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Personal Narrative: My Open-Mind

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Outgoing. Open-minded. These words may just sound like two random words that relate to success, but these words describe my personality as a whole. They have allowed me to take chances and take on every experience that has become available to me with confidence, both in school and throughout my community.
Ever since I entered middle school, I have always been involved in several different clubs and activities. When I entered fifth grade, I joined band for the first time, and learned to love it despite all the challenges that came with it. This positive experience that I gained from trying something new led me to participate in even more activities. Once I began seventh grade, the ability to join a variety of different clubs became easier. That year, I started to explore my love for science when I …show more content…
Before high school, I did not help out much in the community. The only time I remember helping out in the community prior to high school is when I helped pick up trash in a more run-down part of town. At first, I did not enjoy it because I got put in a different group than my friends, and then on top of that, I thought it was disgusting that we found some of the things we found. I was not able to see any good that came of it because of how disgusted I was at the time. However, a few years after it happened, I realized that it was an important job to perform in the community. A few years later, I started volunteering with the local teen recreation center called the Break that I attended often, and then that was when I truly started enjoying helping out the community. I began to help with multiple fundraisers for small organizations in the community such as the Turning Point domestic violence shelter, and I also helped out with some large annual events such as Lakeside

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