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Boys And Girls Club Research Paper

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Boys and Girls Clubs also conduct numerous regional programs. In Ottawa, they conducted a project focused on high-risk children aged 6-12 living in a social housing neighbourhood in Ottawa that provided sports and recreational opportunities and was successful for many years. In Scarborough, a program known as YELL provides employment and leadership training over the course of 40 weeks to older youth and young adults who did not earn a high school diploma. Boys and Girls Clubs of Niagara operate an emergency shelter for homeless and at risk youth, and nearly 70% were able to transition to stable housing over the course of a 22 month period. Finally, the Peace Builders program was offered at 23 Boys and Girls Clubs in Alberta with the goal of teaching youth peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution. Nearly 90% of …show more content…
Although Canadian youth from all backgrounds join gangs, gang activity is more prevalent in the Aboriginal community. In Canada, 22% of gang members are Aboriginals, and it is estimated that there are 800-1000 active Aboriginal gang members in the Prairie provinces, with the largest concentration being in Saskatchewan (Totten, p.255). Aboriginal Canadians are more likely to join gangs due to severe poverty, substandard housing, poor health, alcohol and drug use, racism, traditional culture, and the breakdown of community. Additionally, the Aboriginal community is plagued by high rates of criminalization and violence combined with low levels of educational attainment. Girls are especially at risk for joining gangs due to widespread misogynistic beliefs and practices in the Aboriginal community (Totten, 2013, p.257). Few

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