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Bootlegging Research Paper

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Bootlegging started in 1918, during the start of the prohibition. Many Americans were upset that the government had taken away one of their freedoms that they exercise often. That is, to consume, possess, and manufacture alcohol. Some Americans were upset enough that they were willing to break the law, all just to get alcohol. It was enacted for multiple reasons. one of the biggest was that many men, would go out and get drunk. When they would get home they would often beat their wives and children, because of the alcohol. Many groups were formed that protested alcohol to prevent further abuse from fathers and/or husbands. The prohibition enraged plenty of Americans and encouraged them to make questionable decisions. However, the prohibition also sparked quite a few events. These events lead to the wealth of a few daring businessmen, known as bootleggers.

Because the prohibition was in 1918, and only lasted a few years. Bootleggers only had a short time to make the money they would. Because the prohibition was so short and immediate, all of the newly wealthy bootleggers would be part of the "New money" social class, and not that "Old money" social class.

These daring businessmen would operate with alcohol, even under these new illegal conditions. Whether they would make the …show more content…
The runners would come up with different, secret ways to transport alcohol with intent to hide it from the police. One of the older ways was hiding bottles inside of your boot. Thus the term “bootleggers” was created. Another invention sparked from prohibition is Nascar. Nascar is still around today and very lively. When these bootleggers would be pursued by police, they wanted to escape. So bootleggers would customize their cars and work on them to make them faster so that they could outrun the police, or anyone else they wanted to run from. These cars could relate to the fast cars that Gatsby was driving in the

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