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Bowers V Hardwick Essay

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When discussing the case of Bowers v. Hardwick, the holding was justified by the statement that the Constitution does not discuss a right that legally allows homosexuals to engage in the act of sodomy. Further, the Court noted that in other cases that deal with relationships, this case does not resemble them in any way. Also, this holding was justified by exploring the fact that sodomy has long been criminalized throughout history, and it is a tradition that is “deeply rooted”. It was mentioned that if one stated that it is the right of the person to engage in this act due to the concept of liberty, it would be described as foolish. Moreover, even though this act occurred within the privacy of a home, the court held that this did not affect the justification that this action was still considered sodomy, and illegal. Finally, it was highlighted boldly that just because part of the nation believes the consensual act of sodomy should be legal, does not even slightly mean that this validates the claim in the case, nor will it alter the immorality and illegality of the law (Bowers v. Hardwick, 1986). …show more content…
Texas, the holding was justified by first looking into the holdings of several other relevant cases. From there, doubt was shed onto the rationale of such cases like Bowers v. Hardwick. So, while the court describes that sodomy is not a fundamental right, the Court does not have the power, or the justification to intrude on someone’s personal life in this manner. The court noted that they were not going to overrule the decision in Bowers v. Hardwick, due to boldness. However, they did agree that in this case the act of consensual sodomy with a member of the same sex was okay, in the privacy of one’s home, and should not be an area where the court interferes (Lawerence et al. v. Texas,

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