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Meat Shop History

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The Meat Shop

From my earliest memory's I can remember my Uncle Joes garage. When I think of places that have helped me become who I am today it pops straight into my mind. I can remember the crisp fall Saturday morning the Amish building crew arrived to erected the building, and on that day, I could not have imagined what that place was going to do for me in the rest of my life.

The garage was a forty by sixty metal building that stood twelve feet high. The outside was a dark green metal tin with a white base trim and gave the building a modern yet humble appearance. One two car garage door and two common walk-in doors were the only points of entrance. The inside has unfinished walls because, in my Uncle Joes words, " Its just a garage". Hung on the walls is an array of unused fishing tackle like an old bait shop. In the back twenty feet of the shop is where our family business started. The official name is " Brendles Butcher Block" but around the family it is known as "the meat shop". …show more content…
By 1998 my uncle turned the construction side over to my Uncle Jimmy and went to butchering full time with my cousin and aunt. They butchered beef, hogs, and when in season deer (venison). The meat shop by day was a place of hard work and professionalism, but after dark you never knew what you might see, hear, or smell when you walked through the door. The shop is where everyone in time came to drink beer, hide from their wives, or ask for help. It was the closest thing to a bar without the liquor license. Everyone from family members or friends to the local law enforcement knew exactly what everyone was referring to when they said, "Lets go to the meat shop". When I was younger I thought some of the regulars that seemed to be there every second they were awake had no home or no place to

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