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Military Power In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Increased military power would allow Animal Farm to better defend against human attacks, and enforce the law When men interact with Animal Farm things never happen in our favor. Man has destroyed our buildings, and killed our comrades. When we engaged in trade with Frederick, he tricked us, and “got the timber for nothing. The seven commandments are very important to animal farm, Imagine what would happen if no one obeyed them; in short, it would be complete chaos. Without the military, the law cannot be enforced, and we would be just like man, selfish and unyielding. Just as old major said: ‘Man is the only real enemy we have.” One way we could increase military power is by having a system to who fights, I suggest the horses, cows, and dogs should be in this new system, as they can do the most damage with the least …show more content…
A more rigid law would prevent total dictatorship through modification of existing laws and ensure that the principles of animalism are preserved. Many of you may have not noticed, but the law has been sneakily changed many times to benefit napoleon. Do you remember the night when you heard “a loud crash in the yard,” and found squealer had fallen off a ladder; At that time, he was in the middle of changing the commandments. I am not against napoleon's rule, but when he changes the commandments he loses the core principles of animalism; for example, the simple change from “no animal shall kill any other animal” to “no animal shall kill any other animal without cause” allows for murder, I could eat napoleon with the only reason being that I am hungry. I suggest that in addition to the seven commandments being written on the wall, that everyone gets their own copy to prevent this

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