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Humanitarian Innovation Ideas

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The rise of the private sector in humanitarianism has led to the humanitarian innovation movement. By applying the principles of capitalism to the humanitarian sector, humanitarians have been hoping to bring the efficiencies and creativity produced by the market and lacked by the state. Tom Scott-Smith defines his idea of "humanitarian neophilia" as the intersection between the possibilities of technology and the ideas of the New Right. This current movement is distinct as it is striving to find solutions, through technological means, within the market itself. However, this strategy poses numerous problems. By viewing the relationships between the provider of aid and the beneficiary as a business transaction, companies are disconnecting themselves …show more content…
From higher efficiencies to cyclical competition that motivates providers of aids to continue to innovate, these various aspects can provide progressive and creativity that the state lacks. Nonetheless, the flaws of capitalism and free market are inevitable. However, I believe one of the issues that Scott-Smith identifies is not truly exclusive to the private sector. In his discussion on "no innovation without representation," Scott-Smith highlights how humanitarians have been innovating for the sake of themselves, and not for what the beneficiaries actually need. This is not an issue exclusive to the humanitarian innovation movement, but is also something that may correct itself overtime. By following a free market approach, the end consumer (or the beneficiaries in this case) will ultimately decide the needs. Currently, companies have been attempting to read the markets and interpret this need, although not successfully. Once humanitarians realize that a flashy product such as Sprinkles does not truly satisfy the needs of the consumers, the will innovate once more. Reading the demands in the humanitarian sector is different than reading the markets for private goods and services in developed countries. It will take research as well as trial and error before companies are more comfortable operating within this scope and begin to provide what the beneficiaries truly

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