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Boo Radley Research Paper

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Boo Radley is supposably a psycho who lurks around looking into people's windows at night. Boo was said to have been in jail for committing a crime, but after a while his parents got him out and is now living in there house. He was a mystery to the finch kids that they made stories up about him. Even though he was a mystery you can't judge a book by the cover. Boo was charged for obstruction of property and cussing very loudly. The judge sent him and the group of people that did the crime to a state industrial school. Mr. Radley talked with the judge and got him out of it. “If the judge released Arthur, Mr. Radley would see to it Arthur gave no further trouble. Knowing that Mr. Radley's word was his bond, the judge was glad to do so.”(Lee

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