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Book Vs Movie Analysis

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Interpretations exist all over the world and a good example of this are books and movies. In some cases the book is written first and then someone makes a movie out of it or the opposite way around. Movies and books might have the same title and have similarities but they are never exactly the same. You might wonder why this occurs but it is due to interpretations as everyone has their own perspectives on things and they reflect it on the things they publish and produce. Human beings become curious and many only chose to look into either the book or the movie but it is not until you see both that the light bulb turns on inside our brains and we automatically compare and contrast the scenarios and we tend to favor one of the particular perspectives at hand. Hollywood likes to morph things to their liking to get higher ratings and good publicity even if it means losing the true value of something. Those who participated in the Freedom Writers movie wanted their stories to get heard so they let …show more content…
I recall a quote from the book, “ I wanted to see past color and culture , but I was immediately confronted by it when the first bell rang and a student named Sharaud sauntered in bouncing a basketball .” This indirectly states that the kids their have absolutely no manners and it is also stereotypical as this particular pupil is a black teenager so it is assumed he must have played basketball, this is just in one of Hollywood’s many twists on the movie. The film shows that the kids did not ambulate into the classroom until they were escorted in by teachers aides and once they were in the classroom they ignored their instructor and they moved the desks and began to gossip . The book does not mention this and the first classroom scene in the movie begins to show us how all of the students do not follow seating charts but they rather self segregate into their own race

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