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Boundary Setting Skills


Submitted By tanya65
Words 667
Pages 3
Boundary Setting Skills: Essential for a Successful Social Worker
Latanya Griffin
Kaplan University

Professor Stoff
April 14, 2014

Many professionals enter into the field of social work to help others grow and improve their life circumstance. Those who are preparing for a career as a social worker need to possess the ability and skill of professional boundary setting. important that a social worker maintain the capacity to set boundaries and accept the limits of what can be accomplished in a certain amount of time. Establishing boundaries and setting milestones and goals can help set expectable exceptions to the many challenges a social worker may face. It is crucial that social workers understand the limits of their knowledge and not work beyond them. Having a cutoff point not only protect the safety of the client, it also protect the social worker integrity and ethical principles. Social workers should work for the good of the patient to the best of their ability and avoid doing anything to abuse the patient physically, emotionally or ethically. There have been many complaints filed against social works resulting in imposed fines, penalties, licensure sanctions, suspension, or revocation. In some instances, workers could be imprisoned for inappropriate abuse of a client. (Dietz & Thompson, 2004) offered the concern about the effects of power differential between client and social worker. Boundary setting ensures that the use of a social worker authority is not abused and clients who are sometimes vulnerable are not taken for granted and treated improperly. Social work is a profession that seeks to improve the quality of life to individuals and families. The relationship between the social worker and the client should remain professional. Out of 1 and 5 social workers misconduct cases concern inappropriate relationship

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