...A Little Princess (1995) I chose the movie ‘A Little Princess’ because it showed the perseverance of a little girl during her darkest times. She was faced with a disastrous situation, yet it did not change who she was, a kind and gentle person. Synopsis The movie takes place during World War 1. The main protagonist, Sara Crewe, is a fun-loving and kind hearted little girl who loved to hear stories. She grew up in India but was later enrolled in a seminary for girls in New York when her father, Captain Crew, decided to fight for British in WW1. He was quite wealthy and made sure that Sara would not have any sort of discomfort. Many other students liked Sara and her exciting stories, while others grew jealous over her popularity. The seminary’s headmistress, Miss Minchin, is very intolerant and narrow-minded. One day Sara gets the news that her father died in the battle and all his wealth and estate is seized by the government. Miss Minchin forces Sara to be a servant along with the other servant girl, Becky. Sara still continues being who she was. When taunted by her headmistress, she firmly said she believed that ‘every girl is a princess’. In the end, we find out that Sara’s father didn’t die but had severe amnesia and temporary blindness. When he regained his memory, he came for Sara. Miss Minchin got kicked out off the seminary and became a chimney sweep, working under a boy whom she mistreated in the past. Topic I am interested in learning about social inequality and...
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...Movie Review and Analysis Paper Kaitlin McFarland Sociology 201-001 Mrs. Cole July 28, 2015 Abstract As you review this paper, you will find an overview of the movie “Nefarious: Merchant of Souls” with specifics on the issues that were presented from a wide variety of sources and countries. You will also find explanations about the various social problems that were highlighted in the movie, and I will give you insight into my personal opinions about the movie and how it affected me and impacted my outlook on the subjects presented in the movie. Movie Review During our class time, we reviewed an inspirational movie called “Nefarious: Merchant of Souls.” This film is a documentary of modern day sex trafficking and slavery. Though out the movie the movie producers and directors travel to 19 countries that are centers for major sex trafficking including, Cambodia, Thailand, Moldova, Las Vegas and Amsterdam’s Red Light District with most of the women being sold coming from the Eastern European areas. This documentary goes beyond the black and white facts about the sex trafficking industry and how it works. They go beyond the factor of just poverty and how it meshes with prostitution and sex trafficking; it informs the audience of the law in different areas of the world. For example, prostitution is a legal act in Amsterdam. During the film the movie producers and directors take a trip down the Red Light District and film many girls standing in windows making...
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...Gender Roles and Disney The Disney princess has become one of the most iconic symbols of Walt’s ever growing empire. The disney Princess’ franchise first began in 1937 with the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs making Snow White the first princess in the now infamous princess lineup. The franchise continues with the most recent disney princess movie Tangled ( Rapunzel) which came out in 2011. Disney and their filmmakers caused great controversy with their princess’ such as race. Disney broke their european tradition by adding their first African American Princess to the line up. Princess Tiana of The Princess and the Frog in 2009 which still caused controversy. Another one of Disney’s biggest controversial topics was gender roles and how women and men are portrayed in these disney films. Gender roles are separate patterns of personality traits, mannerisms, interests, attitudes, and behaviors that are regarded as either "male" or "female" by one's culture. They are what is considered the “ Norm” for the male and female sex. There are stereotypical behaviors normally associated with either gender such as Women are suppose to be more passive aggressive, overly emotional, and illogical, just to name a few characteristics. While men tend to be more tough or in control, leaders, Not crying or wimpy and a womanizer As suggested in Kimmel’s “ Bros before Hos”: The Guy Code in Language Awareness (469). These same messages are often presented to children through the media they...
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...The Devil's Arithmetic was a great book and movie! There are many differences though to the movie and the book, but there is also a plethora of similarities. I will be showing you the similarities, and the differences all in this essay. So come along and relive the book with me! The Devil’s Arithmetic book was written by Jane Yolen and the movie was directed by Donna Deitch in 1999. In summary, I would describe this story by saying that it is amazing, inspirational, and well written. The story is about a jewish girl named Hannah, when she is at a dinner party called Seder something happens. Hannah opens a door to a whole new world, literally. When she is transported to the year 1945, she is confused but she will soon learn that this is just the beginning. While her uncle named Shmuel is getting married, something happens. The Nazis kidnap them and take them to a concentration camp to work for the rest of their lives! But when Hannah switches out for a friend, she is killed and gets transported back to see her family...
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...THE BUTLER Yashika Westmoreland Ashford University ENG 255: Introduction to film Instructor: Stephanie Micolt 12/22/2013 I will start off my paper by introducing some of the main cast members and the parts that they play in this film The Butler which was released on August 16, 2013 and directed by Lee Daniels who also took part and helping with the production of the film along with Buddy Patrick, Cassian Elwes, Pamela Oas Williams and Larua Ziskin who died while making the film in 2011. This film was also written by Danny Strong. The actors who played in this movie and their roles are as followed. (Forest Whitaker) as Cecil Gains a African American man who ends up becoming one of the best servers in the white house. (Aml Ameen) who plays Cecil when he was younger. (Oprah Winfrey) as Gloria Gains Cecil’s wife. (David Oyelowo) as Louis Gains Cecil’s and Gloria’s oldest son who is all about the civil rights of blacks and participates in a lot of speeches about the rights of blacks. (Elijah Kelley) as Charlie Gains Cecil’s and Gloria’s youngest son. (David Banner) as Earl Gains Cecil’s father who was killed by plantation owner Thomas Westfall. Who killed Earl after he protested that he had raped his wife, played by (Alex Pettyfer). (Mariah Carey) as Hattie Pearl Cecil’s mother. (Terrence Howard) as Howard the Gaines’s neighbor who is trying to pursue Gloria. (Adriane Lenox) as Gina (Yaya DaCosta) as ...
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...Barbara James Dr Iris Johnson English 1302 October 2, 2010 Short Story Analysis Essay: Final Draft Gorilla, My Love Toni Cade Bambera's brief short story "Gorilla, My Love" provides a humorous, yet touching, look at a young girl's first experience with unrequited love. One of the first things I noticed about the story is that it is told from the point of view of a child, a young girl named Hazel. In order to use this storytelling technique effectively, the author uses a series of seemingly unrelated and random incidents, similar to the way in which a child would speak, to illustrate Hazel's reaction to the news that her uncle is planning to marry. At the beginning of the story I found it hard to believe that by the end of the story Hazel will be reduced to tears. While admittedly easily frightened, Hazel seems to be quite self-assured and confident. She has no problem telling us that she is "the smartest kids P.S. 186 ever had in its whole lifetime" or that her grandfather believes that Baby Jason would "follow me into the fiery furnace if I say come on." Given this air of bravado, her emotional reaction to the news that her beloved uncle is marrying someone else is somewhat surprising. However, after taking time to remember that Hazel is a little girl, I can better understand why she reacts as she does. The main theme of "Gorilla, My Love," is of betryal. Specifically, Hazel comes to believe that adults, who should have children's best interests at heart, cannot...
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...‘Evolution of beauty’: Dove Case Study An applied buzz & brand activation research model Summary / Abstract In traditional campaign post-testings only the impact of direct exposure (people actually having seen the creative) is measured. By doing so, all dynamics behind the buzz in terms of word-of-mouth and word of mouse and how this influences consumer dynamics remains unknown. Insights in the content and dynamics of these conversations could be very useful to understand the success (or failure) of a campaign however. Traditional approaches also neglect the actions people undertake after having viewed a commercial message, while commercials can be found on sites like YouTube and are shared around the world. This study tests Dove’s viral movie ‘Evolution’ and confirms that measuring indirect exposure as well consumer actions undertaken after ad exposure provides advertisers with new and useful insights. 3 Introduction The consumer 2.0 the cocktail party goes digital Today’s empowered 2.0 consumer is very well informed, strongly connected with peers (and millions of surfers in general), has the ability to unify with them & share ideas but also has the tools to create proper content beyond control of marketers. This consumer is more sceptical, questions many things and uses intelligent ways to see through the facade of marketing actions (Jaffe, 2005). With the rise of this “new” consumer a recent trend in marketing called “word of mouse” (WoMo) has emerged. Verhaeghe et...
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...an accurate portrayal of the lives of medieval monks. “The Name of The Rose” is a historical murder mystery combining fiction, biblical analysis, medieval studies and literary theory. The movie is very appropriate for historical class, because it simply describes the debate on the poverty of the clergy, but not converted beyond recognition. The scenes of the life in Abbey describe challenges and promises of monastic life. Such characters as dithering abbot and fat cellarer, quirky herbalist and dedicated illuminator demonstrate the variety of occupation and different personalities within the walls of the monastery. The scenes where after the second murder even the abbey became under the apprehension that they are experiencing the last days before the coming of Antichrist, is a perfect evidence that in the fourteen century many experienced divorce from the scholarly world turned to superstition, heretic movements, or apocalyptical outbursts. Moreover, the movie accurately described some parts of daily life medieval monks. The dining sessions, scenes of prayers, psalms and hymns were showed properly. Medieval monks devoted their lives to strict routine and discipline of life. For example, the part where elderly blind monk was angry at other monks because they were laughing claiming that monks never fool themselves. In the movie there were many scenes that performed the process of coping the manuscripts of classical authors as well. 2. Evaluate the following statement:...
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...An Analysis of Gender Roles in Disney Princess Films Jasmit Singh 213749361 Traditional and Popular Culture – 1900 9.0 Susan Niazi – Tutorial 6 Whether it’s the colours they wear, the activities they engage in or how they behave, men and women are known to play different roles in society. These established gender roles “are not innate or natural but a product of society”. Children, adolescents and adults all learn gender roles through the environment they’re surrendered by. One of the many huge influencers that help shape gender roles is media. Although “there has been a lot of change over the years in terms of what is considered appropriate societal roles for men and women, this change is not reflected in contemporary film”. The ideology of mainstream media continues to focus on the males being the heads of society, which in result, shows an unequal representation of the females. From an early age, media puts an image into young minds, informing them how males and females should think, act, behave and appear. In many television shows and films, one can easily see the distinct difference between the role of a male and a female. Often films are enforcing stereotypical gender roles where the male is seen to holds more importance in society than the female. Amongst many film producing companies, Walt Disney Pictures for decades have been enforcing stereotypical gender roles in their princess films. Though it may not be outright obvious, Disney productions play a huge role...
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...The directors just shifted it to minor details, lyrics, and iconographies. Primarily, Tiana’s childhood “best friend” Charlotte represents the cliché white, blonde, spoiled and rich girl that calls her father “big daddy”. She certainly believes that wishing upon a star will solve one's problems. Her dreams have always been about marrying a prince and becoming a princess, although her father could afford all the tiaras in the world. Moreover, writers use the song: “Down in New Orleans” to describe the city and its people (Newman, Down in New Orleans -The Princess and the Frog). However, a certain lyric: “Where the women are very pretty and all the men deliver” assumes that all women are sexualized objects and reduces their significance, in the community, to their looks. Finally, the biggest womanizer and playboy of all: Prince Naveen, he certainly is the epitome of sexism. When Naveen, Louis the alligator, and Tiana sing another song “When We’re Human”, animals dance and gather around them. Naveen’s part goes like this: “… A redhead on my left arm, A brunette on my right, A blonde or two to hold the candles, Now that seems just about right…” during those lyrics multicolored butterflies are represented as female exotic dancers around him, showing the swiftness of getting girls when he is a rich and handsome prince (Newman, When we are human: The Princess and the Frog...
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...Aladdin By Sarah White Contents Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 3 Feminist Perspective............................................................................................................. 3 Sociological Perspective....................................................................................................... 7 Post-Colonial Perspective.................................................................................................... 9 Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 13 References............................................................................................................................... 14 Introduction Fairytales have become an integral part of children literature. The various tales have been reinvented as picture books, novels, animated and real-life films. The stories have been twisted and shaped by an ever changing society to represent a wide range of the dominant society’s views. Among these they show perspectives on social class, women’s roles, cultural differences, religion, and human behaviour. As time goes on, the original tales are discarded and the altered stories become widely known and read. This can lead to the underlying perspectives of the altered stories become subconsciously...
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...The Divel Wears Prada Movie Project Principles of Management, BUS 499 Dr. Hayat Habhab Group Members: Deema Al-Humaidhi, PAM153 Asmaa Zahran, PAM159 Hanadi Arwa Razan Table of Content Title page ……………………………………………………..1 Table of content …………….……………………………....... 2 Introduction ……………………………………………….…. 3 Data Collection ……………………………………………… 5 Personality Analysis ……………………………….………… 6 Supported theories …………………………..……………….. 9 Conclusion ………………………………………………….... References ………………………………………………….… 14 Introduction The “Devil Wears Prada” is a 2006 comedy-drama film based on Weinberger’s 2003 novel of the same name , it’s includes different types of personality and characteristics in different jobs occupation and it’s a good topic to explain the organizational behavior and its aspects in the real business life. Organizational behavior is the study of both group and individual performance and activity within an organization. It examines human behavior in a work environment and determines its impact on job structure, performance, communication, motivation, leadership, etc. The movie is about Andria Sacks a newly graduate girl from Northwestern University who aspire to be a journalist and writer. After she graduated she start applying for a job, through Elias Clark recruitment agency she got a job in the Runway fashion Magazine in New York city that job “a million girl would die for”, She was hired as the second assistant to Miranda...
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...narrative, focusing on in one week of Colin Clark’s life that he spent with Marilyn Monroe while shooting for the film, The Prince and the Showgirl. Curtis emplos Narratology in the starting of the film to give a little insight of the film. The genre of movie is biography and drama. This film is showing a slice of Colin Clark’s and Marilyn Monroe’s life. Curtis’s choice to keep the tale linear adds a realistic flavor to the film. The film starts with the first-person narration of Colin Clarks as he tells his story of deciding to go and work with production company and be a part of film industry in England. Colin guides the audience about the film in the starting by telling what role he has in the film, and of what time they are talking...
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...their characters and would make them understand their role. It was very interesting and at the same time very fun to do so. Then I begin to write scripts stories about different events about Afghanistan. How do you describe your experience so far? The best thing is about been the variety of work and 21 years in studio doing TV shows for Tolo and I direct TV shows for them. Film directors work full time, often with long hours on evening,weekends and holidays traveling to various locations for shoots. I have 21 years of experience in this field and I have also been closely working with cinematographer and actors. The nature of the film requires one to understand the knowledge of the film production process. Working in Afghanistan is very challenging with shooting and security because we cannot travel to provinces and beautiful cities in Afghanistan. So far It has been an exciting journey and I enjoy working in this field. What does the future look like for this profession? It has really bright future in Afghanistan, since its newly established and there is a lot of room for improvements. Youth have shown much interested in advocating women’s right through showing it as a film. International organization are pumping millions of dollars for this industry, so there is a lot of job opportunities available. But technological we are very weak in this regard and we need a lot of improvements. Describe a typical day on the job. 9:00 am: The team begins to filter in and we huddle...
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...“P.S. I Love You” Cindy Sheldon ENG225: Introduction to Film Instructor: Sarah Snook September 7, 2013 “P.S. I Love You” Introduction: For this film critique essay I will be writing about the movie P.S. I Love You (2007). This paper will explore the storytelling, the actors as well as how they act in the film. We will explore the cinematography, editing, sound, and the style and directing for this movie. The last few things we will explore are the impact this film had on society (if any), the genre, what is the best way to analyze this film. When all these aspects of the movie are examined we will see how a script comes to life on the big screen. Storytelling: This film is shot in non-linear form, it starts with the present and throughout the movie we are given glimpses into the past. This story takes place in several different places which include Ireland and New York City. The main female character (Holly) experiences an internal conflict when her husband Gerry passes away from an illness at a very young age. Holly is able to resolve her conflict with help from her friends, family, and her deceased husband. The symbolism in this film is that love can overcome anything including death. For us, the viewers, relates to our human nature. If we are lucky we have all been able to experience the type of love that is portrayed in this film. That love that we never see coming, but hits us like a “ton of bricks”. The kind of love most of us only get to experience...
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