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Here He Comes Short Story

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The patrol car turns into Sunset spotting Freddie just up ahead walking away from a trash can. Freddie sees the patrol car and quickly returns to the barrel, pulling the newspaper out while pretending to be looking for a job. Officer Mitchell pulls over to the sidewalk and Freddie acts as if he just spotted the patrol and scampers toward it. Putting the vehicle into park, Officer Mitchell chuckles a bit.
“I wonder what tale Freddie’s going to spin on us now?”
He asks, as his partner can only shrug his shoulders; knowing whatever the tale, it is bound to be a twist, “Here he comes,” the officer says, preparing themselves for Freddie’s story. As Freddie rushes toward the car, he is exaggerating and gasping for air. Approaching the window, the …show more content…
“Can you spare some change?” trying to give details of why he needs the money. “There’s this ad in the paper,” Freddie insists, directing their attention to the newspaper he holds so tightly in his hand. Both officers watch, not sure what part of the story is more entertaining.
“And I need a…” interrupting, Officer Mitchell has heard enough of his would be novella. “Hey, Freddie, spare us the sob story,” he bluntly explains, giving the homeless hobo a reality check. “We were here when you first hit the streets.” Putting it in plain words, “How long ago was that?”
For a moment there, Freddie finds himself reminiscing over the constant stream of bitter memories, and his facial appearance is converted into a distraught mask. “About five years ago,” he utters, placing his hands on the top of the patrol car, looking disappointed. “But…” Officer Stone interrupts again.
“But you fell flat on your face. You ran out of money, talent and a job.” “Yes, I did,” drowning in self-pity, he explains trying to shield his …show more content…
Freddie enters the police car sliding into the back seat. Turning back to see his face, Officer Mitchell attempts to provide Freddie with some sound advice.
“Look at you; all you need is a shower a shave and some new clothes! There is nothing out here Freddie; it is all a smoke screen. There’s a wizard behind the curtain,” [referencing the Wizard of Oz], as the patrol car pulls away from the park and drives off. Freddie is looking out the window when Officer Mitchell declares, “Hollywood, well it is more like Hollyweird. We get them all out here, from A to Z,” he explains, letting him know that Hollywood is the home of the stars, the Capital of entertainment, the spotlight of the world, but notwithstanding, everyone doesn’t shine. Listening to the officers, he cannot say much, because, he knows they are telling the truth, at least when it comes to him.
“That’s right Freddie, its Gold, and Glamour, Emeralds and Fame, Diamonds and Success.” Freddie interrupts the officer, wearing a grin he shouts disappointed.
“Yeah, so what happened to me? Where’s the beef?
“I am living a nightmare, and I don’t even live on Elm Street!” shouting as loud as he can. “Hey Freddie Kruger…”

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