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Facial Wound Closure Research Paper

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Surgery and trauma are the mainstay in day to day practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery and the closure of the Surgical incisions and lacerations bear direct significance to the successful outcome. Goals of incision closure/laceration repair are to approximate the edges of wound so that natural process of healing can take place uneventfully.
The principles of wound closure are: to achieve precise wound approximation, easy handling and working properties of wound closure materials and low infection rates. Precise approximation of skin incisions and lacerations with meticulous wound closure techniques are critical for a favorable esthetic and functional surgical outcome.
There are a number of well-proven techniques of wound closure using a variety of materials such as braided or monofilament suture materials, metal clips and adhesive tapes. Though metal clips produce excellent cosmetic result they have to be removed within 48 or 72 hours, otherwise the local increased tension and ischaemia produce ugly and permanent cross hatching and a poor cosmetic appearance. …show more content…
Suturing has been the mainstay of skin closure for a long time. Different types of suturing techniques and suture materials have been used worldwide for optimum wound healing. Sutures are the classical and conventional material for this objective. They require passage of a foreign material through tissues, if tied tightly or left for too long it may leave permanent suture marks, if removed early will result in dehiscence. Added to these setbacks, is an additional requirement of a dressing to protect the wound and suture as

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