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Body Image Dissatisfaction

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The extreme measures I am talking about are the eating disorders that women become obsessed with just to have the idea body image. Our generation has become over weight because of all our eating habit and lack of exercise. Our young girls and boys are starting to see that they don’t have that idea body image that the magazines and media show. That is when they decide to become anorexic and not eat or they become bulimic and throw up after every meal they have. The journal about Body Image Dissatisfaction and Eating Disturbances states, “This unrealistic “idea” body shape, combined with the increasing weight of our young population, has become a major contributor to the development of body image dissatisfaction, particularly in young girls …show more content…
I feel like people worry way too much about what they look like now days. People literally have cosmetic surgery just to look like a celebrity or a model that they think is just beautiful. The thing is they do not understand that they are never going to look like them even with the cosmetic surgery. No surgeon can make the exact copy of a nose or bone structure. People have got to learn that if they are dissatisfied with the body that having surgeries, or becoming bulimic, anorexic, or taking diet pills will not help you become satisfied with their body appearance. There is always going to be something that you do not like about your body; no one is perfect and cannot have the perfect body no matter how hard they try. In our generation we have all kinds of way to gain weight and that is by all the fast food restaurants we have. Also people think they can eat at these fast food restaurants and not have to work out to keep their body image the way you want it. You have to be motivated to eat right and exercise or you will not have the body image you desire. Body images that the magazines and media show are just women who eat right and exercise. Most people cannot exercise every day because they have jobs and kids. People have to learn that not looking like the women on the media and magazine is okay. That is why they make nice clothes to fix all shapes and sizes of people. You might not have that thin body image but you do have the body image when you wear flattering clothes that fit you shape. With the right kind of makeup and clothes anyone can feel beautiful even without looking like the women in magazines and the media. In my opinion the media and magazine body image is

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