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Brick Works Case Study

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Brick Works Park:
The Don Valley has been a significant cultural landscape. The region has been utilized by Torontonians for hundreds of years which shaped their relationship with the landscape and nature of the valley (Evergreen 2009). The lower Don River runs through one of the most populated and developed areas in Toronto. Its ravine and waterway has played a significant role in Toronto’s history, attracting housing settlements, industries, and agricultural activities. Don Valley Brick Works’s productive industries thrived in that region due to the river’s abundant resources of water and clay, which compelled paper, brick, and beer manufacturing businesses (Nicholson 1997). Brick Works has flourished for several years as a …show more content…
Because it was an industrial site, it was secluded from the rest of the city. The park occupies 11.5 hectares of Don Valley Brick Works’s 16.4 hectares of land. The park consists of wetlands, large meadows, and trails that are 4 km long (Evergreen 2009). The topography of Brick Works has been shaped through the excavation of raw materials for the manufacturing businesses. Consequently, the excavation created a sequence of geological features. Before the excavation process, the area was wide and flat. (Evergreen 2009) In order for these businesses to start operating, the abundant forests were harvested and the wildlife, such as beavers, timber wolves, black bears, and otters, were pushed out of the region. The 4 major wetlands were constructed to shelter aquatic animals and plants. The watershed is home to many species including foxes, coyotes, and raccoons, birds, and fishes. Dense, wooded slopes of oak, maple, and beech plantings occupy the Moore Park ravine and Governor’s Bridge boundary (map). They are very rare in terms of location (densely urbanized area), value as natural heritage, and an example of original hardwood forests. Though the quarry was degraded in the past, the slopes naturally grew native meadow species (Metropolitan Toronto Parks and Property Dept. 1990). The park’s geographical features, including slopes, have diversified habitat types. The park is home to different flora and fauna (deciduous woodlands, Carolinian woodlands, successional shrub thickets, and grassland meadows) and species (reptiles, turtles, foxes, raccoons, and birds) (Evergreen

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