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Tummy Tuck Research Paper

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Pain, scars, bruises and swelling are inevitable in a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty surgery since it requires a significant amount of trauma to the body, especially when extensive surgery was done. But the good thing about it is that there are a lot of new ways to help reduce or eliminate these problems. But let me share to you 10 secrets in dealing with your tummy tuck side effects.
Tummy Tuck
1. One of the simplest and most overlooked secrets in eliminating your tummy tuck scar is to practice a good wound care regimen. Yes, it all starts out with how you treat that wound and how you ensure that it is properly protected from foreign materials which can cause infection. An infection can cause complication which results to delay healing and a bigger chance of scarring.
2. Did you know that vitamin E is a good secret in erasing those nasty scars? This is a potent antioxidant which you can get …show more content…
Never expose your scar to sunlight. If there is anything that this will do, it will only make it darker. So it is better to put off that tanning session for now.
4. Massaging your scar can actually prevent scarring. The act of massaging promotes circulation to the area which increases collagen formation and healing. You can have better results if you use a moisturizer while doing it.
5. Reducing pain is always relieved with a pain medication prescribed. But there will be mechanical factors that can cause this as well. For example when you sneeze or move out of bed, you may feel a significant discomfort. You can lessen this by guarding the incision site with both hands interlaced over it. This will control the site from having too much movement.
6. Another simple way to reduce bruising and swelling is to apply cold compress over the area for the first 24 hours after surgery.
7. Never remove your compression garment unless directed by your surgeon. Aside from shaping your body better, it prevents lymphatic fluid that naturally gathers on the site of trauma which causes

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