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North Korea Immigration Research Paper

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In the past decade mass immigration has increased drastically around the world(Beath). Many countries have different methods on how to accept immigrants and how to keep immigrants out. America, China, North Korea and many other countries around the world have closed borders against other countries. Their borders do have some errors that let immigrants enter the country illegally. The European Union has an open border within its countries, which is the main reason for extensive immigrants(Lynch). Many Countries have been attempting and struggling to strengthen their borders from neighboring countries. America has been struggling with immigration for a long time. Many undocumented immigrants in America are from Mexico or other countries in South America(Chavez). Immigrants go through tough life choices with leaving their family and selling their belongings to pay smugglers(El Paso Times).When refugees get to America they …show more content…
North Koreas problem is very different from the EU's. For many obvious reasons North Korea has the problem of people escaping their borders because of the difficult life and not coming in(Jane's Intelligence Weekly). The EU has problems of mass migration and people migrating illegally. The two countries have different responses, as well as problems. North Korea has increased security dramatically in the past years since Kim Jong Un has been in power(Jane's Intelligence Weekly). North Korea also has special military to capture refugees in other countries to bring back and incarcerate in a concentration camp(Jane's Intelligence Weekly). The EU has come up with a method to send Syrians away to countries like America and Australia that have more room for immigrants(UN News Center). The EU has a special system that can grant immigrants citizenship(Capital and Class). America is similar with the EU's way of citizenship but it also has increased border control like North

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