a new comer to the Laboratory-Simon Fester. Diagnosis: Bob Knowlton, the project head of the Simmons Laboratory feels intimidated and undermined by the presence of Simon Fester, a fresh and bubbly newcomer who has just joined the group and slowly taken over the group. Bob also feels that his authority and everything he has worked hard on in order establish structure within the group in the past two years is being challenged and destabilized by Fester. Theory: The case examines the actions and interactions between different individuals with different Personality traits and Locus of Control. Personality means how people affect others and how they understand and view themselves, as well as pattern of inner and outer measurable traits and the person –situation interaction (Luthans, 2011). Locus of Control describes the extent to which a person believes that his or her behavior has a direct impact on the events that follow (Garson& Stanwyck 1997). Bob, who has the Agreeableness/Introvert personality trait, is co-operative, warm, caring, good-natured, courteous and trusting. Bob is also quiet, concentrating, thinks before he speaks and reflective (Luthans, 2007). He did not know how to categorize Fester from the first moment he met him and the lack of proper introduction and communication as to why Fester...
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...between Knowlton and Fester in their team. Bob Knowlton is a photon unit project head in charge of team. However, one day Bob felt that his leadership was at stake because a new brilliant scientist, Fester, was hired into the Simmons Laboratories and placed in Bob Knowlton’s work group. Fester demonstrated that his skills as a photon manager were, perhaps better than Bob’s. Jerrold, Bob and Fester’s boss, was extremely impressed with Fester and also was expressing that openly with the team. This made Bob feel intimidated that Fester was very sharp and competent and had solved some old problems, which were considered unsolvable by his team. He felt that Fester was slowly taking over leadership informal control of the team. As a result of this Bob may have lost some self-esteem and the respect of his team members. Bob Knowlton’s problem was that he was unable to discuss his opinions, feelings and conflicts with his boss Jerrold and teammates. Although Jerrold and Bob shared an open relationship, Bob did not indicate to Jerrold that he was having a problem and felt threatened by Fester’s brilliance and challenge to his leadership. Because of this Jerrold did not have a clue what was going on in Bob’s mind. Bob did not respond in the manner in which the leader of the team should have done. This demonstrated Bob’s inability to exercise authority and control when parity in team is disturbed. As a result his self-confidence in his capabilities reduced. Instead, Bob decided...
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...Bob Knowlton A Case Analysis INTRODUCTION The Case revolves around the professional lives of the three main employees of Simmons Laboratories. The so-called protagonist is a person by the name of Bob Knowlton, who is the lead on one of the projects at Simmons Labs. Bob reports to Dr Katherine, another important part of Simmons Labs. The third important person in this case is Elliot Haywood. He is a new recruit into Simmons Labs and at the outset, expresses interest in joining Bob’s team. Bob Knowlton: Bob is someone who has been with the Simmons Labs for about nine years when the case is prepared. He is shown to be someone who thinks like old school scientists who believe in the trial and error method. He tests rigorously before coming to any conclusions and is meticulous about the details. He does not hesitate spending time and poring over any analysis or decision. At the same time, even after being a nine year veteran, he still seems like someone who is still finding his foothold in the firm. However, he is not very open about his inner feelings and internally hurts. Elliot Haywood: Elliot comes across as a “Type A” personality. He was always in an urgent need to complete his work and did not care if in this process he was disturbing or annoying others. In the case it is mentioned how Elliot called Bob at 2 in the morning to explain a new approach to certain lab problems without apologizing to Bob once for disturbing...
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...IDENTIFICAR CONDUCTAS Bob Knowlton fue designado como jefe de proyecto del laboratorio de fotones de Simmons Laboratories, hace dos años. Le agradaba quedarse después de la jornada de trabajo en su oficina, para leer y meditar. Un día, que se encontraba descansando en su escritorio, entro un joven desconocido, presentándose como Simon Fester, el no era ningún cliente, y dijo ya haber comentado acerca del trabajo de Knowlton junto con Jerrold, su jefe. Knowlton enseño los resultados preliminares de una prueba que estaban realizando, pero Fester se quedo concentrado en las graficas, y respondía que dichos gráficos se parecían a una superficie de Jennings, lo que Knowlton asintió con la cabeza, aunque no tuvo idea de lo que hablaba. Knowlton se sintió molesto con el comentario de Fester, le dijo que irían a ver el experimento, ofuscado guardo las graficas en su cajón, y salieron de la oficina. Al día siguiente Knowlton se dirigió a la oficina de Jerrold, y le comento que quería hablar sobre Fester, a lo que su jefe le pregunto que es lo que pensaba de él, Knowlton respondió que lo consideraba una persona lista y competente. Jerrold conto que lo habían contratado, que tenía muy buenos antecedentes, y que podría pasar algún tiempo con Knowlton, aunque este asintió y con gusto acepto, no quería que lo coloquen en su espacio, por lo que se le considera una persona poco asertiva, ya que no da a conocer sus sentimiento y pensamientos sinceramente. Knowlton regresó al laboratorio con...
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...Presentation 2: Bob Knowlton Case Study Characteristics Bob Knowlton; - low self-esteem - insincere - untruthful - good leadership skill Simon Fester; - insensitive - straight forward - individualistic - intelligent Doctor Jerrold; - not an observer - ignorant Questions 1) Discuss the reasons why what happened happened. Low self-esteem; - Basically, what happened in this case is that Bob Knowlton resigned because he felt threatened by his own colleague which is Simon Fester. He felt that he can't perform his work good just because he feels that Fester is a bit more faster in getting the work done, spot some flaws and grabbing opportunities. Knowlton also tend to easily get annoyed whenever his boss, Jerrold, praises Fester on his work. The problem with Knowlton is that he has a very low self-esteem. He doubted his own abilities as a leader of a small group in that particular organization. It seems like he is the kind of person who would prefer if the boss praises him or as a group, since he is the leader. So that he'll be more motivated and enthusiastic in doing his job. I see that he is at the level where esteem and prestige is in need for him at that moment. Insensitive; - As we all know, Simon Fester is the "new guy" in that organization. There are a lot of times that we saw Bob Knowlton felt uncomfortable whenever he is around Fester. Simply because Knowlton knows the capabilities that fester can do, but of course he has his...
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...Team assignment on case analysis of Bob Knowlton Identify the various factors that is contributing to the interpersonal dynamics between Knowlton and Fester in their team. Bob Knowlton - Felt that his leadership was at stake because a) Jerrold was extremely impressed with Fester and also was expressing that openly with the team b) Fester was very sharp and competent and had solved some old problems c) He felt that Fester was slowly taking over leadership informal control of the team - Unable to discuss his opinions/feelings/conflicts with Jerrold and teammates a) although Jerrold and Bob share an open relationship, Bob has not indicated to Jerrold that he is having a problem. Because of this Jerrold also does not have a hint what is going on in Bob’s mind b) Bob should have communicated to Fester his roles and responsibilities while he was working in Bob’s team c) ? - Reiterating the research lab’s and the team’s way of functioning when Fester confronted the team with his own philosophy of research. As a result of this Bob may have lost some self-esteem and the respect of his team members. - In the face of Fester’s brilliance and challenge to his leadership, Bob did not respond in the manner in which the leader of the team should have done inability to exercise authority and control when parity in team is disturbed. As a result his self-confidence in his capabilities reduced. Fester - In the first meeting with Bob, he tried to over project himself. As...
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...BOB KNOWLTON CASE MBA 633: Case #2 Bellevue University December 18, 2012 DESCRIPTION This case centers on Bob Knowlton, a newly appointed project head who was promoted through a former project leader, Dr. Jerrold. Everything was going well for Knowlton until a new and brilliant addition was added to the team, Simon Fester. DIAGNOSIS The cause of the problem in this case is Knowlton’s passive characteristics. As project leader, Knowlton sees that there is tension building within the group as a result of Fester’s determination. Throughout the case we are confronted with many instances where Fester’s initiative to achieve results causes Knowlton to feel threatened and aggravated. Instead of acting as a leader and confronting the distracting nature of Fester’s behavior, Knowlton simply nods his head and agrees with everything that transpires. Fester is simply continuing his prevalent path because he feels that he is contributing progress to the project. This entire scenario could be remedied if Knowlton were to step up to the plate and act in a fashion that is consistent with his job title, leader. No one is going to hold Knowlton’s hand and correct the Fester dilemma, because it is Knowlton’s job to administer action. THEORY When provided the opportunity to confront Fester’s theories and group cooperation, Knowlton became a victim to his own passive behavior. Instead of taking charge and correcting the discrepancy of Fester’s action towards the team and himself...
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...BOB KNOWLTON LAS EMOCIONES - GESTION DE LAS EMOCIONES 1) CUALES SON LOS OBJETIVOS DE LA ORGANIZACION: Un grupo de científicos de LABORATORIOS SIMMONS, Los cuales deben desarrollar la idea del correlator del fotón. Los resultados de cada grupo de investigación debían presentarse a los patrocinadores, con la característica que solo el jefe de proyecto del grupo y su superior asistían a dichas reuniones. 2) CUAL ES EL PROBLEMA ? Mal manejo de emociones por parte de Bob cuando se le habla de algo que no sabe: problema de autoestima y/o liderazgo. Posible problema de manejo de personal que sabe más que el. Mal manejo de los conductos regulares por parte del Dr. Jerrold Mal manejo del tiempo por parte de B. Knowlton. Knowlton no es directo con las persona Bob Falto de Foco. Errático Falta de control de los miembros del equipo. El mal manejo al permitir de como una persona brillante e individualista, daña el ambiente del equipo, al tratar mal a sus compañeros (ignorantes). Aun sabiéndolo no toma decisiones, porque cree que al manifestar esto a él lo van a ver como débil, pero cuando su real debilidad era sentirse menos por no tener la mayor capacidad intelectual del equipo. comunicación diferencial, no igual con todos los miembros del equipo sobre todo al enfrentar problemas. Knowlton basaba su liderazgo solo en el conocimiento que el tenia (IQ), por eso acepto los atropellos de FESTER basado en que FESTR era más brillante que todos los miembros del equipo...
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...BOB7024 Organizational Behavior & Design, Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge, Organizational Behavior, 14th edition, 2011, Pearson Education Chapter 1 Case Incident 1: “Data Will Set You Free” Ford CEO Alan Mulally is known for starting meetings by saying “Data will set you free” and for trying to change Ford’s culture to one that is based on increased accountability, more information sharing, and hard metrics. “You can’t manage a secret,” he is also fond of saying. Although it’s not clear whether Mulally’s approach will work at Ford, which is known for its self-contained fiefdoms where little information is shared, some companies have found that managing people according to hard metrics has paid off. Consider Freescale Semiconductor, a computer chip manufacturer based in Austin, Texas. Freescale has discovered that in order to have the right people at the right time to do the right job, it needs an extensive and elaborate set of metrics to manage its 24,000 employees in 30 countries. Of particular concern to Freescale is retention. “There’s no greater cost than human capital, especially in the technology industry,” says Jignasha Patel, Freescale’s director of global talent sourcing and inclusion. “When you’ve got a tenured employee that decides to walk out the door, it’s not just one person leaving, it’s that person’s knowledge and network and skills.” To manage talent and prevent turnover, Freescale holds line managers accountable for recruiting, hiring, and...
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...Bob Knowlton Case: 1. Diagnose and evaluate the entire problem situation. List the problems. 2. If you were in Dr. Jerrold’s position: what can you learn from the mistakes that have been made how would you go about creating the learning organisation? Devise a strategy. Summary: Some might feel Bob Knowlton acted irrational without voicing his feelings to Dr Jerrold. Some might feel that his EQ, is weak, in terms of Fester, making him feel inferior, doubt his capabilities and also allowing Fester to take over as leader in the meetings. Dr Jerrold lacked open communication and transparency therefore as a result; he lost a good employee, Bob Knowlton. Bob is a team player and believes in using each other as resources through collaboration. “Bob Knowlton calls a meeting, however Fester, voices his opinion that he is not at all averse to meetings…” Fester is not a team player, and one can assume he likes the credit and wants to be centre of attention. Fester was very sharp and competent and had solved some old problems. He felt that Fester was slowly taking over leadership. Very confident about himself and his ideas. Aggressive in his approach to solve a problem and well as put forth his ideas Problems: Organisational culture seems work orientated with little focus of interpersonal relationships and communication. No feelings are discussed openly, therefore the assumption that the team is functioning well is false. Unable to discuss his opinions/feelings/conflicts...
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...Tue, Sep 28 03:37 PM June, 2009: An Indian woman with an MBA from a US university is interviewed by the CEO of an Indian telecommunications company on a muggy Friday afternoon at its Mumbai headquarters. Realising that she has no telecom experience whatsoever, the CEO asks her to work on a report on the sector over the weekend and email it to him on Monday. The lady does exactly that - and she does it so well that she gets the job. "The kind of research and analysis she did over a weekend was amazing. Only an MBA could do that," says the CEO - who never went to B-school himself. Every head honcho wants an MBA - to hire one, that is - even those heads of corporations who never came close to a B-school classroom. Indeed, the chief executives of many of India's most valuable companies didn't need that degree that's so coveted today to step into the corner room. Over two-thirds of the CEOs of the 30 companies that make up the benchmark index on the Bombay Stock Exchange, the Sensex, do not have an MBA, although a few did attend short management programmes at prestigious universities like Harvard and Wharton. The non-MBAs boast a delightful melange of qualifications. There are a lot of engineers, a sprinkling of doctorates, chartered accountants, cost accountants - and even an MA in English among these 30. There are only three Indian management graduates and a handful who have degrees from foreign universities. Another surprise - none of the Sensex companies is led by a graduate...
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...After reviewing the Bob Knowlton case study, many concepts that are affecting the communication skills are apparent. Different factors [age, beliefs, culture, gender] were taken in to consideration while reviewing the case. Bobs self concept tells the unique story of the case study. Bob begins his story with a positive self concept and ends with a negative one. Towards the beginning of the case Bob gains self confidence in his work knowing he is a productive worker. During the time Fester arrives and begins working, Bobs self concept fades. During the case, Bob allows Fester to take over the group meetings and even take over his primary meeting as the project head. Eventually Bobs self concept plummets to next to nothing and Bob seeks a new job. Bob let social comparison steer him on to another career path in result to his “private me” being perceived as “not good enough.” The roles of the characters of the case study affect how each and every character interacts with one another. Bob approaches Jerrold with loyal work information, however he never felt comfortable disclosing his own discomforts with Fester being present in fear of showing weakness in his position. As the group began to break up Bob confronted Oliver and Davenport to get a sense of the reason for the splitting, yet did not confront Leak due to his role as a close colleague to Fester. Social needs affect the communication within the characters of the case study. Bob Knowlton loses his sense of control over...
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...Running Head: Bob Knowlton Case Study Bob Knowlton Case Study Introduction The Bob Knowlton case highlights various challenges faced by contemporary organizations, indicating the need for organizations to adopt appropriate strategies that would create favorable work environments and promote harmonious relations among the workforce. The management level of any organization plays a leading role in ensuring that organizations operate effectively. Strong leadership skills are essential in boosting the performance of employees without creating negative feelings among them. On the other hand, weak leadership is likely to create undesired outcomes in the workplace. Such developments may lead to increased burnout and dissatisfaction, which reduce employees’ morale. As a result, such organizations are likely to report increased turnover rates and high costs involved in hiring and training new employees. In the Bob Knowlton case, various issues are evidently undermining the performance of the organization. Acting as Jerrold, I would seek to address and control such issues in order to achieve optimal output from the Photon Lab. This paper examines the various issues presented in the case and recommends interventions to rectify the situation. Findings of Fact Faulted due process The introduction of a newcomer in the Photon Lab was the main reason that led to the exit of Knowlton. When introducing a new employee, it is essential to ensure that such individual is introduced...
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