...success in rolling out a mentoring program, while others achieve only a modicum of success? We believe that the companies that are most successful view corporate mentoring as an organic process, meaning that they understand that mentoring programs evolve and grow. Our experience demonstrates that the difference between mentoring success and failure lies in the ability to build capacity and integrate learning continuously. In order to create a successful mentoring program, you should answer 20 questions. We've included dos and don'ts for each, based on research and our experience in developing a mentoring program at Brown-Forman Corporation. 1. What are our business reasons for developing a mentoring program? You should develop a mentoring program if and when you have solid business reasons, such as to speed up the development of future leaders or to share organizational knowledge. Do your homework. Look at employee retention rates, the percentage of senior managers who will reach retirement in the next five to 10 years, current bench strength, and developmental objectives. Don’t develop a mentoring program because it’s popular or because you've read that it works for other companies. 2. What organizational support exists and what needs to be developed? Successful mentoring initiatives require visible support and involvement from the highest levels of the organization. Do develop a mentoring program when senior leadership...
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...Mentoring Made Easy A practical guide NSW Government Publication ISBN 0 7310 9771 8 Written by Carlie Spencer Updated by Kathy Tribe Designed by Jana Sokolovskaja © Employment Equity and Diversity, Public Employment Office, NSW Premier's Department 2004 First published 1996 Second edition 1999 Third edition 2004 To order more copies, please contact: Employment Equity and Diversity, Public Employment Office, NSW Premier's Department 2004 Level 17, Bligh House, 4-6 Bligh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Phone 02 9228 4444 Fax 02 8243 9484 TTY 02 9228 3544 Email eeo@eeo.nsw.gov.au Home page www.eeo.nsw.gov.au CONTENTS Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4 What is Mentoring? .................................................................................................................. 5 Why a Mentoring Program? ..................................................................................................... 6 The Benefits of Mentoring Programs ....................................................................................... 7 Steps to a Successful Mentoring Program............................................................................... 9 Choosing a Mentor................................................................................................................. 15 Roles and Attributes of the Mentee and Mentor.......................................
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...on the weight of the benefits and costs of doing so (pyschologyabout.com) Leadership. A relationship between leaders and followers, both individually and in group, in mutual pursuit of organizational outcomes and in the fulfillment of individual needs and wants (Mavrinac, 2005) Value. The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something (google.com). Methods and Procedures The primary research was conducted by administrating an electronic survey to ten working people. The survey ranged from questions on their thought of mentorship in the work place to whether they had actually implemented it and if was proven successful. Secondary research was gathered electronically. Findings Since its early history, mentorship in the workplace has proven to be successful in almost all instances when implemented correctly. Through mentorship, protégées are able to learn the both the values of the company and the skills of their job from experienced and knowledgeable employees. Mentorship is an efficient way to continue the success of the company without overusing company resources. Learning the most powerful ally Mavrinac states that “At its most basic, learning is change− a powerful notion in and of itself” (2005, p. 392). Learning provides continuous prosperity to a company, and company’s...
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...DUE DATE: JULY 19, 2015 OUTLINE ARTICLE 1-“HOW TO MAKE A BUSINESS MENTORING WORK” BY ARTHUR ZWELLING, WRITER FOR WWW.FORBES.COM ONLINE, DATED MARCH 20, 2012 SUMMARY/OVERIEW KEY POINTS TO SUCCESSFUL MENTORINGSHIP FACTURAL IMPACT ON MENTORING ARTICLE 2-“HOW TO DEVELOP AN EFFECTIVE MENTORING RELATIONSHIP”BY DR. CHARMON PARKER WILLIAMS, PHD., WRITER FOR WWW.DIVERSITYMBAMAGAZINE.COM, DATED DECEMBER 2009 SUMMARY/OVERIEW KEYPOINTS TO A SUCCESSFUL MENTORSHIP IN THE WORKPLACE FACTUAL IMPACT SUCCESFUL MENTORSHIP “HOW TO MAKE A BUSINESS MENTORING WORK” BY ARTHUR ZWILLING, DATED MARCH 20, 2012 WWW.FORBES.COM SUMMARY/OVERIEW In this article by Aurthur Zwilling, a writer for Forbes.com online newsletter, dated March 20, 2012, he discusses the difficulty that many entrepreneurs are having finding mentors or they are not satisfied with the effectiveness mentoring should have in their organization. Mentoring by all means is not this “one-sided” task but it is a conglomeration effect on both the mentor and the mentee. Most entrepreneurs view a mentor as someone older and more experience who takes the time to personally give guidance, advice and takes an emotional investment in your success. They don’t think about this process requiring an investment on their part, both in nurturing the relationship and really listening, without being defensive, to advice given. (ZWILING, 2012) KEYPOINTS TO A SUCCESSFUL MENTORINGSHIP Zwilling list several key points on how to find and utilize...
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...Induction and mentoring programs are a structured form of support for beginning educators. The two programs are linked together and complement each other for the security of lowering the attrition rate in beginning teachers. These two programs are offered to new teachers for a combination of support, new development and opportunities. Mentoring and induction programs are very similar, but their differences set them apart and each one can offer knowledge and experience for every new teacher. More and more school systems are creating quality induction and mentoring programs for new teachers with great success and this process is invaluable. Across the country the need for more quality teachers has been recognized and the support from successful induction and mentoring programs can make that need a reality. The New Teacher Center reports working with “teachers, administrators, universities, and other educational organizations to build induction and mentoring programs not only designed to support new teachers, but to have a lasting impact on classroom practices and the school communities.”(NTC, 2009) For an induction and mentoring program to have longevity, strategy and constant feedback are two vital components. When an induction and mentoring program are successful, teachers can easily integrate into the culture of the school full of confidence to respond to their own induction and mentoring plans. How does a mentoring program differ from an induction program? The induction...
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...Master of Adult education Mentoring the workplace Submitted to: Kate Collier Submitted by: Jaininderjit Kaur Student number: 10524597 PROPOSAL INTRODUCTION:- "Mentoring is an alliance that creates a space for dialogue that results in reflection, action and learning." Mentoring – developing insight to turn hindsight into foresight!” This essay aims to provide an overview of the submission report proposing the introduction of formal mentoring for my current workplace. In the first part of paper I gave overview about my organization. Then I add definitions of mentoring and formal mentoring and then I presented the literature review of formal mentoring. In the second part of this paper I explained the importance of mentoring and formal mentoring and I also shed the lights on models of mentoring. In last part of the essay I prepared the proposal for a pilot of mentoring scheme. ABOUT ORGANIZATION: - at present I am working in the Wahroonga Nursing Home, Wahroonga, it comes under the Thompson Health Care Organization. This facility is for forty two residents. My designation is there as an Assistant in Nursing and I am working there from last three years as a permanent part time employee. The total numbers of employees are sixty four. Out of them thirteen were registered nurses and twenty eight were registered nurses and rest of the staff belongs to other departments such as kitchen, laundry...
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...Running head: MENTORING Mentoring in Organizations Eula M. Todd Troy University MGt6671-XTIB Dr. Rod Blackwell September 26, 2011 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to provide readers with a greater understanding of the mentoring process and the different types of mentoring available to organizations. This project also seeks to enlighten readers on the advantages of mentoring relationships for organizations, mentors, and mentees alike. Mentoring in Organizations Mentoring and coaching are words that may be used interchangeably in regards to employee development. Mentoring is a process that typically involves a one-on-one relationship between two members of an organization’s workforce. Mentoring programs are believed to be extremely beneficial for organizations. In fact, “much of the excitement over mentoring in business and industry originated from a 1979 article in the Harvard Business Review, which claimed that professionals who had mentors reported higher levels of satisfaction, earned more money at a younger age and were better educated (Gibson, 2004, p. 263).” Research conducted from about 1989 to 2004 indicated that improved job approval and greater salary levels, better rates of advancement, improved levels of organizational obligation and socialization, and reduced feelings of alienation in the workplace are indeed benefits associated with mentoring programs. (Gibson, 2004) Just as the benefits of mentoring programs are numerous, so also are...
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...Mentoring relationships can be tricky. From creating the right mentor-mentee pair to considering liability issues to ensuring the success of a mentor-mentee relationship, this process is highly individualized and intricate. Mentoring is further complicated when considering creating mentor-mentee pair across different backgrounds: socio-economic, racial, ethnic, gender and sexual identity and such. In this reference guide, I shall focus on exploring issues related to intra- and cross-racial mentoring, from things to consider before making matches to carrying out certain initiatives to ensure a successful mentor-mentee relationship/mentorship program. Before we delve into other details, the one thing the three documents analyzed for this report...
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...Introduction Many companies are now beginning to grasp the significance of mentoring and coaching their employees. Although many entry-level jobs do require a college education and a few years’ experience, it is crucial to provide the necessary tools and training to those employees interested in climbing the corporate ladder into managerial or supervisory positions. Now more than ever, companies are realizing the need to provide leadership advancement opportunities to its employees so as to motivate them, stay competitive and productive, which in turn positively impacts the bottom line of the business. Mentoring and coaching programs are now habitually used in many organizations to improve leadership qualities (Watt, 2004). Problem Organizations today still have to deal with the burden of their workers making costly mistakes due to the fact that they are not well equipped to handle some situations. If for instance the employees of the company happen to fall behind schedule on a certain project or if their current skill-level is not adequate enough to deal with a change that is required by a client or account that the business is servicing, then the company will most likely either waste a good opportunity or suffer a great loss. Cause Many employees entering the workforce, even successful college graduates, have not had the time and opportunity to develop the necessary skills required to effectively manage and work in a professional environment. Through job training the employees...
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...Independent University Bangladesh [pic] MBA 509 : Human Resource Management Assignment : Mentoring at Coca Cola foods Prepared For: Dr. M. Nazmul Amin Majumdar Lecturer Graduate School Of Business Independent University Bangladesh Prepared by: Riaz Uddin Ahmed ID: 0620017 Naveed Ahmad ID: 0831059 Afroza Begum ID: 0620013 Jubair ahmed ID: 0421016 Date of Submission: 26.11.2012 Mentoring at Coca Cola foods Introduction Mentorship is considered as an important training & development tool as a formal programme in many renowned Companies of the world. It refers to a relationship between an experienced person and a less experienced person for the purpose of helping the one with less experienced one, known as “the protégé”. The protégé seeks the advice and support of the more experienced person. The mentor provides proper guidance and counselling so that the less experienced persons can advance in their lives, careers or education. According to Scandura, Tejeda, werther & Lankau (1996, p. 50), in the mentoring process, mentors speedup nurturing environments wherein protégés many grow faster and more professional than their peers and are therefore better prepared to compete in the organization and as leaders. Coca-Cola Foods, which is one of the world’s most recognized Company believes that Human Resource Department is a key to building competitive advantage through people and to the creation of a high performing organization...
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...Career Development Phase II: Training and Mentoring Program Sara palma HRM 531 February, 2011 Career Development Phase II: Training and Mentoring Program After a thorough job analysis the new sales team for Interclean has been selected. The sales team is a mix of Interclean and Enviro Tech employees, that were chosen based on there skills and experience. The next step will be to implement the training and mentoring program that provides this new team with the tools to be successful and meet the demands of the company’s strategic plan. The primary objective of the training and mentoring program is to expand each team member’s knowledge and skill set. One of the main goals of training will be promoting the group to function as a team. The company’s goal and objectives will be established and reinforced throughout training and thereafter. The program has been designed to improve performance at the individual and group level, and the programs success will be evident by measurable changes in each individual’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior. Mentoring will enhance each team member’s skills and further promote the team concept. In addition the company will foster each individual’s talents and skills and give employee’s the opportunity for career growth and development. The training and mentoring program must have identifiable performance standards that are clearly communicated to each team member. These standards are used to identify the quality and quantity...
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...MENTORING PROGRAMS INDEX 1. Intrduction…….....………………………………………………………………………3 2. What is mentoring? …………………………………………………………………..…4 3. Benefits of mentoring…………………………………………………………………... 7 4. Mentoring Diversity…………………………………………………………………... 10 5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………... 13 6. Bibliograhy………………………………………………...……………………………14 APPENDIX A…………………………………………………………………………….……15 1. INTRODUCTION The success of mentoring and the potential use In companies nowadays is due to the developmental partnership through which one person shares knowledge, skills, information and perspective to foster the personal and professional growth of someone else. This project is about mentoring programs and its application. We have started analysing the article assigned in class about career mentoring for women. The article talks about the low number of women who hold senior management positions in U.S companies and opinion of the mentoring programs as a way to increase the number of women in management positions. Then, we decided to study first what is the meaning of mentoring and what it implies. Second we have considered (regarding to the article) the mentoring in minorities and the positive effects that it could have. Finally, we have observed all the benefits that mentoring have in companies, mentors and mentees. 2. WHAT IS MENTORING? Mentoring can be defined as a professional relationship in which the mentor (an experienced person) assists the mentee in developing...
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...Development of Training and Mentoring Program for the New Sales Department Development of Training and Mentoring Program for the New Sales Department The current merge and reorganization of InterClean have created a need for training and mentoring for the new sales team. As employees begin to assume their new responsibility, the company requires training procedures to be set in place to help the new team member understand how to do their job and what the job requirements and expectations are. This training will equip the new sales team with the knowledge that they need to be successful sales people. Training must be developed according to the diverse needs of the participants. The goal of the training is to provide a formal and structured approach to sales by all sales person in support of the strategic plan of the company. Training programs in addition to mentoring programs are being planned so as to get the most results. The primary objectives of the training is to increased the ability of sales personnel to generate sales, open and retain new customers and retain multi million dollar accounts. New Training and Mentoring needs: InterClean, Inc will administer a one-on-one mentoring program. This will be a selection where each junior sales person will be matched to senior sales person over a period of 6 weeks so that each new sales person will learn from the senior sales person and ask questions as needed. This mentoring program will require accountability by both...
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...Career Development Plan II Training and Mentoring Program HRM531 June 12, 2011 Career Development Plan II – Training and Mentoring Program The merger between InterClean and EnviroTech has sparked a new strategic direction. Consequently, the merged companies will be introducing full-service cleaning solutions for organizations in the health care industry. To facilitate the company’s new direction, management has assembled a new sales team and development plan to help the team be successful at implementing the new strategy. The new sales team will be consisting of Jim Martin, Vice President of Sales, Tom Gonzalez, Sales Manager, and Outside Sales Representatives, Susan Burnt, Eric Borden, Ving Hsu, and Terry Garcia. Additionally, the next step is to create a training program for these employees. This training and mentoring program is designed to prepare the new team to carryout the objectives of the company. Furthermore, when creating a successful program, management must first identify the new training and mentoring needs, objectives of the program, performance standards, delivery methods, contents, time frames, evaluation methods, feedback, and alternate avenues for those who require further development. Assessing Needs and Objectives When selecting members for the new team, management focused on specific skill sets that would be significant to the success of the organizations new strategy. Notably, employees from both entities were evaluated and chosen because...
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...DESCRIPTION: Baker decided to initiate a job performance discussion in his waning days at the facility in Barracania with Rennalls to discuss the issue that Rennalls treats the European employees differently than the Barracanian employees. However, in Rennalls’ eyes, Baker’s own repressed sense of race consciousness, and his portrayal of the company’s views and stance on diversity, effectively caused Rennalls to resign. DIAGNOSIS Baker’s idea that Rennalls and the rest of Barracania, have had to face the challenge of bridging the commerce gap between themselves and Western civilization, shows his own lack of diversity. Continental Ore’s management saw that Baker had the knowledge and skillset to “groom” Rennalls as the next chief engineer, but what they did not see was that Baker himself needed to be more diversified and had his own repressed sense of race consciousness, proving that the company as a whole was lacking as a multicultural organization. “The true multicultural organization is characterized by core cultural values and an ongoing commitment to eliminate social oppression and promote dignity and respect for everyone throughout the organization” (Luthans, 2011). They thought they had a diversified mentor in Baker given his background and professional history in the various countries. THEORY A theory of diversity is what is in question between Baker and Rennalls. Both Baker and Rennalls have their own flaws in diversification. As a mentor, Baker should have realized...
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